

Research Publications for 2021

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A2. Peiris MS, Chan JSK and Jajo NK
Shelton Peiris, Jennifer Chan, Nethal Jajo: A Quick Reference Guide to Beginners of Statistics and Data Science Using RStudio. CV. Meugah Printindo, Indonesia, 2021, ISBN 978-623-97079-0-3, 276 pages.

A2. Voight J
John Voight: Quaternion Algebras. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-56692-0; 978-3-030-56694-4, xxiii+885 pages. MR4279905

Chapters in Books

B1. Manzateanu A, Newton R, Ozman E, Sutherland N and Uysal RG
Adelina Mânzăţeanu, Rachel Newton, Ekin Ozman, Nicole Sutherland & Rabia Gülşah Uysal: The Hasse norm principle in global function fields, Women in Numbers Europe III: Research Directions in Number Theory. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-77699-2, 275–290.

Journal Articles

C1. Aksamit A, Choulli T and Jeanblanc M
Anna Aksamit, Tahir Choulli, Monique Jeanblanc: Thin times and random times' decomposition. Electronic Journal of Probability, 26 (Open Access) (2021), no.Paper No. 31, 22 pages.

C1. Allen DE and McAleer M
David E Allen and Michael McAleer: Flattening the curve in risk management of COVID-19: Do lockdowns work?. Annals of Financial Economics, 15 (2021), no.4, Article 2050011 (26 pages).

C1. Allen DE and McAleer M
David E Allen and Michael Mcaleer: Predicting cases and deaths in Europe from COVID-19 tests and country populations. Annals of Financial Economics, 15 (2021), no.4, Article 2050017 – 1.

C1. Allen DE and McAleer M
David E Allen, and Michael McAleer: Predicting COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in the USA from Tests and State Populations. Advances in Decision Sciences, 25 (2021), no.2, 28 pages.

C1. Allen DE and McAleer M
David E Allen, and Michael McAleer: A Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) Analysis of the FTSE and S&P500 Indexes. Risks, 9 (2021), no.195, 20 pages.

C1. Andrews B, Clutterbuck J and Hauer D
Ben Andrews, Julie Clutterbuck, and Daniel Hauer: The fundamental gap for a one-dimensional Schrödinger operator with Robin boundary conditions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 149 (2021), no.4, 1481–1493.

C1. Anelone AJN, Hancock EJ, Klein N, Kim PS and Spurgeon SK
Anet J N Anelone, Edward J Hancock , Nigel Klein, Peter Kim and Sarah K Spurgeon: Control theory helps to resolve the measles paradox. Royal Society Open Science, 8 (Open Access) (2021), no.4, Article number 201891 (16 pages).

C1. Aniceto I, Hasenbichler D, Howls CJ and Lustri CJ
Inês Aniceto, Daniel Hasenbichler, Christopher J Howls, Christopher J Lustri: Capturing the cascade: a transseries approach to delayed bifurcations. Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), 8248.

C1. Arora S, Browne H and Daners D
Shane Arora and Hazel Browne and Daniel Daners: An alternative approach to Fréchet derivatives. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 111 (2021), no.2, 202–220.

C1. Badziahin D
D Badziahin: On \(t\)-adic Littlewood conjecture for certain infinite products. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 149 (2021), no.11, 4527–4540.

C1. Badziahin D and Schleischitz J
Dmitry Badziahin and Johannes Schleischitz: An improved bound in Wirsing's problem. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 374 (2021), no.3, 1847–1861.

C1. Baharlou H, Canete NP, Bertram KM, Sandgren KJ, Cunningham1 AL, Harman AN and Patrick E
Heeva Baharlou, Nicolas P Canete, Kirstie M Bertram, Kerrie J Sandgren, Anthony L Cunningham1,2, Andrew N Harman, and Ellis Patrick: AFid: a tool for automated identification and exclusion of autofluorescent objects from microscopy images. Bioinformatics, 37 (2021), no.4, 559–567.

C1. Bandara L, Nursultanov M and Rowlett J
Lashi Bandara, Medet Nursultanov, Julie Rowlett: Eigenvalue asymptotics for weighted Laplace equations on rough Riemannian manifolds with boundary. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V, 22 (2021), no.4, 1843–1878.

C1. Bardsley JM and Cui T
Johnathan M. Bardsley and Tiangang Cui: Optimization-based Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for nonlinear hierarchical statistical inverse problems. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification,, 9 (2021), 29–64.

C1. Bayraktar E, Zhang J and Zhou Z
Erhan Bayraktar, Jingjie Zhang and Zhou Zhou: Equilibrium concepts for time‐inconsistent stopping problems in continuous time. Mathematical Finance, 31 (2021), no.1, 508–530.

C1. Bayraktar E, Zhang X and Zhou Z
Erhan Bayraktar, Xin Zhang, Zhou Zhou: Transport Plans with Domain Constraints. Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 84 (2021), no.1, 1131–1158.

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L and Gibson WG
Maxwell R Bennett, Leslie Farnell, William G Gibson: Quantitative relations between BOLD responses, cortical energetics and impulse firing across cortical depth. European Journal of Neuroscience, 54 (2021), 4230–4245.

C1. Berhane AM, Baldwin CG, Liang K, Moshkani M, Lustri CJ, Downes JE, Stampfl C and Mildren RP
Amanuel M Berhane, Christopher G Baldwin, Keri Liang, Mojtaba Moshkani, Christopher Lustri, James E Downes, Catherine Stampfl, Richard P Mildren: Morphogenesis of mesoscopic surface patterns formed in polarized two-photon etching of diamond. Carbon, 173 (2021), 271–285.

C1. Bertram CD, Ikhimwin BO and Macaskill C
Christopher D Bertram, Bernard O Ikhimwin and Charlie Macaskill: Modeling flow in embryonic lymphatic vasculature: What is its role in valve development?. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18 (Open Access) (2021), no.2, 1406–1424.

C1. Bertram KM, Truong NR, Smith JE, Kim M, Sandgren KJ, Feng KL, Herbert JJ, Rana M, Danastas K, Miranda-Saksena M, Rhodes JW, Patrick E, Cohen RC, Lim JJK, Merten SL, Harman AN and Cunningham AL
Bertram, Kirstie M.; Truong, Naomi R.; Smith, Jacinta B.; Kim, Min; Sandgren, Kerrie J.; Feng, Konrad L.; Herbert, Jason J.; Rana, Hafsa; Danastas, Kevin; Miranda-Saksena, Monica; Rhodes, Jake W.; Patrick, Ellis; Cohen, Ralph C.; Lim, Jake; Merten, Steven L.; Harman, Andrew N.; Cunningham, Anthony L.: Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 infects Langerhans cells and the novel epidermal dendritic cell, Epi-cDC2s, via different entry pathways. PLoS Pathogens, 17 (2021), e1009536.

C1. Besson M, Kiers J and Jeralds S
Marc Besson, Joshua Kiers and Sam Jeralds: Vertices of intersection polytopes and rays of generalized Kostka cones. Journal of Lie Theory, 31 (2021), no.4, 1055–1070.

C1. Bian L, Cui T, Yeo BTT, Fornito A, Razi A and Keith J
Lingbin Bian, Tiangang Cui, B.T. Thomas Yeo, Alex Fornito, Adeel Razi, Jonathan Keith: Identification of community structure-based brain states and transitions using functional MRI. NeuroImage, 244 (2021), 118635.

C1. Björklund M, Fish A and Parkinson J
Michael Björklund, Alexander Fish and James Parkinson: Patterns in sets of positive density in trees and affine buildings. Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 15 (Open Access) (2021), no.4, 1267–1295.

C1. Björklund M, Fish A and Shkredov ID
Michael Björklund, Alexander Fish, Ilya D Shkredov: Sets of transfer times with small densities. Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques, 8 (2021), no.Open Access, 311–329.

