SMS scnews item created by Alex Sherman at Tue 7 May 2024 0833
Type: Seminar
Modified: Wed 8 May 2024 1652; Wed 8 May 2024 1654
Distribution: World
Expiry: 16 Jul 2024
Calendar1: 10 May 2024 1200-1300
CalLoc1: A12 Room 301 (SMRI seminar room)
CalTitle1: Algebra Seminar: Degenerations of K3 surfaces: mirror symmetry vs representation theory
Auth: (ashe8718) in SMS-SAML

Algebra Seminar: Valery Alexeev -- Degenerations of K3 surfaces: mirror symmetry vs representation theory

This week, Valery Alexeev (University of Georgia) will speak in the algebra seminar.  We
will go out for lunch after the talk.  

When: 12-1pm, 10 May 

Where: A12 Room 301 (SMRI Seminar Room)  *Note new location!*

Title: Degenerations of K3 surfaces: mirror symmetry vs representation theory 

Abstract: The subject of interest here is degenerations and KSBA (Deligne-Mumford-like)
complete moduli of K3 surfaces and of their local analogues, log Calabi-Yau surfaces.  I
will review various approaches to this problem, two that use versions of mirror symmetry
and a third that uses Lie-theoretic methods.  This talk is based on joint papers with
Thompson, Engel, Argüz-Bousseau and on the vast existing literature, including works of
Gross, Hacking, Keel, Siebert.