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A5. Voight J
John Voight: Quadratic forms and quaternion algebras: Algorithms and arithmetic. PhD Thesis, University of California, Berkeley ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 2005, ISBN 978-0542-29154-8, 156 pages. MR2707756

Journal Articles

C1. Agho K, Dai W and Robinson J
K Agho, W Dai, John Robinson: Empirical saddlepoint approximations of the Studentized ratio and regression estimates for finite populations. Statistics and Probability Letters, 71 (2005), no.3, 237–247. MR2126408

C1. Allen DE, Peiris MS and Yang JW
David Allen, Shelton Peiris and Joey W Yang: An examination of the role of time and its impact on price revision. Australian Journal of Management, 30 (2005), no.2, 283–301.

C1. Antony N
Noelle Antony: On Singular Artin Monoids and Contributions to Birman's Conjecture. Communications in Algebra, 33 (2005), 4043–4056. MR2183979

C1. Ariki S and Mathas A
Susumu Ariki, Andrew Mathas: Corrigendum to: "The representation type of Hecke algebras of type \(B\)" [Adv.Math. 181 (2004), no. 1, 134–159]. Advances in Mathematics, 192 (2005), no.1, 228–230. MR2122288

C1. Balasuriya S
S. Balasuriya: Optimal perturbation for enhanced chaotic transport. Physica D, 202 (2005), 155–176. MR2132385

C1. Balasuriya S
S. Balasuriya: Direct chaotic flux quantification in perturbed planar flows: general time-periodicity. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 4 (2005), 282–311. MR2173537

C1. Balasuriya S
S Balasuriya: An approach for maximizing chaotic mixing in microfluidic devices. Physics of Fluids, 17 (2005), 118103. MR2193307

C1. Barker CS, Griffin C, Dolganov GM, Hanspers K, Yang YH and Erle DJ
Barker, C., Griffin, C. Dolganov, G., Hanspers, K., Yang, J.and Erle, D.J.: Increase DNA hybridization specificity using sscDNA targets. BMC Genomics, 6 (2005), no.1, 57.

C1. Barnes DW
Donald W Barnes: Ado-Iwasawa extras. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 78 (2005), 407–421. MR2142164

C1. Baumgartner U, Foster J, Hicks J, Lindsay H, Maloney B, Raeburn I, Ramagge J and Richardson S
Udo Baumgartner, James Foster, Jacqueline Hicks, Helen Lindsay, Ben Maloney, Iain Raeburn, Jacqui Ramagge, and Sarah Richardson: Hecke algebras of group extensions. Communications in Algebra, 33 (2005), 4135–4147.

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L and Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell and W.G. Gibson: A quantitative description of the contraction of blood vessels following the release of noradrenaline from sympathetic varicosities. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 234 (2005), 107–122. MR2140464

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L and Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell and W.G. Gibson: A quantitative model of purinergic junctional transmission of calcium waves in astrocyte networks. Biophysical Journal, 89 (2005), 2235–2250.

C1. Bertram WK
William K Bertram: A threshold model for Australian Stock Exchange equities. Physica A, 346 (2005), 561–576.

C1. Best J, Borisyuk A, Rubin J, Terman D and Wechselberger M
J. Best, A. Borisyuk, J. Rubin, D. Terman, M. Wechselberger: The Dynamic Range of Bursting in a Model Respiratory Pacemaker Network. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 4 (2005), no.4, 1107–1139. MR2179498

C1. Bielecki TR, Jeanblanc M and Rutkowski M
T R Bielecki, M Jeanblanc and M Rutkowski: PDE approach to valuation and hedging of credit derivatives. Quantitative Finance, 5 (2005), 257–270.

C1. Borceux F, Janelidze G and Kelly GM
F Borceux, G Janelidze, G M Kelly: Internal Object Actions. Commentationes Mathematicæ Universitatis Carolinæ, 46 (2005), no.2, 235–255. MR2176890

C1. Borceux F, Janelidze G and Kelly GM
F Borceux, G Janelidze, G M Kelly: On the representability of actions in a semi-abelian category. Theory and Applications of Categories, 14 (2005), 244–286. MR2182676

C1. Borovskikh YV and Weber NC
Yuri Borovskikh and N.C. Weber: On the Edgeworth expansion for elementary polynomials based on trimmed samples. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 71 (2005), 155–166. MR2127674

C1. Britton S, New PB, Sharma MD and Yardley D
S.Britton, P.B.New, M.D.Sharma, D.Yardley: A case study of the transfer of mathematics skills by university students. International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 36 (2005), no.1, 1–13.