C1. Boury S, Meyer CR, Vasil GM and Wells AJ
S Boury, C. R Meyer, G M Vasil and A J Wells: Convection in a mushy layer along a vertical heated wall. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 926 (2021), Article no. A33 (23 pages).

C1. Brown A and Romanov A
Adam Brown and Anna Romanov: Contravariant forms on Whittaker modules. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 149 (2021), no.1, 37–52.

C1. Browne H
Hazel Browne: Connectivity properties of McKay quivers. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 103 (2021), 182–194.

C1. Byrd M, Nghiem LH and Mcgee M
Michael Byrd, Linh H Nghiem, Monnie Mcgee: Bayesian Regularization of Gaussian Graphical Models with Measurement Errors,. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 156 (2021), 107085.

C1. Cîrstea FC
Florica C. Cîrstea: Proofs of Urysohn's lemma and the Tietze extension theorem via the Cantor function. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 103 (2021), no.2, 326–332.

C1. Cîrstea FC and Fărcăşeanu M
Florica C. Cîrstea, Maria Fărcăşeanu: Sharp existence and classification results for nonlinear elliptic equations in RN0with Hardy potential. Journal of Differential Equations, 292 (2021), 461–500.

C1. Cîrstea FC and Fărcăşeanu M
Florica C. Cîrstea and Maria Fărcăşeanu: Sharp existence and classification results for nonlinear elliptic equations in \(\mathbb R^N\setminus\{0\}\) with Hardy potential. Journal of Differential Equations, 292 (2021), 461–500.

C1. Cao Y, Yang P and Yang YH
Yue Cao, Pengyi Yang & Jean Yee Hwa Yang: A benchmark study of simulation methods for single-cell RNA sequencing data. Nature Communications, 12 (2021), no.1, 6911 (12 pages).

C1. Cartwright M and Gottwald GA
Madeleine Cartwright and Georg Gottwald: Collective coordinate framework to study solitary waves in stochastically perturbed Korteweg–de Vries equations. Physical Review E, 104 Open Access (2021), no.2, 024201 (12 pages).

C1. Chan A, Jiang W, Blyth E, Yang YH and Patrick E
Adam Chan, Wei Jiang, Emily Blyth, Jean Yang and Ellis Patrick: treekoR: identifying cellular-to-phenotype associations by elucidating hierarchical relationships in high-dimensional cytometry data. Genome Biology, 22 (Open Access) (2021), no.1, Article no. 324 (14 pages).

C1. Chandra R, Cripps S, Butterworth N and Muller RD
Rohitash Chandra, Sally Cripps, Nathaniel Butterworth, R Dietmar Muller: Precipitation reconstruction from climate-sensitive lithologies using Bayesian machine learning. Environmental Modelling and Software, 139 (2021), Article 105002 (20 pages).

C1. Chari S, Smertnig D and Voight J
Sara Chari, Daniel Smertnig and John Voight: On basic and Bass quaternion orders. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society B, 8 (2021), 11–26. MR4199211

C1. Chen CW, Cheng SJ and Coulembier K
Chih-Whi Chen, Shun-Jen Cheng and Kevin Coulembier: Tilting modules for classical Lie superalgebras. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 103 (2021), no.3, 870–900.

C1. Chin V, Ioannidis JPA, Tanner MA and Cripps S
Vincent Chin, John P A Ioannidis, Martin A Tanner, Sally Cripps: Effect estimates of COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions are non-robust and highly model-dependent. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 136 (2021), no.August 2021, 96–132.

C1. Ciappara J and Williamson G
Joshua Ciappara and Geordie Williamson: Lectures on the geometry and modular representation theory of algebraic groups. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 110 (2021), no.1, 1–47.

C1. Clarke WA and Marangell R
W A Clarke and R Marangell: Rigorous justification of the Whitham modulation theory for equations of NLS type. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 147 (2021), no.2, 577–621.

C1. Costa E, Lombardo D and Voight J
Edgar Costa, Davide Lombardo and John Voight: Identifying central endomorphisms of an abelian variety via Frobenius endomorphisms. Research in Number Theory, 7 (2021), no.3, Paper number 46 (14 pages). MR4280568

C1. Coulembier K
Kevin Coulembier: Ringel Duals of Brauer Algebras via Super Groups. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2021 (2021), no.5, 3512–3542.

C1. Coulembier K
Kevin Coulembier: Monoidal abelian envelopes. Compositio Mathematica, 157 (2021), no.7, 1584––1609.

C1. Coulembier K and Ehrig M
Kevin Coulembier and Michael Ehrig: The Periplectic Brauer Algebra III: The Deligne Category. Algebras and Representation Theory, 24 (2021), no.4, 993–1027.

C1. Coulembier K, Street R and van den Bergh M
Kevin Coulembier, Ross Street, Michel van den Bergh: Freely adjoining monoidal duals. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 31 (2021), no.7, 748–768.

C1. Couston LA, Hester E, Favier B, Taylor JR, Holland PR and Jenkins A
Louis-Alexandre Couston, Eric Hester , Benjamin Favier, John R Taylor, Paul R Holland and Adrian Jenkins: Topography generation by melting and freezing in a turbulent shear flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 911 (2021), 37 pages.

C1. Couston LA, Hester E, Favier B, Taylor JR, Holland PR and Jenkins A
Louis-Alexandre Couston, Eric Hester, Benjamin Favier, John R Taylor, Paul R Holland and Adrian Jenkins: Topography generation by melting and freezing in a turbulent shear flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 911 (2021), 37 pages.

C1. Cross R, Quinnell R, Bell T, Rhodes P, Dancso Z, Hubble T, Wardle G, Lewis M, Motion A, Murphy D and Gongora J
Rebecca Cross, Rosanne Quinnell, Tina Bell, Paul Rhodes, Zsuzsanna Dancso, Thomas Hubble, Glenda Wardle, Melinda Lewis, Alice Motion, Dominic Murphy, Jaime Gongora: ‘You'll Never Get Cultural Competence in Science': An Australian Perspective on Integrating Cultural Competence into Science Teaching Via Cultural Accountability. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 29 (Open Access) (2021), no.3, 62–74.

C1. Cui T and Zahm O
Tiangang Cui and Olivier Zahm: Data-free likelihood-informed dimension reduction of Bayesian inverse problems. Inverse Problems, 37 (2021), 045009.

C1. Dancso Z, Halacheva I and Robertson M
Zsuzsanna Dancso, Iva Halacheva and Marcy Robertson: Circuit algebras are wheeled props. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 225 (2021), no.12, Art. 106767 (33 pages).

C1. Dawson S, Dullin HR and Nguyen DMH
Sean Dawson, Holger R Dullin and Diana M H Nguyen: Monodromy in prolate spheroidal harmonics. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 146 (2021), 953–982.

C1. Deng G, Lustri CJ and Porter MA
Guo Deng, Christopher J Lustri, Mason A Porter: Nanoptera in weakly nonlinear woodpile chains and diatomic granular chains. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 20 (2021), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

C1. Duck PW and Stephen SO
Peter W Duck and Sharon O Stephen: Eigensolutions of the unsteady boundary-layer equations revisited (with extensions to three-dimensional modes). Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 97 (2021), no.A56, 22 pages.

C1. Duignan N and Dullin HR
Nathan Duignan and Holger R Dullin: On the \(C^{8/3}\)-regularisation of simultaneous binary collisions in the planar four-body problem. Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no.7, 4944–4982.

C1. Duignan N and Dullin HR
Nathan Duignan and Holger R Dullin: On the C 8/3-regularisation of simultaneous binary collisions in the planar four-body problem. Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no.7, 4944–4982.

C1. Eastwood J, Wang A, Khanlari S and Yang YH
John Eastwood, Andy Wang, Sarah Khanlari, Alicia Montgomery & Jean Yee Hwa Yang: Psychosocial stratification of antenatal indicators to guide population-based programs in perinatal depression. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21 (2021), no.Open Access, Article number 277.

