

Research Publications for 1995

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Publications 1947–74


A2. Bell J, Ward J, Mattick RP, Hay A, Chan JSK and Hall WD
J Bell, J Ward, R Mattick, A Hay, J Chan and WD Hall: An evaluation of private methadone clinics. Australian Government Publishing Service for the Dept. of Human Services and Health, Canberra, Australia, 1995, ISBN 362.2938099441, 1–116 pages.

A2. Phipps MC and Quine MP
Phipps MC, Quine MP: A Primer of Statistics. Prentice-Hall Australia, 1995, ISBN 0 7248 0936 8.

A3. Bosma W and van der Poorten A
Wieb Bosma and Alf van der Poorten A: Computational Algebra and Number Theory. Mathematics and its Applications, 325 Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1995, ISBN 07923 3501 5, 321 pages. MR1344917

Chapters in Books

B1. Charlton BS, Foulds GA, Gray BF, Griffiths JF and Walker GS
B. S. Charlton, G. A. Foulds, B. F. Gray, J. F. Griffiths and G. S. Walker: Thermokinetic modelling of the gas phase partial oxidation of methane to methanol in a CSTR, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. Natural Gas Conversion II. H.E. Curry-Hyde and R.F. Howe (ed.), Elsevier, The Netherlands, 1995, 379–381.

B1. Gray BF, Weber RO, Mercer GN and Watt SD
B. F. Gray, R. O. Weber, G. N. Mercer and S. D. Watt: Combustion waves: non-adiabatic, Lecture Notes in Physics. Lecture Notes in Physics, 449, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1995, 285–295.

B1. Kokic PK and Weber NC
Kokic PK, Weber NC: Large deviation probabilities for U-statistics based on samples from finite populations, Skorokhod AV and Borovskikh YV (ed.), Exploring Stochastic Laws, VSP International Science Publishers, Singapore, 1995, ISBN 90-6764-196-0, 175–181. MR2000k:60043

B1. Wen L, Chen Y and He XZ
Wen L, Chen Y, He XZ: Asymptotic behavior of a class of fourth order nonlinear functional differential equation with delays, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics. Z. Deng, Z. Liang, G. Lu and S. Ruan (ed.), 176, Addison Wesley, 1995

Journal Articles

C1. Ball R and Gray BF
R. Ball and B. F. Gray: Transient thermal behaviour of the hydration of 2-3-epoxy-1-propanol in a CSTR. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 34 (1995), 3726–3736.

C1. Batra SK, Ghosh TK, Zeng Q, Robert KQ and Fraser WB
Batra SK, Ghosh TK, Zeng Q, Robert KQ, Fraser WB: An integrated approach to the ring spinning process Part IV: Inherent instability of the free balloon. Textile Research Journal, 65 (1995), no.7, 417–423.

C1. Bell J, Chan JSK and Kuk AYC
James Bell, Jennifer Chan and Anthony Kuk: Investigating the influence of treatment philosophy on outcome of methadone maintenance. Addiction, 90 (1995), 823–830.

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L and Gibson WG
Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG: Quantal transmission at purinergic synapses: stochastic interaction between ATP and its receptors. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 175 (1995), 397–404.

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG and Karunanithi S
Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Karunanithi S: Quantal transmission at purinergic junctions: stochastic interaction between ATP and its receptors. Biophysical Journal, 68 (1995), 925–935.

C1. Bennett MR and Gibson WG
Bennett MR, Gibson WG: On the contribution of quantal secretion from close-contact and loose-contact varicosities to the synaptic potentials in the vas deferens. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 347 (1995), 187–204.

C1. Bennett MR, Gibson WG and Robinson J
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J: Probabilistic secretion of quanta: spontaneous release at active zones of varicosities, boutons and endplates. Biophysical Journal, 69 (1995), 42–56.

C1. Bosma W and Lenstra HW Jr
Wieb Bosma and H W Lenstra Jr: Complete systems of two addition laws for elliptic curves. Journal of Number Theory, 53 (1995), 229–240. MR96f:11079

C1. Brown KJ, Daners D and Lopez-Gomez J
Brown KJ, Daners D, Lopez-Gomez J: Change of stability for Schrödinger semigroups. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A. Mathematics, 125A (1995), 827–846. MR96h:35035

C1. Cao P and Macaskill C
Cao P, Macaskill C: Iterative techniques for rough surface scattering problems. Wave Motion, 21 (1995), 209–229.