C1. Brown G and Dai F
Gavin Brown, Feng Dai: Approximation of smooth functions on compact two-point homogeneous spaces. Journal of Functional Analysis, 220 (2005), 401–423. MR2119285

C1. Brown G, Feng D and Móricz F
G Brown, D Feng, F Móricz: The maximal conjugate and Hilbert operators on real Hardy spaces. Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 109 (2005), no.1-2, 53–63. MR2174239

C1. Buchen PW and Konstandatos O
P Buchen, O Konstandatos: A new method of pricing lookback options. Mathematical Finance, 15 (2005), no.2, 245–259. MR2132191

C1. Buhler J, Keich U and Sun Y
J Buhler, U Keich, Y Sun: Designing seeds for similarity search in genomic DNA. Journal of computer and system sciences, 70 (2005), no.3, 342–363. MR2129866

C1. Cîrstea FC and Du Y
F.C. Cîrstea, Y. Du: General uniqueness results and variation speed for blow-up solutions of elliptic equations. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 91 (2005), no.2, 459–482. MR2167094

C1. Cîrstea FC, Ghergu M and Rădulescu VD
F.C. Cîrstea, M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu: Combined effects of asymptotically linear and singular nonlinearities in bifurcation problems of Lane-Emden-Fowler type. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 84 (2005), no.4, 493–508. MR2133126

C1. Cameron R and Galloway DJ
Robert Cameron, David Galloway: The structure of small-scale magnetic flux tubes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 358 (2005), no.3, 883–891.

C1. Cannon JJ, Holt DF, Slattery MC and Steel A
John J Cannon, Derek F Holt, Michael Slattery, Allan K Steel: Computing subgroups of bounded index in a finite group. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 40 (2005), no.2, 1013–1022. MR2167681

C1. Chan JSK, Kuk AYC and Yam CHK
Jennifer SK Chan, Anthony YC Kuk, and Carrie HK Yam,: Monte Carlo approximation through Gibbs output in generalized linear mixed models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 94 (2005), no.2, 300–312. MR2167916

C1. Chi WC, Lai KF and Tan KS
W.C. Chi, K.F. Lai and K.S. Tan: Integer points on elliptic curves. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 222 (2005), no.2, 237–252. MR2225071

C1. Clark JD, Fraser WB, Rahn CD and Rajamani A
James David Clarke, Wynstone Barrie Fraser, Christopher David Rahn and Arun Rajamani: Limit-cycle oscillations of a heavy whirling cable subject to aerodynamic drag. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences., 461 (2005), no.2055, 875–893. MR2121940

C1. Corran R
Ruth Corran: Conjugacy in singular Artin monoids. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 79 (2005), 183–212. MR2176343

C1. Cox AG and Parker AE
Anton Cox and Alison Parker: Homomorphisms and higher extensions for Schur Algebras and symmetric groups. Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 4 (2005), no.6, 645–670. MR2192149

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Some examples on solution structures for weakly nonlinear elliptic equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 12 (2005), no.5, 817–826. MR2128728

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Remarks on nonlinear elliptic problems on long domains. Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 5 (2005), no.2, 253–263. MR2126738

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Stable and finite Morse index solutions on \(\mathbb{R}^n\) or on bounded domains with small diffusion. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 357 (2005), no.3, 1225–1243. MR2110438

C1. Dancer EN, Gęba K and Rybicki SM
E N Dancer, K Geba, S M Rybicki: Classification of homotopy classes of equivariant gradient maps. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 185 (2005), no.1, 1–18. MR2161749

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E N Dancer, Shusen Yan: On the superlinear Lazer-McKenna conjecture. Journal of Differential Equations, 210 (2005), 317–351. MR2119987