C1. Ehrhardt MJ and Roberts L
Matthias J. Ehrhardt and Lindon Roberts: Inexact Derivative-Free Optimization for Bilevel Learning. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 63 (2021), no.5, 580–600.

C1. Ehrig M and Tubbenhauer D
Michael Ehrig, Daniel Tubbenhauer: Relative cellular algebras. Transformation Groups, 26 (2021), no.1, 229–277.

C1. Fărcăşeanu M, Grecu A, Mihăilescu M and Stancu-Dumitru D
Maria Fărcăşeanu, Andrei Grecu, Mihai Mihăilescu and Denisa Stancu-Dumitru: Perturbed eigenvalue problems: an overview. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica, 66 (2021), no.1, 55–73.

C1. Fărcăşeanu M, Grecu A, Mihăilescu M and Stancu-Dumitru D
M Fărcăşeanu, A Grecu, M Mihăilescu, D Stancu-Dumitru: An overview on torsional creep problems. Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 66 (2021), no.3-4, 695–708.

C1. Fan Y, Emvalomenos G, Grazian C and Meikle SR
Fan, Y., Emvalomenos, G., Grazian, C., and Meikle, S.R.: PET-ABC: Fully Bayesian likelihood-free inference for kinetic models. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66 (2021), no.115002, na.

C1. Fang Z, Dowe DL, Peiris MS and Rosadi D
Zheng Fang, David L. Dowe, Shelton Peiris, Dedi Rosadi: Minimum Message Length in Hybrid ARMA and LSTM Model Forecasting. Entropy, 23 (2021), 1–21.

C1. Fisher NI
Nicholas I Fisher: Performance Measurement: Issues, Approaches, and Opportunities. Harvard Data Science Review, 3.4 (2021), no.Fall 2021, 34 pages.

C1. Fisher NI, Lunn PD and Sasse SM
Nicholas I Fisher, Peter D Lunn and Stephen M Sasse: Enhancing Value by Continuously Improving Enterprise Culture. Journal of Creating Value, 7 (2021), no.2, 1–23.

C1. Fisher NI and Smith AFM
Nicholas I Fisher and Adrian F M Smith: Willem van Zwet's contributions to the profession. The Annals of Statisitcs, 49 (2021), no.5, 2432–2438.

C1. Fisher NI and Trewin DJ
Nicholas I. Fisher and Dennis J. Trewin: A proposal to enhance national capability to manage epidemics: The critical importance of expert statistical input including official statistics. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 37 (2021), no.1, 1–17.

C1. Formanowicz D, Krawczyk JB, Perek B, Lipski D and Tykarski A
Dorota Formanowicz, Jacek B Krawczyk, Bartłomiej Perek, Dawid Lipski and Andrzej Tykarski: Management of High-Risk Atherosclerotic Patients by Statins May Be Supported by Logistic Model of Intima-Media Thickening. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10 (Open Access) (2021), no.13, Art. 2876 (13 pages).

C1. Francis D, Ghazanfar S, Havula E, Krycer JR, Strbenac D, Senior AM, Minard AY, Geddes T, Nelson ME, Weiss F, Stöckli J, Yang YH and James DE
Deanne Francis, Shila Ghazanfar, Essi Havula, James R Krycer, Dario Strbenac, Alistair Senior, Annabel Y Minard, Thomas Geddes, Marin E Nelson, Fiona Weiss, Jacqueline Stöckli, Jean Y H Yang, David E James: Genome-wide analysis in Drosophila reveals diet-by-gene interactions and uncovers diet-responsive genes. G3 Genes Genomes Genetics, 11 (2021), no.10, jkab171, 14 pages.

C1. Fung T and Seneta E
Thomas Fung and Eugene Seneta: Tail asymptotics for the bivariate equi-skew generalized hyperbolic distribution and its Variance-Gamma special case. Statistics and Probability Letters, 178 (2021), Article 109182 (8 pages).

C1. Galloway DJ and Ivers DJ
David Galloway and David Ivers: Slow-burning instabilities of Dufort-Frankel finite differencing. Anziam Journal, 63 (2021), no.1, 23–38.

C1. Garfinkle D, Isenberg J, Knopf D and Wu H
David Garfinkle , James Isenberg, Dan Knopf and Haotian Wu: A numerical stability analysis of mean curvature flow of noncompact hypersurfaces with type-II curvature blowup. Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no.9, 6539–6560.

C1. Garfinkle D, Isenberg J, Knopf D and Wu H
David Garfinkle, James Isenberg, Dan Knopf and Haotian Wu: A numerical stability analysis of mean curvature flow of noncompact hypersurfaces with type-II curvature blowup. Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no.9, 6539–6560.

C1. Gasiorek S
Sean Gasiorek: On the Dynamics of Inverse Magnetic Billiards. Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no.3, 1503–1524.

C1. Gasiorek S and Radnović M
Sean Gasiorek, Milena Radnović: Pseudo-Euclidean billiards within confocal curves on the hyperboloid of one sheet. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 161 (2021), 104032.

C1. Gibson J
Joel Gibson: A Demazure Character Formula for the Product Monomial Crystal. Algebraic Combinatorics, 4 (2021), no.2, 301–327.

C1. Glasby SP, Praeger CE and Unger WR
S P Glasby , Cheryl E Praeger and W R Unger: Most permutations power to a cycle of small prime length. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Open Access (2021), 13 pages.

C1. Gobet T, Henderson A and Marin I
Thomas Gobet, Anthony Henderson and Ivan Marin: Braid groups of normalizers of reflection subgroups. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 71 (2021), no.6, 2273–2304.

C1. Gottwald GA
Georg A. Gottwald: A model for Dansgaard-Oeschger events and millennial-scale abrupt climate change without external forcing. Climate Dynamics, 56 (2021), no.1-2, 227–243.

C1. Gottwald GA and Melbourne I
Georg A. Gottwald and Ian Melbourne: Simulation of non-Lipschitz stochastic differential equations driven by \(\alpha\)-stable noise: a method based on deterministic homogenisation. SIAM Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 19 (2021), no.2, 665–687.

C1. Gottwald GA and Reich S
Georg A. Gottwald and Sebastian Reich: Supervised learning from noisy observations: Combining machine-learning techniques with data assimilation. Physica D, 423 (2021), 132911.

C1. Gottwald GA and Reich S
Georg A. Gottwald and Sebastian Reich: Combining machine learning and data assimilation to forecast dynamical systems from noisy partial observations. Chaos, 31 (2021), 101103.

C1. Griffiths PT, Stephen SO and Khan M
P T Griffiths, S O Stephen and M Khan: Stability of the flow due to a linear stretching sheet. Physics of Fluids, 33 (2021), no.published online 6 August 2021, Article number 084106.

C1. Griffiths PT, Stephen SO and Khan M
P T Griffiths, S O Stephen and M Khan: Stability of the flow due to a linear stretching sheet. Physics of Fluids, 33 (2021), no.published online 6 August 2021, Article number 084106.

C1. Gubbiotti G
Giorgio Gubbiotti: Lax pairs for the discrete reduced Nahm systems. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 24 (2021), no.2, Paper no. 9 (13 pages).

C1. Gubbiotti G and Joshi N
Giorgio Gubbiotti and Nalini Joshi: Space of Initial Values of a Map with a Quartic Invariant. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 103 (2021), 438–449.

C1. Gubbiotti G and Kels AP
Giorgio Gubbiotti and Andrew P Kels: Algebraic entropy for face-centered quad equations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 54 (2021), no.45, 455201 (44pp).

C1. Gubbiotti G and Nucci MC
G Gubbiotti and MC Nucci: Superintegrable systems in non-Euclidean plane: Hidden symmetries leading to linearity. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 62 (2021), no.7, Article no. 073503 (29 pages).

C1. Guillarmou C, Mazzucchelli M and Tzou L
Colin Guillarmou, Marco Mazzucchelli, Leo Tzou: Boundary and lens rigidity for non-convex manifolds. American Journal of Mathematics, 143 (2021), no.2, 533–575.

C1. Gurka P and Hauer D
Petr Gurka and Daniel Hauer: More insights into the Trudinger–Moser inequality with monomial weight. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 60 (2021), no.Article 16, 27 pages.

C1. Hauer D
Daniel Hauer: Regularizing effect of homogeneous evolution equations with perturbation. Nonlinear Analysis, 206 (2021), no.Open Access, Article number 112245.

C1. He J, Lin Y, Meng M, Li J, Yang YH and Wang H
Jian He, Yingxin Lin, Mei Meng, Jingquan Li, Jean YH. Yang, Hui Wang: Construction of a Human Cell Landscape of COVID-19 Infection at Single-cell Level. Aging and Disease, 12 (2021), no.3, 705–709.

C1. He Y and Kawai R
Yue He and Reiichiro Kawai: Time-squeezing and time-expanding transformations in harmonic force fields. Chaos, 31 (2021), no.Open Access, 093107 (12 pages).

C1. Hester EW, McConnochie CD, Cenedese C, Couston LA and Vasil GM
Eric W Hester, Craig D McConnochie, Claudia Cenedese, Louis-Alexandre Couston and Geoffrey Vasil: Aspect ratio affects iceberg melting. Physical Review Fluids, 6 (2021), no.2, Art. 023802 (Open Access).

C1. Hester EW, Vasil GM and Burns KJ
Eric W Hester, Geoffrey M Vasil, Keaton J Burns: Improving accuracy of volume penalised fluid-solid interactions. Journal of Computational Physics, 430 (2021), Article 110043 (25 pages).

C1. Hiabu M, Nielsen JP and Scheike TH
M Hiabu, J P Nielsen, T H Scheike: Nonsmooth backfitting for the excess risk additive regression model with two survival time scales. Biometrika, 108 (2021), no.2, 491–506.

C1. Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman: 3-manifolds with nilpotent embeddings in \(S^4\). Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 29 (2021), no.14, 2050094.

C1. Hu A, Stewart C, Craig JC, Wyburn K, Pleass H, Kanellis J, Lim WH, Yang YH and Wong G
Anne Hu, Cameron Stewart, Jonathan C Craig, Kate Wyburn, Henry Pleass, John Kanellis, Wai H Lim, Jean Yang and Germaine Wong: Jurisdictional inequalities in deceased donor kidney allocation in Australia. Kidney International, 100 (2021), 49–54.

C1. Hu J, Sun Q and Ye ZS
Jiawen Hu, Qiuzhuang Sun and Zhi-Sheng Ye: Condition-based maintenance planning for systems subject to dependent soft and hard failures. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 70 (2021), no.4, 1468–1480.

C1. Hu J, Sun Q, Ye ZS and Ling X
Jiawen Hu, Qiuzhuang Sun, Zhi-Sheng Ye and Xiaoliang Ling: Sequential degradation-based burn-in test with multiple periodic inspections. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 8 (2021), no.4, 519–530.

C1. Hu J, Sun Q, Ye ZS and Zhou Q
Jiawen Hu, Qiuzhuang Sun, Zhi-Sheng Ye and Qiang Zhou: Joint modeling of degradation and lifetime data for RUL prediction of deteriorating products. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 62 (2021), no.4, 4521–4531.

C1. Hu T, Wu Q and Zhou DX
Ting Hu, Qiang Wu, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Kernel gradient descent algorithm for information theoretic learning. Journal of Approximation Theory, 263 (2021), 105518 (32 pages).

C1. Hu T and Zhou DX
Ting Hu, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Distributed regularized least squares with flexible Gaussian kernels. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 53 (2021), 349–377.

