Professor Shelton Peiris - FRSS, FIASSL



·         Honorary Professor of Statistics – From 2024

·         World Class Professor (WCP) – From August 2020.

·          ISI (International Statistics Institute) Elected Member.

·         Distinguished Honorary Professor/Senior Research Fellow.

·         Prestigious Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Applied Statistics, Sri Lanka (FIASSL) (Received on 28 December 2017). Professor Peiris becomes the first Sri Lankan born statistics academic/researcher working overseas to receive this illustrious award. The first Fellowship of the IASSL was offered in 2011 to world renowned statistician, Distinguished Professor Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao (C.R.Rao).

·         FRSS (Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society)

Visiting Appointments (Short-term/Long-term)

As an academic staff member in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sydney, Shelton has been invited and offered a number of Senior Level academic positions at leading, prestigious universities overseas, including:

·         Visiting Professor of Statistics, University of California, Davis – Fall 2024

·         Professor of Economics (2022) – University of Roma, Tor Vergata, Italy, September 2022.

·         World Class Professor (WCP) – University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia – From Aug 2020

·         Professor of Statistics (2019), Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada.

·         Professor of Statistics (2018), Plekhanov University, Moscow, Russia.

·          Professor of Statistics (2018), University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece.

·         Professor of Economics (2015), Soka University, Tokyo, Japan.

·         Professor of Statistics (2015), Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow, Russia.

·         Professor of Statistics (2013/2014), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

·         Professor of Statistics (2007), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

·         Professor of Statistics (2002), Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA.

·          Professor of Statistics (1998), Thaksin University, Thailand.

·          Professor of Statistics (1997), University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA.

·          Professor of Statistics (1997), University of Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada.

·         Professor of Statistics (1993), University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

However, he opted to continue with his contributions to:

· help and advice the students in Australia (especially at HSC and at University First Year) to develop study skills and to adjust for a new study environment.

· help students to develop all aspects of the academic life, their analytical thinking power and skills to achieve maximum benefit during the time at the university.

· develop textbooks to support active learning of students. Further, write articles related to teaching and learning mathematics and take roles in such editorial boards (see below: under Editorial work) to promote the profession.

The above three give a great professional satisfaction to any genuine academic. In addition, he continues to:

· develop the Peace and Harmony within and between communities in Australia by taking various non-political, voluntary leadership roles in the society (see below: under Other Community Services). This helps to promote the theme of Multiculturalism in Australia.

· develop and exchange educational programs, links and research projects with universities in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Japan and India.

· publish various non-mathematical articles, short stories, poems and songs (see below: under Hobbies) to develop the interest of the Language, Culture and History of various other countries around the world.


Recent professional recognition (worldwide)

·         Elected member - ISI.

·         World Class Professor (WCP) – From Aug 2020.

·         FRSS (Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society).


Recent professional contributions (worldwide)


·         Keynote Address at WCP Workshop on Statistical Analysis of Time Series.


            Date: Thursday 5/11/2020 

            Time: 12:30 - 16:30 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT))

             Registration: FREE - Required


             Press Release: Release WCP 2020.pdf


·         Plenary Speaker - The 8th SEAMS-UGM 2019 Conference, Indonesia (29 July – 01 Aug).

·          Keynote Speaker of ICEFS: International Conference on Economics, Finance and Statistics, Jan. 14-15 2017, Hong Kong

·         Plenary Speaker of IASSL International Statistics Conference 2017: International Statistics Conference, 2017 December 28-29, Colombo, Sri Lanka

·         President: International Engineering and Technology Institute, Sydney-New South Wales Branch, Australia

He is a member of FIRN.

Postal address:

Professor Shelton Peiris
School of Mathematics and Statistics F07
University of Sydney NSW 2006


Room 819, Carslaw Building



+61 2 9351 5764

Department Fax:

+61 2 9351 4534






Current Responsibilities/Services:

· Sub Dean - Faculty of Science.


· Coordinator - Interdisciplinary Teaching with the School of IT for MIT/MDS degrees.