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E N Dancer, S Yan: Multipeak solutions for the Neumann problem of an elliptic system of FitzHugh-Nagumo type. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 90 (2005), no.1, 209–244. MR2107042

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E N Dancer and Shusen Yan: On the Superlinear Lazer-McKenna conjecture: Part II. Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 30 (2005), 1331–1358. MR2180307

C1. Daners D
Daniel Daners: Perturbation of semi-linear evolution equations under weak assumptions at initial time. Journal of Differential Equations, 210 (2005), 352–382. MR2119988

C1. DeConde R, Kim PS, Levy D and Lee PP
R. DeConde, P.S. Kim, D. Levy, P.P. Lee: Post-transplantation dynamics of the immune response to chronic myelogenous leukemia. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 236 (2005), no.1, 39–59.

C1. Derks G and Gottwald GA
G. Derks and G.A. Gottwald: A robust numerical method to study oscillatory instability of gap solitary waves. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 4 (2005), 140–158. MR2136521

C1. Dobrev VK and Zhang RB
V K Dobrev and R B Zhang: Positive energy unitary irreducible representations of the superalgebras \(\mathrm{osp}(1|2n, \mathbb{R})\). Akademiya Nauk SSR. Yadernaya Fizika, 68 (2005), no.10, 1724–1732. MR2189518

C1. Dragović V and Radnović M
Vladimir Dragović and Milena Radnović: Corrigendum: "Cayley-type conditions for billiards within \(k\) quadrics in \(\mathbb{R}^d\)". Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 38 (2005), no.36, 7927. MR2185422

C1. Dullin HR and Ivanov AV
H. R. Dullin and A.V. Ivanov: Another look at the saddle-centre bifurcation: Vanishing Twist. Physica D,, 211 (2005), 47–56.

C1. Dullin HR and Ivanov AV
H. R. Dullin and A.V. Ivanov: Vanishing twist in the Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcation. Physica D,, 201 (2005), 27–44.

C1. Dullin HR, Meiss JD and Sterling DG
H. R. Dullin, J. D. Meiss and D. G. Sterling: Symbolic Codes for Rotational Orbits. SIADS,, 4 (2005), 515–562.

C1. Dullin HR, Robinson J, Waalkens H, Creagh S and Tanner G
H. R. Dullin, J. Robinson, H. Waalkens, S. Creagh, and G. Tanner: Maslov indices and monodromy. J. Phys. A,, 38 (2005), L443–L447.

C1. Easdown D, East J and FitzGerald DG
D. Easdown, J. East and D. G. FitzGerald: Presentations of factorizable inverse monoids. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged), 71 (2005), 509–520. MR2206594

C1. Ewald CO
C O Ewald: Trading in stochastic volatility models. International journal of theoretical and applied finance, 8 (2005), no.3, 1–19.

C1. Ewald CO
C O Ewald: Local volatility in the Heston model: A Malliavin calculus approach. Journal of applied mathematics and stochastic analysis, 2005 (2005), no.3

C1. Ewald CO
C O Ewald: A de Rham isomorphism in singular cohomology and Stokes' theorem for stratifolds. International journal of geometric methods in modern physics, 2 (2005), no.1

C1. Ewald CO
Christian-Oliver Ewald: Optimal Logarithmic Utility and Optimal Portfolios for an Insider in a Stochastic Volatility Market. International journal of theoretical and applied finance, 8 (2005), no.3, 301–319.

C1. Ewald CO and Strasse ES
Christian-Oliver Ewald, Erwin Schrödinger Strasse: de Rham Isomorphism in Singular Cohomology and Stokes Theorem for Stratifolds. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2 (2005), no.1, 19 pages.

C1. Farajollahi H
Hossein Farajollahi: Time and observables in unimodular gravity. General Relativity and Gravitation, 37 (2005), no.2, 383–390. MR2147839

C1. Farnell L and Gibson WG
L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion in a spatially nonhomogeneous medium: A biased random walk on an asymmetrical lattice. Journal of Computational Physics, 208 (2005), 253–265.

C1. Fish A
A. Fish: Liouville random functions and normal sets. Acta Arith., 120 (2005), 191–196.