C1. Carmody S, Leeming M and Walters RFC
Carmody S, Leeming M, Walters RFC: The Todd-Coxeter procedure and left Kan extensions. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 19 (1995), 459–488. MR96i:18001

C1. Cartwright DI and Shapiro M
Donald I. Cartwright and Michael Shapiro: Hyperbolic buildings, affine buildings, and automatic groups. Michigan Mathematical Journal, 42 (1995), 511–523. MR96k:20071

C1. Celler F, Leedham-Green CR, Murray SH, Niemeyer AC and O'Brien EA
Frank Celler, C. R. Leedham-Green, Scott H. Murray, Alice C. Niemeyer and E. A. O'Brien: Generating random elements of a finite group. Communications in Algebra, 23 (1995), no.13, 4931–4948. MR1356111

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the uniqueness of the poitive solution of a singularity perturbed problem. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 25 (1995), 957–975. MR96j:35021

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: On positive solutions of some singularly perturbed problems where the nonlinearity changes sign. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 5 (1995), 141–175. MR96i:35037

C1. Dancer EN and Du Y
E.N. Dancer and Yihong Du: Multiple solutions of some semilinear elliptic equations via the generalized Conley index. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 189 (1995), 848–871. MR96a:35059

C1. Dancer EN and Du Y
E.N. Dancer and Yihong Du: Positive solutions for a three species competitive system with diffusion – I. general existence results. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 24 (1995), 337–357. MR1312772

C1. Dancer EN and Du Y
E.N. Dancer and Yihong Du: Positive solutions for a three species competitive system – II. the case of equal birth rates. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 24 (1995), 359–373. MR1312773

C1. Dancer EN and Du Y
E.N. Dancer and Yihong Du: On sign-changing solutions of certain semilinear elliptic problems. Applicable Analysis, 56 (1995), 193–206. MR97m:35061

C1. Dancer EN and Guo ZM
Dancer EN, Guo Z: Some remarks on the stability of sign changing solutions. The Tôhoku Mathematical Journal, Second Series, 47 (1995), 199–225. MR1329521

C1. Dancer EN, López-Gómez L and Ortega R
E.N. Dancer, J. López-Gómez and R. Ortega: On the spectrum of some linear noncooperative elliptic systems with radial symmetry. Differential and Integral Equations, 8 (1995), 515–523. MR95h:35055

C1. Daners D
Daners D: Principal Eigenvalues for Some Periodic-Parabolic Operators on \(R^N\) and Related Topics. Journal of Differential Equations, 121 (1995), no.2, 293–313. MR96h:35080

C1. Davyskib A and Samsonov VA
A Davyskib and VA Samsonov: The possibility of gyroscopic stabilization of the rotation of a system of rigid bodies. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 59 (1995), 363–367. MR96g:70014

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: Residues and cohomology of complete intersections. Duke Mathematical Journal, 78 (1995), 89–100. MR96e:14057

C1. Dullin HR and Wittek A
H. R. Dullin and A. Wittek: Complete Poincaré sections and tangent sets. J. Phys. A, 28 (1995), 7157–7180.

C1. Easdown D and Munn WD
D Easdown and W D Munn: Trace Functions on Inverse Semigroup Algebras. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 52 (1995), 359–372. MR96k:20133

C1. Fackerell ED, Harley D and Tucker RW
Fackerell ED, Harley D, Tucker RW: An Obstruction to the integrability of a Class of Non-linear Wave Equations by 1-Stable Cartan Characteristics. Journal of Differential Equations, 115 (1995), 153–165. MR95m:58005

C1. Foulds GA and Gray BF
G. A. Foulds and B. F. Gray: Homogeneous gas phase partial oxidation of methane to methanol and formaldehyde. State of the art 1994. Methane Chemistry, 42 (1995), 129–150. (Special issue: Fuel Processing Technology)

C1. Fraser WB, Farnell L and Stump DM
Fraser WB, Farnell L, Stump DM: Effect of yarn non-uniformity on the stability of the ring-spinning balloon. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 449 (1995), 597–621.

C1. Fraser WB, Farnell L and Stump DM
Fraser WB, Farnell L, Stump DM: The effect of a slub on the stability of the ring-spinning balloon. Journal of the Textile Institute, 86 (1995), no.4, 610–634.