· Associate Editor (see below: Editorial Work).

· Justice of the Peace (NSW) (see below: Other Community Services). Download forms:

·  New South Wales Statutory Declaration Form

·  New South Wales Affidavit Form

·  Justice of the Peace Handbook - New South Wales

Research Interests

Statistical analysis of stationary and non-stationary time series data, theory and applications of estimating functions, financial time series modelling, saddle point and Edgeworth type approximations related to time series problems.

I am a member of the Statistics group.

· Publications

Excellence in Teaching Award in 2012

Prof Peiris has been awarded the Faculty of Science Citation for Excellence in Teaching in 2012 on Tuesday, 15 May. This is awarded to academic teaching staff to recognize contributions to high quality teaching and enhancing the student learning environment.

Research in Teaching

It is known that many higher education institutions do not recognize and/or ignore the importance of "good teaching". This is especially visible in the area of mathematical sciences. This reaction to "good teaching" and encourage "bad teaching" (if not worse or worst teaching) have created a great discomfort for many students. Now we are witnessing the negative results of this in many ways. Examples:

· Poor mathematical skills of some university students.

· Hyperbolic (if not exponential) decay of continuing student numbers.

· School children with least interests of mathematics.

What is good teaching?

Good teaching is a complex process that begins and ends with students. It takes into account who they are, what they already know, what interests they may already have, and what they will need to know. But subject expertise alone does not a good teacher make. The difference between subject expertise and the kind of explanatory expertise that results in good teaching is real important. In sense, the real difference between being an expert in something and being an expert who teaches is showing students how you got-and how they can get-the rabbit out of the hat should be identified.

Q: How can one identify satisfactory teaching, Superior teaching and outstanding teaching?

Unless the authorities/superiors find ways to identify these levels of teaching using reasonable measures, the situation will continue to fall and the standards’ of mathematics and statistics education will deteriorate at hyperbolic or exponential rate! If this trend continues, in 10-15 years, we may need a very small number the staff to teach mathematics/statistics as there will be very few students interested of doing mathematics.

Some suggestions are:

· set practical guidelines and measures to identify 'good teachers'.

· reward and promote 'good teachers' and 'outstanding teachers'.

General Information

Shelton Peiris did his PhD at Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria. After graduation from Monash in 1987, he lectured at the University of Moratuwa and the University of Melbourne before joining what was then the Department of Statistics in 1990. He has been here ever since except for visiting appointments at the University of Waterloo (1993), the University of Manitoba (1997), the University of Iowa (1997), Thaksin University (1998), Pennsylvania State University (2002) and the University of Malaya (2007).

His recent publications include joint authorship with leading researchers including * C.R.Rao, * Bovas Abraham, * Vo Anh, * David Allen, * Michael McAleer, * A.Thava, * J.Robinson, * Neville Weber, * Tommaso Proietti, * Richard Gerlach, and * S.Yadavalli.

Major Journals with papers

* Journal of Econometrics, * Journal of Time Series Analysis, * Journal of Multivariate Analysis, * Stochastic Processes and Applications, * Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, * Metrika, * The Australian Journal of Statistics, * Biometrical Journal, * Expert Systems with Applications, * North American Journal of Economics and Finance, * Economics Letters, * Statistics and Probability Letters and * The Australian Journal of Management.


More Information

Currently, his main research interests are in developing methods for modelling financial time series data and resampling, saddle point and Edgeworth type approximations related to time series problems. A long term interest in the teaching of statistics/mathematics has also developed into a research interest with particular emphasis on the role of technology in education and learning in statistics.

Allan, McAleer, Peiris and Chan won an ARC Linkage grant of A$295000 (for 2004-2007) for the project "Modelling stock market liquidity in Australia and the Asia Pacific Region".

Recently, Gerlarch and Peiris have received an ARC bridging grant from the University Sydney for the project "ACD Modelling and Applications".