C1. Fisher NI
Nicholas I Fisher: Public awareness, professionalism and professional accreditation; international collaboration. International Statistical Review, 73 (2005), no.2, 269–270.

C1. Fisher NI
Nicholas I Fisher: The industrial statistics divide: are statisticians really relevant to business and industry. International Statistical Review, 73 (2005), no.2, 177–180.

C1. Fisher NI, Lee AJ and Sparks RS
Nicholas Fisher, Alan Lee and Ross Sparks: No more static. Marketing Research, Spring 2005 (2005), 14–19.

C1. Fisher NI and van Zwet WR
Nicholas I Fisher and Willem R van Zwet: Wassily Hoeffding 1914-1991. Biographical Memoirs - the National Academies Press, 86 (2005), 1–12.

C1. Futorny V, Molev AI and Ovsienko S
Vyacheslav Futorny, Alexander Molev, Serge Ovsienko: Harish-Chandra modules for Yangians. Representation Theory, 9 (2005), 426–454. MR2142818

C1. Galan J, Fraser WB, Acheson DJ and Champneys AR
J Galan, W B Fraser, D J Acheson and A R Champneys: The parametrically excited upside-down rod: an elastic jointed pendulum model. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 280 (2005), 359–377.

C1. Girard M and Kulesz L
Martine Girard and Leopoldo Kulesz: Computation of sets of rational points of genus 3 curves via the Dem'janenko-Manin method. LMS Journal of Mathematics and Computation, 8 (2005), 267–300. MR2193214

C1. Gonzalez R, Yang YH, Griffin C, Allen L, Tigue Z and Dobbs L
Gonzalez, R., Yang, Y. H., Griffin, C., Allen, L., Tigue, Z. and Dobbs, L.: Freshly isolated Rat Alveolar Type I Cells, Type II Cells, and Cultured Type II Cells Have Distinct Molecular Phenotypes. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol., 288 (2005), no.1, L179–89.

C1. Gordoa PR, Joshi N and Pickering A
Pilar R Gordoa, Nalini Joshi, Andrew Pickering: Bäcklund transformations for fourth Painlevé hierarchies. Journal of Differential Equations, 217 (2005), 124–153. MR2170530

C1. Goto H and Kajiwara K
Hiromichi Goto and Kenji Kajiwara: Generating functions related to the Okamoto polynomials for the Painlevé IV equation. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 71 (2005), 517–526. MR2150941

C1. Gottwald GA and Melbourne I
G.A. Gottwald and I. Melbourne: Testing for chaos in deterministic systems with noise. Physica D, 212 (2005), 100–110. MR2186153

C1. Goulter SW
Stephen Goulter: The structure of the lunar semi-diurnal pressure tide L2. The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 131 (2005), 727–762.

C1. Hall P and Stewart M
Peter Hall, Michael Stewart: Theoretical analysis of power in a two-component normal mixture model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 134 (2005), 158–179. MR2146091

C1. Henderson A
Anthony Henderson: Species over a finite field. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 21 (2005), 147–161. MR2142405

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: An indecomposable \(PD_3\)-complex whose fundamental group has infinitely many ends. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 138 (2005), 55–57. MR2127227

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Singularities of plane algebraic curves. Expositiones Mathematicae, 23 (2005), 233–254. MR2164776

C1. Ivanoff BG and Weber NC
B Gail Ivanoff, N C Weber: Spreadable arrays and martingale structures. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 79 (2005), 277–296. MR2176348

C1. Ivers DJ
D J Ivers: An angular spectral method for solution of the heat equation in spheroidal geometries. ANZIAM Journal, 46 (2005), 854–870. MR2181904

C1. Jarvis PD and Zhang RB
P D Jarvis, R B Zhang: Resolution of the \(\mathrm{GL}(3)\supset \mathrm{O}(3)\) state labelling problem via the \(\mathrm{O}(3)\)-invariant Bethe subalgebra of the twisted Yangian. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 38 (2005), no.14, L219–L226. MR2161723

C1. Jayaswal V, Jermiin LS and Robinson J
Vivek Jayaswal, Lars Jermiin and John Robinson: Estimation of phylogeny using a general Markov model. Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online, 1 (2005), 62–80.