C1. Hunt RL, Peiris MS and Weber NC
Richard Hunt, Shelton Peiris and Neville Weber: A general frequency domain estimation method for Gegenbauer processes. Journal of Time Series Econometrics, 13 (2021), no.2, 119–144.

C1. Hyland CC, Tao Y, Azizi L, Gerlach M, Peixoto TP and Altmann EG
Charles C Hyland, Yuanming Tao, Lamiae Azizi, Martin Gerlach, Tiago P Peixoto, and Eduardo G Altmann: Multilayer networks for text analysis with multiple data types. EPJ Data Science, 10 (2021), no.1 (Open Access), Article no. 33 (16 pages).

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Siti Ainor Mohd Yatim and Peter S Kim: Effects of Movement Control Order on mitigating spread of COVID-19 in the early phase of the outbreak in Malaysia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1988 (Open Access) (2021), no.1, 012009 (9 pages).

C1. Yu X, Zhang Y and Zhou Z
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C1. Yu Z, Ho DWC, Shi Z and Zhou DX
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C1. Yuan S and Kawai R
Sida Yuan, Reiichiro Kawai: Numerical aspects of shot noise representation of infinitely divisible laws and related processes. Probability Surveys, 18 (2021), 201–271.

C1. Zeng J, Lin SB, Yao Y and Zhou DX
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C1. Zhou DX and Liu BJ
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Conference Proceedings

E1. Cao Y, Fang Z, Wu Y, Zhou DX and Gu Q
Yuan Cao, Zhiying Fang, Yue Wu, Ding-Xuan Zhou and Quanquan Gu (2021). Towards understanding the spectral bias of deep learning. The Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Zhi-Hua Zhou (ed.) , nternational Joint Conferences on Artifical Intelligence (IJCAI), ISBN 978-0-9992411-9-6, 7 pages.

E1. Grazian C, Emvalomenos G, Fan Y and Meikle SR
C. Grazian, G. Emvalomenos, Y. Fan, and S.R. Meikle (2021). vPET-ABC: Voxel-wise approximate Bayesian inference for parametric imaging of neurotransmitter release. 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, IEEE (ed.) , IEEE, 1.

E1. Grazian C, Mastrantonio G and Bibbona E
C. Grazian, G. Mastrantonio, E. Bibbona (2021). A Time Clustering Model for Spatio-Temporal Data. XL Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, XL Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Italian Statistical Society (ed.) , Italian Statistical Society, 1.

E1. Valentini P, Ippoliti L and Grazian C
P. Valentini, L. Ippoliti, C. Grazian (2021). A Time Varying Coefficient Model to Estimate the Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health. XL Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, XL Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, XL Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (ed.) , Italian Statistical Society, ISBN unknown, 1.

E1. Wong SYK, Chan JSK, Azizi L and Xu RYD
Steven Y K Wong, Jennifer S K Chan, Lamiae Azizi, Richard Y D Xu (2021). Supervised temporal autoencoder for stock return time-series forecasting. IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2021, Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2021, W K Chan, B Claycomb, H Takakura, J Yang, Y Teranishi, D Towey, S Segura, H Shahria, S Reisman, S I Ahamed (ed.) , IEEE, ISBN 978-166542463-9, 1735–1741.

E1. Zhou J, Khushi M, Moni MA, Uddin S and Poon SK
Jackson Zhou, Matloob Khushi, Mohammad Ali Moni, Shahadat Uddin, Simon K Poon (2021). Lung Cancer Prediction Using Curriculum Learning Based Deep Neural Networks. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Digital Health, ICDH 2021, Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Digital Health, ICDH 2021, — (ed.) , IEEE Conferences, IEEE Publishing, ISBN —, 11–18.

E3. Warren D
Diana Warren (2021). Engaging diverse undergraduate cohorts with data stories: Insights from first-year student-driven projects. 10th Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics, Proceedings of the 10th Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics, Prof Ayse Aysin Bilgin & Dr Stephanie Budgett (ed.) , OZCOTS, OZCOTS, ISBN 978-0-9805950-3-1, 7.