Recently, a group consisting of KHNg, Peiris, KHNg, Nor Aishah Hamzah, Pooi Ah Hin and Wu Swee Leng have received research funds from the University of Malaya and from the Government og Malaysia projects on "Stochastic modelling and Applications in Finance" and "Statistical Quality Control".

He was a council member and treasurer of the SSAI (Statistical Society of Australia Inc.) NSW branch (2003-2006). He has organized a number of workshops and invited paper sessions in Australia and overseas. He is an elected member of ISI.

He was the Director of Statistics Teaching Program until 2015.

·  Time Series (STAT3911/3925/4025) - 2019

· Information Sheet: Click

· Lecture Notes Set 1: Click

· Tutorial Week 2: Click

· Data for Prac Week 2: Click

Paper1: Click

Paper2: Click

Paper3: Click

Paper4: Click

Additional Information

Creative work:

· Book Launch: New Sinhala Short Story Book Published in 2017

Cover Page (New Sinhala Short Story Book Published in 2017): click here (non-academic: Society, Culture and Reconciliation)

Back Page: click here (non-academic: Society, Culture and Reconciliation)

· Song 1click here (non-academic: Society, Culture and Reconciliation)

· Song 2 click here (non-academic: Society, Culture and Reconciliation)

· Book click here (non-academic: Society, Culture and Reconciliation)

· Book click here (Academic: Teaching)

· Significant Papers: click here (Research)

· Selected Invited Presentations: click here (Research)

· Teaching/Other Evalauations:

click here (Teaching/Other)
click here (Teaching)

Editorial Work

· AMS Math Reviewer Mathematical Reviews (AMS Instructions for Mathematical Reviews)

· Associate Editor/Editorial Board Member of Advances in Decision Sciences

· Associate Editor of Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation

· Associate Editor/Editorial Board Member of Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research (PJSOR)

· Editorial Board Member of InterStat

· Associate Editor of Journal of Statistics

· Editorial Board Member of Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

· Editorial Advisory Board Member Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics

Professional Contributions

In public:

· Writers Guild of NSW - Welcome speech (Sunday 5th June 2016).

· HSC High Achievers Prize Giving - Sri Lanka Association of NSW (2014).

· HSC High Achievers Prize Giving - Sri Lanka Association of NSW (2007).

In profession:

·  Chairperson - International program International Statistics coference in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 28-30 Dec., 2011

· Councilor/Treasurer of Statistical Society of Australia Inc. (SSAI) NSW (2003-2006)

· Statistical Society of Australia Inc. [SSAI(NSW)} ACTIVITIES

· International Statistics coference in SRILANKA, 28-30 Dec., 2004

· Sydney Summer Statistics Workshop, Feb 27, 2004 - Joint Sponsors : USYD, UNSW, MACQU

Other Information

· Publications

· Recent Accepted Papers



· Download Some Papers

· Publications Prior to 1997

· Visiting Appointments

· Teaching



Comments from Students on Teaching


· Time Series Data

· Seminars

Personal Information/Hobbies

· My Family (A Photo in 1996)

· Sports: Tennis, Cricket, Jogging, Walking

· Music: Classical (worldwide)

· Writing: Poems and Stories (in Sinhalese):

The following articles have been published in Books/Magazines/Newspapers:

Short Stories (in Sinhala)

Note: The Sinhala is a community magazine (in Sinhala) publish by The Sinhalese Cultural Forum (The SCF) of NSW to encourage local writers.

A short story: A Past Spring (The Sinhala, Dec 2015, pp28-29; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

A short story: A Memory of Christmas (The Sinhala, Dec 2014, pp22-23; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

A short story: Hantanen Esala Sandak (The Sinhala, Aug 2014, pp27-29; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

A short story: Charlis Mama (The Sinhala, Aug 2013, pp8-9; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

A short story: Mother's Love (The Sinhala, Aug 2010, pp11-14; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

A short story: Antho Jata II (Tangled Mind - Part two) (Pahana Community Magazine, Oct/Nov 2009 - Issue 78, p26-27)

A short story: Antho Jata I (Tangled Mind - part one) (Pahana Community Magazine, September 2009 - Issue 77, p24)

A short story: The Moon is Shining Again (The Sinhala, Aug 2009, pp16-18; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

A short story: Destiny (The Sinhala, Oct 2008, pp21-23; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

A short story: Another Spring (The Sinhala, Aug 2008, pp22-24; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

A short story: Scholarship to Sydney (Thisara Tharana (2008), 89-98, ISBN 978-955-600-6, Dayawansa Jayakody & Co, Colombo, Sri Lanka)

Kavi (in Sinhala)

· Amme - Mother (ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia). The Sinhala, Non 2017.

