Speaker: Dr. Anca Tureanu (University of Helsinki) Time: Tuesday, April 3rd, 12(NOON)--1PM Room: Carslaw 352 Lunch: after the talk --------------------------------------------------- Title: Symmetry and Dynamics of Quantum Field Theories on Noncommutative Spaces Abstract: the underlying symmetries of noncommutative field theories together with their implications are analyzed. In particular, the concept of a noncommutative field based on the interplay between twisted Poincare symmetry and residual symmetry of the Lorentz group is formulated. Various general dynamical arguments supporting this construction, such as the light-wedge causality condition and the integrability condition for Tomonaga-Schwinger equation, are presented. The use of the twist procedure for the formulation of noncommutative gauge field theories is critically considered. Some problems still to be solved are proposed. --------------------------------------------------- Web site for Geometry Seminar is at: http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/SemConf/Geometry/index.html