C1. Jermiin LS, Poladian L and Charleston MA
LS Jermiin, L Poladian and MA Charleston: Evolution - Is the "Big Bang" in animal evolution real? Science, 310 (2005), no.5756, 1910–1911.

C1. Jomaa Z and Macaskill C
Z.Jomaa and C.Macaskill: The embedded finite difference method for the Poisson equation in a domain with an irregular boundary and Dirichlet boundary conditions. Journal of Computational Physics, 202 (2005), no.2, 488–506. MR2145390

C1. Joshi N and Kitaev AV
N. Joshi and A. V. Kitaev: The Dirichlet boundary value problem for real solutions of the first Painlevé equation on segments in non-positive semi-axis. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 583 (2005), 29–86. MR2146852

C1. Joshi N and Lafortune S
N. Joshi and S. Lafortune: How to detect integrability in cellular automata. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 38 (2005), L499–L504. MR2166619

C1. Künzer M and Mathas A
Matthias Künzer and Andrew Mathas: Elementary divisors of Specht modules. European Journal of Combinatorics, 26 (2005), 943–964. MR2143203

C1. Kajiwara K, Masuda T, Noumi M, Ohta Y and Yamada Y
K Kajiwara, T Masuda, M Noumi, Y Ohta, Y Yamada: Construction of hypergeometric solutions to the \(q\)-Painlevé equations. International Mathematics Research Notices, 24 (2005), online.

C1. Kajiwara K and Mukaihira A
K Kajiwara, A Mukaihira: Soliton solutions for the non-autonomous discrete-time Toda lattice equation. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 38 (2005), no.28, 6363–6370. MR2166628

C1. Keich U
U Keich: sFFT: a faster accurate computation of the p-value of the entropy score. Journal of computational Biology, 12 (2005), no.4, 416–430.

C1. Kelly GM
G M Kelly: On the operads of J P May. Reprints in Theory and Applications of Categories, 13 (2005), 1–13. MR2177746

C1. Kelly GM and Schmitt V
G M Kelly, V Schmitt: Notes on enriched categories with colimits of some class. Theory and Applications of Categories, 14 (2005), 399–423. MR2211425

C1. Kisin M and Lai KF
Mark Kisin and King Fai Lai: Overconvergent Hilbert modular forms. American Journal of Mathematics, 127 (2005), no.4, 735–783. MR2154369

C1. Kuo TC
Tzee-Char Kuo: René Thom and some of his ideas. La Gazette des Mathématiciens, Supplement of No. 103 (2005), no.103, 50–58.

C1. Kuo TC and Paunescu L
Tzee-Char Kuo, Laurentiu Paunescu: Equisingularity in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) as Morse stability in infinitesimal calculus. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A. Mathematical Sciences, 81 (2005), 115–120. MR2159239

C1. Kuperman DA, Lewis CC, Woodruff PG, Rodriguez MW, Yang YH, Dolganov GM, Fahy JV and Erle DJ
Kuperman, D.A., Lewis, C.C.,Woodruff, P.G., Rodriguez, M.W., Yang, Y.H., Dolganov,G.M., Fahy, J.V., Erle, D.J..: Dissecting asthma using focused transgenic modeling and functional genomics. J Allergy Clin Immunol., 116 (2005), no.2, 305–311.

C1. Lam N and Zhang RB
Ngau Lam and R B Zhang: Quasi-finite modules for Lie superalgebras of infinite rank. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 358 (2005), no.1, 403–439. MR2171240

C1. Lehrer GI
G I Lehrer: Remarks concerning linear characters of reflection groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 11 (2005), 3163–3169. MR2160177

C1. Lemon G, Brockhausen J, Li GH, Gibson WG and Bennett MR
G. Lemon, J. Brockhausen, G.-H. Li, W.G. Gibson and M.R. Bennett: Calcium mobilization and spontaneous transient outward current characteristics upon agonist activation of P2Y2 receptors in smooth muscle cells. Biophysical Journal, 88 (2005), 1507–1523.

C1. Liu X, Duan Y and Zhang PM
Xin Liu, Yi-shi Duan, Peng-ming Zhang: Multi-types of Skyrmions in SU(N) quantum Hall system. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 44 (2005), 371. MR2487010

C1. Liu X, Zhang Y, Duan Y and Fu L
Xin Liu, Yao-zhong Zhang, Yi-shi Duan, Li-bin Fu: Various topological excitations in the SO(4) gauge field in higher dimensions. Annals of Physics, 318 (2005), 419. MR2150465

C1. Lyle SL and Mathas A
Sinéad Lyle and Andrew Mathas: Row and Column Removal Theorems for Homomorphisms of Specht Modules and Weyl Modules. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 22 (2005), no.2, 151–179. MR2164395

C1. Manos S and Poladian L
Steven Manos and Leon Poladian: Multi-objective and constrained design of fibre Bragg gratings using Evolutionary Algorithms. Optics Express, 13 (2005), no.19, 7350–7364.

C1. Menon SN and Gottwald GA
Shakti N. Menon and Georg A. Gottwald: On bifurcations in reaction-diffusion systems in chaotic flows. Physical Review. E, 71 (2005), 066201–066207.

C1. Muller S
Samuel Müller: Two-stage support estimation. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47 (2005), no.4, 463–472.

C1. Muller S and Hüsler J
Samuel Müller, Jürg Hüsler: Iterative estimation of the extreme value index. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 7 (2005), 139–148.

C1. Muller S and Welsh AH
Samuel Müller & AH Welsh: Outlier robust model selection in linear regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100 (2005), 1297–1310. MR2236443

C1. Nagarajan N, Jones N and Keich U
N Nagarajan, N Jones and U Keich: Computing the p-valueof the information content from an alignment of multiple sequence. Bioinformatics, 21 (2005), no.Suppl. 1, i311 – i318.

C1. O'Sullivan P
Peter O'Sullivan: The structure of certain rigid tensor categories. Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, 340 (2005), no.8, 557–562. MR2138703

C1. Papadima S and Paunescu L
S. Papadima and L. Paunescu: Isometry-invariant geodesics and nonpositive derivations of the cohomology. Journal of Differential Geometry, 71 (2005), no.1, 159–176. MR2191771

C1. Peiris MS, Allen DE and Yang W
Shelton Peiris, David Allen and Wenling Yang: Some statistical models for durations and an application to News Corporation stock prices. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 68 (2005), 549–556. MR2156401

C1. Phillips CG and Ivers DJ
C G Phillips, D J Ivers: Spherical magnetic instabilities in the earth's core and equatorial symmetries. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 153 (2005), 83–100.

C1. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Exact tests and quasi-exact alternatives. Mathematical Scientist, 30 (2005), 125–133. MR2185369

C1. Poladian L and Jermiin LS
L. Poladian and L.S. Jermiin: Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and phylogenetic inference with multiple data sets. Soft Computing, 10 (2005), no.4, 359–368.

C1. Rice A and Seneta E
Adrian Rice, Eugene Seneta: De Morgan in the prehistory of statistical hypothesis testing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A. Statistics in Society, 168 (2005), no.Part 3, 615–627. MR2146412

C1. Robinson J and Wang Q
John Robinson and Qiying Wang: On the self-normalized Cramer-type large deviation. Journal of Theoretical Probability, 18 (2005), no.4, 891–909. MR2300002

C1. Scheunert M and Zhang RB
M Scheunert, R B Zhang: Integration on Lie supergroups: A Hopf superalgebra approach. Journal of Algebra, 292 (2005), 324–342. MR2172158

C1. Scoufis G and Cosgrove CM
George Scoufis, Christopher M Cosgrove: An application of the inverse scattering transform to the modified intermediate long wave equation. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46 (2005), no.10, 39 pp.

C1. Seneta E and Chen JT
Eugene Seneta and John T Chen: Simple stepwise tests of hypotheses and multiple comparisons. International Statistical Review, 73 (2005), 21–34.

C1. Seneta E and Chen JT
Eugene Seneta, John T Chen: A generator for explicit univariate lower bounds. Statistics and Probability Letters, 75 (2005), 256–266. MR2212357

C1. Seneta E and Jongmans F
Eugene Seneta, Francois Jongmans: The problem of the broken rod and Ernesto Cesaro's early work in probability. Mathematical Scientist, 30 (2005), 67–76. MR2185363

C1. Shinoda K and Tulunay I
Kenichi Shinoda and Ilknur Tulunay: Representations of the Hecke algebra for \(\mathrm{GL}_4(q)\). Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 4 (2005), no.6, 631–644. MR2192148

C1. Slade PF and Wakeley J
Paul F Slade and John Wakeley: The structured ancestral selection graph and the Many-Demes unit. Genetics, 169 (2005), 1117–1131.

C1. Smale S and Zhou DX
Steve Smale, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Shannon sampling. II. Connections to learning theory.. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 19 (2005), no.3, #8211;302. MR2186447

C1. Steel A
Allan Steel: Conquering inseparability: primary decomposition and multivariate factorization over algebraic function fields of positive characteristic. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 40 (2005), no.3, 1053–1075. MR2167699

C1. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR and Winch DE
R Stening, T Reztsova, D Ivers, J Turner and D Winch: Morning quiet-time ionospheric current reversal at mid to high latitudes. Annales Geophysicae, 23 (2005), 385–391.

C1. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR and Winch DE
Robert Stening, Tamara Reztsova, David Ivers, Jon Turner and Denis Winch: A critique of methods of determining the position of the focus of the Sq current system. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (2005), 1–9.

C1. Stewart M and Robinson J
Michael Stewart, John Robinson: Extremes of normed empirical moment generating function processes. Extremes, 6 (2005), 319–333.

C1. Tang ZX, Wang X and Fraser WB
Zhengxue Tang, Xungai Wang and W Barrie Fraser: Recent studies on yarn tension and energy consumption in ring spinning. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 9 (2005), no.4, 1–15.

C1. Thavaneswaran A, Appadoo S and Peiris MS
A. Thavaneswaran, S. Appadoo and S. Peiris: Forecasting volatility. Statistics and Probability Letters, 75 (2005), 1–10. MR2185597

C1. Tillmann S
Stephan Tillmann: Boundary slopes and the logarithmic limit set. Topology, 44 (2005), 203–216.

C1. Turner JPR, Winch DE, Ivers DJ and Stening RJ
Jon Turner, Denis Winch, David Ivers, Robert Stening: Analysis of satellite magnetic data. Exploration Geophysics, 36 (2005), 317–321.

C1. Wang Q
Qiying Wang: Limit theorems for self-normalized large deviation. Electronic Journal of Probability, 10 (2005), no.38, 1260–1285. MR2176384

C1. Wechselberger M
Wechselberger M: Existence and bifurcation of canards in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) in the case of a folded node. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 4 (2005), no.1, 101–139. MR2136520

C1. Welsh AH and Robinson J
Alan H Welsh, John Robinson: Fisher and Inference for Scores. International Statistical Review, 73 (2005), no.1, 131–150.

C1. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR and Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: Geomagnetism and Schmidt quasi-normalization. Geophysical Journal International, 160 (2005), 487–504.

C1. Woodbury GA
G Woodbury: Sufficient conditions for equilibrium in dynamical systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 160 (2005), 89–92. MR2100176

C1. Woodruff PG, Koth LL, Yang YH, Rodriguez MW, Favoreto S, Dolganov GM, Paquet AC and Erle DJ
Woodruff, P.G., Koth, L.L., Yang, Y.H., Rodriguez, M.W., Favoreto, S., Dolganov,G.M., Paquet, A.C. and Erle, D.J.: A distinctive alveolar macrophage activation state induced by cigarette smoking. Am J Respir Crit Care Med,, 172 (2005), 1383–1392.

C1. Wu Q and Zhou DX
Qiang Wu, Ding-Xuan Zhou: SVM soft margin classifiers: linear programming versus quadratic programming.. Neural Comput., 17 (2005), no.5, –1187. MR2176072

C1. Xiao YY, Segal MR and Yang YH
Xiao, Y. Y., Segal, M. and Yang, Y. H.: Stepwise Normalization of Two-Channel Spotted Microarrays. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biolog,, 4 (2005), Article 4.