·         Hope (ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia). The Sinhala, January 2010.

· Invitation to Lankaramaya: Vesak Kavi: Ran Wata Piduma (Erection of the Golden Fence for Bodhi Tree at Lankaramaya)

(Appeared in Lankaramaya News Letter, Vesak (May) Issue 2010)

· Poson Bakthi: Poson Kavi (Appeared in Lankaramaya Electronic News Letter, Poson (June) Issue 2010)

· Poem: A request from a mother to her son living overseas (web publication)

· Poem: A request from a mother to her son living overseas (The Sinhala, November 2011, pp; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

· New Dharmasalawa: Aradhana (Appeared in Lankaramaya News Letter, March (Medin) 2012 Issue)

· Poem: Nangi (Sister) (The Sinhala, September 2012, p 33; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

· Poem: Mata Aaasai.....(I wish to go...) (The Sinhala, December 2012, p 34; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

· Poem: 1973 Peradeniya (Life) Memories (The Sinhala, December 2013, p 40; ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

· Poem: 2014 Awrudu (The SCF, Bakmaha Ranga Publication, April 2014)

Other Reviews

A Review: Family Night (ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia)

Writers Guild of the SCF of NSW: Writers Guild (ISSN: 1834 7061, National Library of Australia). The Sinhala, January 2010.

Web Publications

A short story: Tangled Mind (web publication)

Other Community Services

·        Justice of the Peace (NSW) J.P. - NSW

New South Wales Statutory Declaration Form

New South Wales Affidavit Form

Justice of the Peace Handbook - New South Wales

Voluntary Services to Community

·        Community Leader helping many needy adults and children, especially with medicine, medical equipment, food, shelter and books

·        President 2020/2021 - Writers Guild of NSW - The Sinhalese Cultural Form of NSW

·        President 2020/2021 - Sydney Sri Lankan Lions Club (an arm of the Lions Club International)

·        Founder President Elect: 2016/2017 - Sydney Sri Lankan Lions Club (an arm of the Lions Club International): Inaugural President Elect

·         Secretary - Writers Guild of NSW - The Sinhalese Cultural Form of NSW: Secretary, 2017/2018

·        President - Anandians of NSW: President 2016/2017

·        Secretary - Writers Guild of NSW - The Sinhalese Cultural Form of NSW: Secretary, 2016/2017

·        Committee Member - Anandians of NSW: Committee Member 2015/2016

·        Committee Member - Anandians of NSW: Committee Member 2014/2015

·        President Elect - Anandians of NSW: President Elect 2013/2014

·        President Elect- Sri Lanka Association of NSW: 40th President 2012/2013

·        Vice President - Sri Lanka Association of NSW: Vice President 2011/2012

·        Committee Member - Sri Lanka Association of NSW: Committee Member 2010/2011

·        Secretary - Sri Lanka Association of NSW: Secretary, 2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2009/2010

·        Lankaramaya Buddhist Vihara Association of NSW (SLBVA) Committee Member, 2013/2014

·        Lankaramaya Buddhist Vihara Association of NSW (SLBVA) Committee Member/Editor, 2012/2013

·        Lankaramaya Buddhist Vihara Association of NSW (SLBVA) Secretary/Editor, 2011/2012

·        Lankaramaya Buddhist Vihara Association of NSW (SLBVA) Vice President/Editor, 2007-2010

·        Peradeniya University Alumni Association of NSW Founder Member; Asst. Treasurer(2007/08 and 2008/09)