This talk will give an overview of a variety of problems involving slow viscous flows where complex analysis can be usefully employed to gain theoretical insights. A number of example problems will be considered including problems of viscous sintering and the manufacture of microstructured optic fibres, the locomotion of low-Reynolds-number micro-organisms and the friction properties of superhydrophobic surfaces in microfluidics.
Prof. Darren Crowdy, Professor of Applied Mathematics,Imperial College London is the 2011 AMSI Lecturer. He is plenary speaker at the ANZIAM Conference (30 January - 3 February) then will undertake a lecture tour around member universities. Prof. Crowdy holds a Chair in Applied Mathematics and has been on the faculty of the Department of Mathematics since 1999. His interests are broad but centre on the application of methods of complex analysis to problems arising in the physical sciences, applied mathematics and mathematical physics. He has special interests in the field of fluid dynamics. Prof. Crowdy is currently an Advanced Research Fellow of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and is pursuing a research project on function theory in multiply connected domains and its application to physical systems. Prof. Crowdy has recently been a Visiting Professor at MIT and the California Institute of Technology. ( )