An alternative approach to Fréchet derivatives

Shane Arora, Hazel Browne and Daniel Daners
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 111 (2021), 202–220.
Original article at doi:10.1017/S1446788720000166
Citations on Google Scholar
Preprint arXiv:1910.11531 [math.FA], October 2019.


We discuss an alternative approach to Fréchet derivatives on Banach spaces inspired by a characterisation of derivatives due to Carathéodory. The approach allows us to reduce many questions of differentiability to a question of continuity. We demonstrate how that simplifies the theory of differentiation, including the rules of differentiation and the Schwarz Lemma on the symmetry of second order derivatives. We also provide a short proof of the differentiable dependence of fixed points in the Banach fixed point theorem.

AMS Subject Classification (2010): 46G05; 26B05