C1. Galloway DJ and Jones CA
D.J. Galloway, C.A. Jones: Connecting a star's convection zone with its corona. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 12 (1995), 180–185.

C1. Gillespie T
Thomas Gillespie: Share ratios: valuation and uses. Financial Derivatives and Risk Management, 1 (1995), 51–57.

C1. Gonska HH and Zhou DX
H. H. Gonska, D.-X. Zhou: Local smoothness of functions and Bernstein-Durrmeyer operators.. Comput. Math. Appl., 30 (1995), no.3-6, 8211;101. MR1343034

C1. Gonska HH and Zhou DX
Heinz H. Gonska, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Using wavelets for Szász-type operators. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 24 (1995), no.1-2, #8211;145. MR1608455

C1. Gonska HH and Zhou DX
Heinz H. Gonska, Ding Xuan Zhou: On an extremal problem concerning Bernstein operators. Serdica Math. J., 21 (1995), no.2, #8211;150. MR1338813

C1. Gopalsamy K and He XZ
Gopalsamy K, He XZ: Dynamics of an almost periodic logistic integrodifferential equation. Methods in Applied Analysis, 2 (1995), 38–66. MR96c:45012

C1. Gopalsamy K, He XZ and Sun DQ
Gopalsamy K, He XZ, Sun DQ: On the stability and oscillations of solutions of neutral parabolic equations. International Journal of Systems Science, 26 (1995), 563–576.

C1. Gopalsamy K, Li J and He XZ
Gopalsamy K, Li J, He XZ: On the construction of periodic solutions of Kaplan-Yorke type for some differential delay equations. Applicable Analysis, 59 (1995), 65–80. MR97c:34140

C1. Grimshaw RHJ and Joshi N
Grimshaw RHJ and Joshi N: Weakly nonlocal solitary waves in a singularly perturbed Korteweg-de-Vries equation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 55 (1995), 124–135. MR1313009

C1. Guo ZR and Zhou DX
Zhu Rui Guo, Ding Xuan Zhou: Local approximation by modified Szász operators.. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 195 (1995), no.2, #8211;334. MR1354546

C1. Halverson T and Ram A
Halverson T, Ram A: Characters of algebras containing a Jones Basic construction: The Temperley-Lieb, Okada, Brauer, and Birman-Wenzl algebras. Advances in Mathematics, 116 (1995), 263–321. MR96k:16023

C1. He XZ
He XZ: Global attractivity of linear nonautonomous neutral differential-difference equations. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 11 (1995), 184–191. MR1343312

C1. He XZ
He XZ: On stability of a certain nonlinear delay large-scale system. Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 15 (1995), 236–242. MR1397639

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Free products and 4-dimensional connected sums. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 27 (1995), 387–391. MR96h:57017

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On the splitting field of the Alexander polynomial of a periodic knot. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 52 (1995), 313–315. MR97c:57007

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Flat 4-manifold groups. New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 24 (1995), 29–40. MR96f:57019

C1. Hillman JA and Kawauchi A
Hillman JA, Kawauchi A: Unknotting orientable surfaces in the 4-sphere. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 4 (1995), 213–224. MR96g:57022

C1. Hollerbach R, Galloway DJ and Proctor MRE
Hollerbach R, Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE: Numerical evidence of fast dynamo action in a spherical shell. Physical Review Letters, 74 (1995), 3145–3148.

C1. Ivanoff BG and Weber NC
Ivanoff BG, Weber NC: Functional limit theorems for row and column exchangeable arrays. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 55 (1995), 133–148. MR96m:60087

C1. Ivers DJ
Ivers DJ: On the antidynamo theorem for partly symmetric flows. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 80 (1995), 121–128. MR97e:76093

C1. Ivers DJ and James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: An antidynamo theorem for spherically symmetric generation-diffusion conditions. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 79 (1995), 259–275. MR96j:86013

C1. Jetter K and Zhou DX
Kurt Jetter, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Order of linear approximation from shift-invariant spaces.. Constr. Approx., 11 (1995), no.4, #8211;438. MR1367171

C1. Jetter K and Zhou DX
Kurt Jetter, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Seminorm and full norm order of linear approximation from shift-invariant spaces.. Rend. Sem. Mat. Fis. Milano, 65 (1995), 277–302 (1997). MR1459425

C1. Joshi N and Vassiliou PJ
Joshi N and Vassiliou P J: The existence of Lie symmetries for first-order analytic discrete dynamical systems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 195 (1995), 872–887. MR1356647

C1. Karunathi S, Phipps MC, Robinson J and Bennett MR
S Karunanithi, MC Phipps, J Robinson and MR Bennett: Statistics of quantal secretion during long trains of sympathetic nerve impulses in mouse vas deferens. Journal of Physiology, 489 (1995), 171–181.

