SMS scnews item created by Hannah Bryant at Wed 5 Jun 2024 1442
Type: Seminar
Modified: Tue 11 Jun 2024 1651; Tue 18 Jun 2024 1116; Wed 19 Jun 2024 1338; Mon 24 Jun 2024 1630
Distribution: World
Expiry: 25 Jun 2024
Calendar1: 24 Jun 2024 1730-1930
CalLoc1: Sydney Nanoscience Hub (SNH) (A31), Lecture Theatre 4002 (Messel)
CalTitle1: SMRI Public Lecture as part of the 2024 Mahler Lecture Series with Matthew Emerton - ’The theory of numbers, from ancient Greece to the 21st century’
Auth: (hbry8683) in SMS-SAML

SMRI Public Lecture: 2024 Mahler Lecture Series with Matthew Emerton -- The theory of numbers, from ancient Greece to the 21st century

SMRI Public Lecture: 2024 Mahler Lecture Series with Matthew Emerton ’The theory of
numbers, from ancient Greece to the 21st century’ 

Monday 24th June, 2024 17:30-18:30 - Lecture 18:30-19:30 - Networking Reception with

Sydney Nanoscience Hub (SNH) (A31), Lecture Theatre 4002 (Messel) University of Sydney 

Free Public Lecture, register here: 

Abstract: This lecture, aimed at members of the public interested in mathematics, will
explain some of the key ideas in the theory of numbers, as developed over the last two
thousand-plus years.  Beginning with the theory of geometric constructions from ancient
Greek geometry, and its relationship to the discovery and properties of irrational
numbers, Professor Emerton will sketch in broad outlines how these ideas evolved,
through the theory of equations and their symmetries as developed by Galois, culminating
in a description of some of the contemporary aspects of the theory.  His focus will be
on emphasizing how symmetries of mathematical problems, some obvious but some
not-so-obvious, play a hidden role in the nature of their solutions..  

2024 Mahler Lecturer: Professor Matthew Emerton, The University of Chicago 

The Mahler lectures are a biennial activity organised by the Australian Mathematical
Society, and supported by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute.  The tour
invites a prominent international mathematician to travel to Australian universities to
deliver lectures at a variety of levels, including several public lectures.  

for further information on the Mahler Lecture Series, visit: 

for more SMRI news and events see: