Covariant tensor representations of gl(m|n) occur as irreducible components of tensor powers of the natural (m+n)-dimensional representation. We construct a basis of each covariant representation which has the property that the natural Lie subalgebras gl(m) and gl(n) act in this basis by the classical Gelfand-Tsetlin formulas. The main role in the construction is played by the fact that the subspace of gl(m)-highest vectors in any finite-dimensional irreducible representation of gl(m|n) carries a structure of an irreducible module over the Yangian Y(gl(n)). One consequence is a new proof of the character formula for the covariant representations first found by Berele and Regev and by Sergeev.
After the seminar we will take the speaker to lunch.
See the Algebra Seminar web page for information about other seminars in the series.
James East