Hosted by Sydney Precision Data Science Centre Speaker: Dr Aishwarya Bhaskaran (Macquarie University) Abstract: Accelerated failure time (AFT) models are frequently used for modelling survival data. This approach is attractive as it quantifies the direct relationship between the time until an event occurs and various covariates. It asserts that the failure times experience either acceleration or deceleration through a multiplicative factor when these covariates are present. While existing literature provides numerous methods for fitting AFT models with time-fixed covariates, adapting these approaches to scenarios involving both time-varying covariates and partly interval-censored data remains challenging. In this paper, we introduce a maximum penalized likelihood approach to fit a semiparametric AFT model. This method, designed for survival data with partly interval-censored failure times, accommodates both time-fixed and time-varying covariates. We utilize Gaussian basis functions to construct a smooth approximation of the nonparametric baseline hazard and fit the model via a constrained optimization approach. To illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conducted a comprehensive simulation study. We also present an implementation of our approach on a randomized clinical trial dataset on advanced melanoma patients. About the speaker: Dr Aishwarya Bhaskaran earned her PhD from the University of Technology Sydney, where she was supervised by Professor Matt Wand. Her PhD research focused on likelihood theory and methods for generalized linear mixed models. Currently, she is a postdoctoral research fellow at Macquarie University, where she specializes in analyzing high-performance predictive models using semi-parametric survival regression. This event will be held in-person and online. Venue: Access Grid Room, Level 8, Carslaw Building Zoom: