Non-positivity of the semigroup generated by the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator

Daniel Daners
Preprint (PDF), 27 January 2013
Positivity 18 (2014), 235–256
Original version at doi:10.1007/s11117-013-0243-7
Citations on Google Scholar


By analysing some explicit examples we investigate the positivity and non-positivity of the semigroup generated by the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator associated with the operator \(\Delta +\lambda I\) as \(\lambda\) varies. It is known that the semigroup is positive if \(\lambda<\lambda_1\), where \(\lambda_1\) is the principal eigenvalue of \(-\Delta\) with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We show that it is possible for the semigroup to be non-positive, eventually positive or positive and irreducible depending on \(\lambda>\lambda_1\).

AMS Subject Classification (2000): 47D06, 35B09, 35C10

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