GL07: Visitor Information


Weather in July

Crisp and cool with frosty mornings clearing to blue skies. Sunrise 7.10am, sunset 5pm. Average daily maximum 11°C (overnight minimum 0°C). Bring a heavy coat.

Maps and directions

ANU (The Australian National University) is located in Acton, just west of the Civic Centre of Canberra, on the north side of Lake Burley Griffin.

Here you can download the ANU Campus Map.

Tourism and cultural activities

These are a few suggestions for what to do on weekends or the free afternoon; for more, consult a local.


Weather in July

Cool mornings and evenings, mainly sunny days but with a chance of rain. Sunrise 7am, sunset 5pm. Average daily maximum 17°C (overnight minimum 7°C). However, this June has been unusually wet and cold, so it would be wise to bring a heavy coat.

Maps and directions

The University of Sydney (main campus) is located in Camperdown, a short distance to the south-west of the city centre.

Here you can download the University of Sydney main campus map.

Tourism and cultural activities

These are a few suggestions for what to do on weekends or the free afternoon; for more, consult a local.