


University of Sydney Algebra Seminar

Recent and forthcoming seminars

The Algebra Seminar takes place on Fridays from 12 to 1 in Carslaw 175 (during the semester, with exceptions before the semester). Occasionally a talk will be online: information about virtual talks will be placed in italics.

Fri 31 Jonathan Gruber Centers and centralizers in affine Hecke algebras
SMRI Seminar Room (Macleay Building A12 Room 301)
Fri 7 Eran Assaf Structure in the cohomology of arithmetic groups
SMRI Seminar Room (Macleay Building A12 Room 301)
Fri 14 Kamilla Rekvenyi Width questions in finite simple groups
Carslaw 275
Fri 21 Jiuzu Hong A comparison theorem for affine Demazure modules
SMRI Seminar Room (Macleay Building A12 Room 301)
Fri 28 Svetlana Makarova Vector bundles on stacky curves
Carslaw 175
Fri 7 John Voigt Orders with cancellation
Fri 14 Ryosuke Kodera Coproduct for affine Yangians and parabolic induction for rectangular W-algebras
Fri 21 Serina Hu TBC
Fri 28 Edmund Heng TBD
Fri 4 Dilshan Wijesena TBD
Fri 9 Lewis Combes TBD
Fri 30 Leonardo Maltoni TBD

Algebra Seminar mailing list

The Algebra Seminar mailing list carries weekly updates and reminders. To be added to or removed from the list, or for any other information, contact Kevin Coulembier, Carslaw 717.