Proseminar: Topology & Groups
The proseminar meets Fridays, 15-16:30, in 67-442. It consists of lectures given by the participants.
We will follow Marc Lackenby's notes Topology & Groups.
can be given towards honours course work. The final grade is a
function of lectures given and class participation. Each
lecture should stay well within the time limit of 90 minutes, and
allow time for questions and discussion. Each lecture will be
assessed in equal parts for clarity, demonstrated understanding of
the material, and
contents chosen from the notes. The lectures are not expected to cover
the entire contents of the notes, but to highlight and explain the
main points of each section. The participants are expected to read
ahead before each lecture, and to work
through the parts of the notes that were not covered in lectures.
An excellent collection of exercises can be found on
Marc's web-site. They form an optional component of this proseminar and
are highly recommended. The exercise sheets are linked here:
- Friday, 4 March
- Stephan Tillmann: I.2 + II.1 (Simplicial Complexes, Homotopy)
- Friday, 11 March
- Sam Mellick: II.2 (The Simplicial
Approximation Theorem)
- Friday, 18 March
- Matt Spong: III.1 (The definition of the
fundamental group)
- Friday, 25 March
- Mitchell Watt: III.2-4 (More on fundamental groups)
- Friday, 1 April
- April Fool's Day Public Holiday
- Friday, 8 April
- Tom Chappell: IV.1-4 (Free groups)
- Friday, 15 April
- Mitchell Watt: V.1-3 (Group presentations)
- Tuesday, 19 April
- Amir Moghaddam: V.4 (The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem) (12:00-13:30 in Steele 3-323)
- Friday, 22 April
- Good Friday
- Friday, 29 April
- Mid-semester break
- Friday, 6 May
- Mitchell Watt: I.3 + V.5 (Cell complexes, Topological Applications)
- Friday, 13 May
- Tom Chappell: VI.1 (Definition and basic
properties of covering spaces)
- Friday, 20 May
- Matt Spong: VI.2-3 (The inverse image of
the basepoint; Uniqueness of covering spaces)
- Friday, 27 May
- Sam Mellick: VI.4 (Construction of covering spaces)
18 April 2011