C1. Kelly DRC and Korevaar P
Kelly DRC, Korevaar P: Type II supernova test cases and breakout modelling with flux-vector splitting and adaptive gridding. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 296 (1995), 418–430.

C1. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: A simple algorithm for deciding primes in \(K[[x,y]]\). Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 47 (1995), 801–816. MR96k:13031

C1. Lalonde P and Ram A
Lalonde P, Ram A: Standard Lyndon Bases of Lie algebras and enveloping algebras. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 347 (1995), 1821–1830. MR95h:17013

C1. Luckock HC and Oliwa C
Luckock HC, Oliwa C: The Cosmological Probability Density Function for Bianchi Class A Models in Quantum Supergravity. Physical Review. D, 51 (1995), no.10, 5483–5490. MR96b:83078

C1. Ma C and Yue X
Ma C, Yue X: Multivariate \(p\)-order Liouville distributions: parameter estimation and hypothesis testing. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 11 (1995), 422–430. MR1479054

C1. Mache DH and Zhou DX
D. H. Mache, D. X. Zhou: Best direct and converse results for Lagrange-type operators. Approx. Theory Appl. (N.S.), 11 (1995), no.2, 8211;93. MR1370768

C1. Matacz A and Hu BL
Matacz A, Hu BL: Back reaction in semiclassical cosmology: the Einstein-Langevin equation. Physical Review, D, 51 (1995), 1577–1586.

C1. Meza RA, Angelis M, Britt H, Miles DA, Seneta E and Bridges-Webb C
Meza RA, Angelis M, Britt H, Miles DA, Seneta E, Bridges-Webb C: Development of sample size models for national general practice surveys. Australian Journal of Public Health, 19 (1995), 34–40.

C1. Monro GP
Monro GP: Fractal Interpolation Waveforms. Computer Music Journal, 19 (1995), no.1, 88–98.

C1. Murray SH and O'Brien EA
Scott H. Murray and E. A. O'Brien: Selecting base points for the Schreier-Sims algorithm for matrix groups. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 19 (1995), no.6, 577–584. MR1370623

C1. Parusiński A
Parusiński A: On the bifurcation set of a complex polynomial with isolated singularities at infinity. Compositio Mathematica, 97 (1995), 369–384. MR96i:32038

C1. Parusiński A and Pragacz P
Parusiński A, Pragacz P: A formula for the Euler characteristic of singular hypersurfaces. Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 4 (1995), 337–352. MR96i:32039

C1. Parusiński A and Pragacz P
Parusiński A, Pragacz P: Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes and the Euler characteristic of degeneracy loci and special divisors. Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 8 (1995), 793–817. MR96h:14001

C1. Paunescu L
Paunescu L: The Topology of the Real Part of a Holomorphic Function. Mathematische Nachrichten, 174 (1995), 265–272. MR96d:32042

C1. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: Some Aspects of Forecasting with Vector MA Processes. Bulletin of the Calcutta Statistical Association, 44 (1995), 175–176.

C1. Poznanski RR, Gibson WG and Bennett MR
Poznanski RR, Gibson WG, Bennett MR: Electrotonic coupling between two CA3 hyppocampal pyramidal neurons: a distributed cable model with somatic gap-junction. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 57 (1995), 865–881.

C1. Rai SN, Abraham B and Peiris MS
Rai SN, Abraham B, Peiris MS: Analysis of Short Time Series with Over-dispersion Model. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 24 (1995), no.2, 335–348. MR1345662

C1. Ram A
Ram A: Characters of Brauer's centralizer algebras. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 169 (1995), 173–200. MR96k:20020

C1. Ramagge J
Jacqui Ramagge: On certain fixed point subgroups of affine Kac-Moody groups. Journal of Algebra, 171 (1995), 473–514.

C1. Ramagge J
Jacqui Ramagge: A realization of certain affine Kac-Moody groups of types II and III. Journal of Algebra, 171 (1995), 713–806.

C1. Scoufis G and Cosgrove CM
Scoufis G, Cosgrove CM: On the initial value problem for the modified Benjamin-Ono equation. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 36 (1995), 5753–5759. MR96e:35152

C1. Sekhon LHS, Morgan MK, Spence I and Weber NC
Sekhon LH, Morgan MK, Spence I, Weber NC: Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion and impaired neuronal function. Stroke, 25 (1995), 1022–1027.

C1. Sekhon LHS, Spence I, Morgan MK and Weber NC
Sekhon LHS, Spence I, Morgan MK, Weber NC: Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in the rat: temporal delineation of effects and the in vitro ischemic threshold. Brain Research, 704 (1995), 107–111.

C1. Seneta E and Chen TH
T Chen and E Seneta: A note on bivariate Dawson-Sankoff-type bounds. Statistics and Probability Letters, 24 (1995), 99–104. MR97e:60032

C1. Seneta E and Chen TH
Seneta E, Chen T: Frechet optimality of upper bivariate Bonferroni-type bounds. Teoriya Imovirnostei ta Matem. Statist. (Kiev), 52 (1995), 137–142. MR1445548

C1. Seneta E and Chen TH
Tuhao Chen and Eugene Seneta: Multivariate identities, permutations and Bonferroni upper bounds. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 4 (1995), 331–342. MR97c:60040

C1. Sidhu HS, Forbes LK and Gray BF
H. S. Sidhu, L. K. Forbes and B. F. Gray: Analysis of the unified thermal and chain branching model of hydrocarbon oxidation. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A, A449 (1995), 493–514.

C1. Stump DM and Fraser WB
Stump DM, Fraser WB: Dynamic bifurcation of the ring-spinning balloon. Mathematical Engineering Journal, 5 (1995), no.2, 161–186. MR1343899

C1. Sved P, Morgan MK and Weber NC
Sved P, Morgan MK, Weber NC: Delayed referral of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. Medical Journal of Australia, 162 (1995), 310–311.

C1. Thomson NA, Lavidis NA, Robinson J and Bennett MR
Thomson NA, Lavidis NA, Robinson J, Bennett MR: Probabilistic secretion of quanta at somatic motor-nerve terminals: the fusion pore model, quantal detection and autoinhibition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 349 (1995), 197–214.

C1. van de Ven RJ and Weber NC
van de Ven RJ, Weber NC: Log-linear models for mean and dispersion in mixed Poisson regression models. The Australian Journal of Statistics, 37 (1995), 205–216. MR97a:62127

C1. Wagner EG, Khalil W and Walters RFC
Wagner E, Khalil W, Walters RFC: Fix-point semantics for programs in distributive categories. Fundamenta Informaticae, 22 (1995), 187–202. MR96i:68052

C1. Wehrhahn KH
Karl H. Wehrhahn: Applications of Narayana's formula. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 11 (1995), 47–57. MR96f:05015

C1. Wilson PR and Burtonclay D
Wilson PR, Burtonclay D: Forward Analysis of the BBSO Frequency-splitting Coefficients for 1986. Astrophysical Journal, 438 (1995), 445–453.

C1. Winch DE and Roberts PH
Winch DE, *Roberts PH: Derivatives of addition theorems for Legendre functions. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series B), 37 (1995), 212–234. MR96k:33022

C1. Winch DE, Semenov V, Vanyan LL and Palshin NA
LL Van'yan, NA Pal'shin, V Yu Semenov and D Winch: Deep magnetotelluric sounding with the use of the Australia-New Zealand submarine cable 1. Analysis of experimental cable. Physics of the Solid Earth, 30 (1995), no.9, 836–838.

C1. Woodward ED, Tyson R, Myerscough MR, Murray JD, Budrene EO and Berg HC
Woodward ED, Tyson R, Myerscough MR, Murray JD, Budrene EO, Berg HC: Spatio-temporal patterns generated by Salmonella typhimurium. Biophysical Journal, 68 (1995), 2181–2189.

C1. Xuan PC and Zhou DX
P C Xuan, Ding-Xuan Zhou: The order of convergence for weighted Baskakov operators. Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, 18 (1995), 129–139. MR1338232

C1. Yue X and Ma C
Yue X, Ma C: Multivariate \({\ell}_p\)-norm symmetric distributions. Statistics and Probability Letters, 24 (1995), 281–288. MR96i:62057

C1. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: The quantum super-Yangian and Casimir operators of \(U_q(\mathrm{ gl}(M|N))\). Lett. Math. Phys., 33 (1995), no.3, 263–272. MR1321323

C1. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Representations of super Yangian. J. Math. Phys., 36 (1995), no.7, 3854–3865. MR1339907

C1. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Quantum supergroups and topological invariants of three-manifolds. Rev. Math. Phys., 7 (1995), no.5, 809–831. MR1346290

C1. Zhou DX
Ding Xuan Zhou: Construction of real-valued wavelets by symmetry.. J. Approx. Theory, 81 (1995), no.3, #8211;331. MR1333755

C1. Zhou DX
Ding Xuan Zhou: On smoothness characterized by Bernstein type operators.. J. Approx. Theory, 81 (1995), no.3, #8211;315. MR1333753

C1. Zhou DX
Ding Xuan Zhou: On a problem of Gonska.. Results Math., 28 (1995), no.1-2, #8211;183. MR1345365

C1. Zhou DX and Jetter K
Ding Xuan Zhou, Kurt Jetter: Characterisation of correctness of cardinal interpolation with shifted three-dimensional box splines.. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 125 (1995), no.5, #8211;937. MR1361625

C2. Daners D
Daners D: Periodic-parabolic eigenvalue problems with indefinite weight functions. Tübinger Berichte zur Funktionalanalysis, 4 (1995), 20–26.

C3. Britton S
Sandra Britton: Even more on Simpson's rule. Reflections, 20 (1995), 99–99.


D. Bosma W
Wieb Bosma: Review of: A.A. Karatsuba, Basic Analytic Number Theory. Mededelingen Wiskundig Genootschap, 38 (1995), 255–256.

D. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: General review of dynamo theory. 1, Observatoire Midi – Pyrenees, (1995), 15–25.

Conference Proceedings

E1. Bailey G
Geoff Bailey (1995). Xvoigt: An interactive absorption line fitting program for the X window system. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, CSIRO Publications, 12, 239–243.

E1. Bleichenbacher D, Bosma W and Lenstra AK
Bleichenbacher D, Bosma W, Lenstra AK (1995). Some remarks on Lucas-based cryptosystems. Advances in Cryptology — Proceedings of Crypto'95 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Don Coppersmith (ed.) , Springer Verlag, 963, 386–396. MR1445576

E1. Bosma W
Wieb Bosma (1995). Computation of cyclotomic polynomials with Magma. Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (ed.) , Mathematics and its Applications, Kluwer, 325, ISBN 07923 3501 5, 213–226. MR96j:11142

E1. Bosma W and Lenstra AK
Wieb Bosma and Arjen K. Lenstra (1995). An implementation of the elliptic curve integer factorization method. Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (ed.) , Mathematics and its Applications, Kluwer, 325, ISBN 07923 3501 5, 119–136. MR96d:11134

E1. Byleveld S and Easdown D
S Byleveld and D Easdown (1995). The Minimal Faithful Degree of a Finite Commutative Inverse Semigroup. Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (ed.) , Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 07923 3501 5, 19–27. MR96k:20129

E1. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI (1995). Groups acting simply transitively on the vertices of a building of type \({\tilde A}_n\). Groups of Lie type and their geometries, Groups of Lie Type and their geometries, Kantor WM, Di Martino L (ed.) , London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Cambridge University Press, 207, 43–76. MR1320514

E1. Davy J and Fraser WB
J Davy and WB Fraser (1995). Analysis of ultrasonic sensing systems. 1995 Mathematics-in-Industry Study Group, John Hewitt, Basil Benjamin and Phil Howlett (ed.) , MISG, 29–36.

E1. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ (1995). Implications of stellar observations on dynamo theories. Solar and Stellar Dynamos, Solar and Stellar Dynamos, J F Donati (ed.) , 1, Observatoire Midi – Pyrenees, 117–122.

E1. Galloway DJ, Hollerbach R and Proctor MRE
Galloway DJ, Hollerbach R, Proctor MRE (1995). Fine structures in fast dynamo computations. Small scale structures in three-dimensional hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, Small scale structures in three-dimensional hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, Maurice Meneguzzi, Annick Pouquet and Pierre-Louis Sulem (ed.) , Lecture Notes in Physics 462, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-60486-3, 341–346.

