Speaker: Zheng (Zeno) Huang (CUNY) http://www.math.csi.cuny.edu/~huang/research.html Time: Monday, 4 June, 12NOON--1PM Room: Carslaw 829 (AGR) Title: Minimal Foliations on Fibered Hyperbolic Three-Manifolds Abstract: A landmark theorem of Thurston says a closed three-manifold (surface fibering over the circle) is hyperbolic if the monodromy is pseudo-Anosov. Hass-Thurston asked whether such a fibered hyperbolic three-manifolds admits a minimal fiberation. In joint work with B. Wang, and assistance from computer programs, we proved there exist many fibered hyperbolic three-manifolds that do not admit a C^2 minimal fiberation. Further open questions will also be discussed.Â