SMS scnews item created by Hannah Bryant at Wed 29 Jul 2020 1516
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 4 Aug 2020
Calendar1: 4 Aug 2020 1100-1230
CalLoc1: Zoom
CalTitle1: 'Tate's thesis in the de Rham setting'
Auth: hannahb@ (hbry8683) in SMS-LDAP

SMRI Algebra and Geometry Online: Raskin -- 'Tate's thesis in the de Rham setting'

SAGO Seminar

'Tate's thesis in the de Rham setting' 
Sam Raskin (The University of Texas at Austin) 

Tuesday 4 August
11:00am -12:30pm (AEST) 

Online via Zoom 

Abstract: This is joint work with Justin Hilburn.  We will explain a theorem showing
that D-modules on the Tate vector space of Laurent series are equivalent to ind-coherent
sheaves on the space of rank 1 de Rham local systems on the punctured disc equipped with
a flat section.  Time permitting, we will also describe an application of this result in
the global setting.  Our results may be understood as a geometric refinement of Tate's
ideas in the setting of harmonic analysis.  They also may be understood as a proof of a
strong form of the 3d mirror symmetry conjectures in a special case.  

This lecture will be self-contained, not requiring any pretalks.  


You will be sent a confirmation email with the Zoom details prior to the event.  (Please
email if you do not receive the email with the link ~24 hours
before the event)

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