E1. Kuo TC
Kuo TC (1995). Truncation of Taylor series. Proceedings of the Singularity College, Singularity Theory, Le Dung Trang, Kyoji Saito and Bernard Teissier (ed.) , World Scientific, 291–297. MR1378408

E1. Leeming M and Walters RFC
Leeming M, Walters RFC (1995). A new application of the Todd-Coxeter procedure: computing left adjoints of algebraic functors. Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (ed.) , Mathematics and its Applications, Kluwer, 325, ISBN 07923 3501 5, 53–73. MR1344921

E1. Linton SA
Linton SA (1995). Generalizations of the Todd-Coxeter algorithm. Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (ed.) , Mathematics and its Applications, Kluwer, 325, ISBN 07923 3501 5, 29–51. MR1344920

E1. Linton SA
Linton SA (1995). The art and science of computing in large groups. Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (ed.) , Mathematics and its Applications, Kluwer, 325, ISBN 07923 3501 5, 91–109. MR96h:20002

E1. Macaskill C and Bewick BM
Macaskill C, Bewick BM (1995). The use of hyperviscosity in simulations of geophysical fluid flows. Proceedings of the 12th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, ISBN 0 86934 034 4, 415–418.

E1. Mauri G, Sabadini N, Shammah S and Walters RFC
Mauri G, Sabadini N, Shammah S, Walters RFC (1995). Distributive automata, Asynchronous automata and Petri nets. Workshop on algebraic and syntactic aspects of concurrency, ASMICS project, Chantilly LITP 95/48, 325, 53–73. MR1344921

E1. Monro GP
Monro GP (1995). Intuition, Algorithms and "Dry Rivers". ACMA 1995 (Australian Computer Music Association), June 9-11 1995, L. Harvey and A. Riddell (ed.) , Australian Computer Music Association, 39–50.

E1. Monro GP
Monro GP (1995). Waveform modification by lagged embedding. CompMusic 93, Proceedings of the conference CompMusic 93, Mikropolyphonie, 1(1), 29–31.

E1. Quine MP and Szczotka W
M P Quine and W Szczotka (1995). Aspects of the critical case of a generalised Galton-Watson branching process. Branching Processes: First world congress, Branching processes, Springer, Lecture notes in Statistics, 99, 22 – 27. MR1351257

E1. Seneta E
Seneta E (1995). Markov and the birth of chain dependence theory. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. Proceedings 50th Session. Tome LVI. Book 3. Beijing, International Statistical Institute, 1261–1276.

E1. Seneta E
Seneta E (1995). Markov and the birth of chain dependence theory. First Ukrainian-Scandinavian Conference. Uzhgorod, Ukraine, September 30–October 6, 1995, Stochastic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications MR1445548

E1. Seneta E and Weber NC
Seneta E, Weber NC (1995). Time-series diagnostics and explosive processes. First Ukrainian-Scandinavian Conference. Uzhgorod, Ukraine, September 30–October 6, 1995, Stochastic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications MR1714004

E1. Stevenhagen P
Stevenhagen P (1995). A density conjecture for the negative Pell equation. Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (ed.) , Mathematics and its Applications, Kluwer, 325, ISBN 07923 3501 5, 187–200. MR96g:11137

E1. Thomas CM, Gibson WG and Robinson J
Thomas CM, Gibson WG, Robinson J (1995). Stability and bifurcations in an associative memory model. Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Proceedings of the Sixth Australian Conference on Neural Networks, M. Charles and C. Latimer (ed.) , 98–101.

E1. Wilson PR, Burtonclay D and Li Y
P R Wilson, D Burtonclay and Y Li (1995). The crisis in helioseismology. Helioseismology, Proceedings of Fourth SOHO Workshop, 295–298. MR1364600

E1. Yue X and Ma C
Yue X, Ma C (1995). Multivariate \(p\)-order Liouville distributions and multivariate order statistics induced by ordering \({\ell}_p\)-norm. In:. Fifth Japan-China Simposium on Statistics, Proceedings of the Fifth Japan-China Simposium on Statistics Okayama University of Science, Ichimura I, Mao S, Fan G (ed.) , University Education Press MR1752084

E2. Bosma W and Stevenhagen P
Bosma W, Stevenhagen P (1995). On the computation of quadratic 2-class groups. CANT'95, Macquarie University, April 1995, Full Papers and Extended Abstracts of CANT'95, 36–55.

E2. Edelman D and Buchen PW
Edelman, D. and Buchen, P.W. (1995). GARCH or posterior volatility? An alternative approach to volatility smile modelling. ANU Workshop on Stochastics and Finance, Financial Mathematics Research Report, ANU Workshop on Stochastics and Finance, Financial Mathematics Research Report, FMRR-005-95, 465–470.

E2. Ivanoff BG and Weber NC
Ivanoff BG, Weber NC (1995). Some characterizations of row and column exchangeable arrays. 50th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Bulletin of the ISI, 547–548.

E2. Kelly MF and Buchen PW
Kelly, M.F. and Buchen, P.W. (1995). The estimation of the underlying asset distribution at maturity. ANU Workshop on Stochastics and Finance, Financial Mathematics Research Report, ANU Workshop on Stochastics and Finance, Financial Mathematics Research Report, FMRR-004-95, 171–190.

E2. Kuo TC
Kuo TC (1995). Singularities of real analytic functions. Proceedings of the Singularity College, Singularity Theory, Le Dung Trang, Kyoji Saito and Bernard Teissier (ed.) , World Scientific, 276–283. MR1378406

E2. Kuo TC
Kuo TC (1995). Stratification Theory. Proceedings of the Singularity College, Singularity Theory, Le Dung Trang, Kyoji Saito and Bernard Teissier (ed.) , World Scientific, 284–290. MR1378407

E3. Aldis GK and Thompson RS
Geoffrey K Aldis and Rosemary S Thompson (1995). Doppler spectra of flows with a refracting interface. 31st Australian Applied Conference, ANZIAM 95, Not known (ed.) , Not known, xx.

E3. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG and Karunanithi S
Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Karunanithi S (1995). Quantal transmission at purinergic junctions: stochastic interaction between ATP and its receptors. Australian Neuroscience 15th Annual Meeting, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 6, 153.

E3. Bennett MR, Gibson WG and Robinson J
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J (1995). Probabilistic secretion of quanta: spontaneous release at active zones of varicosities, boutons and endplates. Australian Neuroscience 15th Annual Meeting, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 6, 93.

E3. Gibson WG, Bennett MR and Farnell L
Gibson WG, Bennett MR, Farnell L (1995). Monte Carlo simulation of quantal transmission at purinergic junctions. Fourth Annual Computation Neuroscience Meeting, 32.

E3. Gibson WG, Bennett MR and Robinson J
Gibson WG, Bennett MR, Robinson J (1995). Modeling the spontaneous release of quanta at active zones of varicosities, boutons and endplates. Fourth Annual Computation Neuroscience Meeting, 31.

E3. Henyey FS, Ewart TE, Reynolds S and Macaskill C
Henyey F, Ewart TE, Reynolds S, Macaskill C (1995). The effect of internal waves on rays that turn sharply in deep and shallow water. Acoustical Society of America meeting, 2868. ((see J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 98, part 2, p 2868).)

E3. Stump DM and Macaskill C
Stump DM, Macaskill C (1995). Vibrations in slightly sagged cables. 31st Australian Applied Mathematics Conference ANZIAM 95, Busselton, Western Australia

E3. Thompson RS, Aldis GK and Wilson LS
R S Thompson, G K Aldis and L S Wilson (1995). The effect on ultrasound intensity on refraction at a curved surface. 22nd International Symposium on Acoustical imaging, Abstract of 22nd International Symposium on Acoustical imaging, 73.

E3. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Reed VD and Turner AJ
Thompson R S, Trudinger B J, Reed V D and Turner A J (1995). Aortic doppler velocity measurements and cardiac function in the fetal lamb. 22nd Annual Meeting, Society for Study of Fetal Physiology, Abstract of 22nd Annual meeting, xx.

Computer Software

G1. Cannon JJ and others
Cannon JJ, et al (1995). Computer Algebra Software. Magma V1.1. (1,000,000 lines of C code) .

Creative Works

F1. Drummond J and Monro GP
Drummond J, Monro GP (1995). Video. Sound Imaging Through Lagged Embedding. International Computer Music Association Video Review, Internation Computer Music Association, San Francisco, 2, (Approximately 5 minutes duration)