C1. Xiao YY, Yang YH, Burckin TA, Shiue L, Hartzog GA and Segal MR
Xiao, Y., Yang, Y. H., Burckin, T.A., Shiue, L., Hartzog, G.A., Segal, M.R..: analysis of a Splice Array Experiment Elucidates Roles of Chromatin Elongation Factor Spt4-5 in Splicing. PLoS Comput Biol., 1 (2005), no.4, e39.

C1. Xue SC, Tanner RI, Barton GW, Lwin R, Large MCJ and Poladian L
SC Xue, RI Tanner, GW Barton, R Lwin, MCJ Large and L Poladian: Fabrication of Microstructured Optical Fibers, Part I: Problem Formulation and Numerical Modeling of Transient Draw Process. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 23 (2005), no.7, 2245– 2254.

C1. Xue SC, Tanner RI, Barton RI, Lwin R, Barton GW, Large MCJ and Poladian L
SC Xue, RI Tanner, GW Barton, R Lwin, MCJ Large and L Poladian: Fabrication of Microstructured Optical Fibers, Part II: Numerical Modeling of Steady-State Draw Process. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 23 (2005), no.7, 2255– 2266.

C1. Yang YH, Xiao YY and Segal MR
Yang, Y. H., Xiao, Y. Y. and Segal, M.: Identifying differentially expressed genes from microarray experiments via statistic synthesis. Bioinformatics, 21 (2005), 1084–1093.

C1. Yu R
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C3. Taylor DE
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C. Macaskill, T.M. Schaerf: Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science, 1 (2005), 486–488.

Conference Proceedings

E1. Bertram WK and Peiris MS
William K Bertram, M Shelton Peiris (2005). Increasing the quality of volatility forecasts with fractional ARIMA models. The 2004 Workshop on Research Methods: Statistics and Finance, Proceedings of the 2004 Workshop on Research Methods: Statistics and Finance, Eric J Beh, Robert G Clark, J C W Rayner (ed.) , University of Wollongong, ISBN 1 74128 107 5, 66–74.

E1. Donoho D and Raimondo M
David Donoho and Marc Raimondo (2005). A fast wavelet algorithm for image deblurring. 12th Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Proc. of 12th Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Rob May and A. J. Roberts (ed.) , 46(E), ANZIAM, 29–46. MR2182159

E1. Joshi N
Nalini Joshi (2005). Asymptotics for extended cellular automata. Recent Trends in Exponential Asymptotics, Recent trends in exponential asymptotics, Yoshitsugu Takei (ed.) , RIMS Kokyuroku Series, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 156–159.

E1. Kurdyka K and Paunescu L
Krzystof Kurdyka, Laurentiu Paunescu (2005). Arc-analyticity is an open property. The second Franco-Japanese Singularity Conference, Singularites Franco-Japonaises, Jean-Paul Brasselet and Tatsuo Suwa (ed.) , Seminaires et Congres, Societe Mathematique de France, ISBN 2-85629-166-X, 155–162. MR2145953

E1. Lai KF and Zhao CL
KF Lai, CL Zhao (2005). Overconvergent \(p\)-adic Siegel modular forms. Algebra and Number Theory Silver Jubilee Conference, Algebra and Number Theory, R. Tandon (ed.) , Hindustan Book Agency, ISBN 81-85931-57-7, 250–257. MR2193357

E1. Large MCJ, Manos S, Bentley P and Poladian L
M. C. J Large, S. Manos, P. Bentley and L. Poladian (2005). Evolving Microstructured Fibres. International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, Duncan Steel and Alain Aspect (ed.) , OSA and IEEE, 585–587.

E1. Large M, Wickham S, Poladian L and Jermiin LS
Maryanne Large, Shelley Wickham, Leon Poladian and Lars S Jermiin (2005). Iridescence control in low contrast biological microstructures. International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, Duncan Steel and Alain Aspect (ed.) , OSA and IEEE, 357–359.

E1. Manos S, Poladian L, Bentley P and Large M
S Manos, L Poladian, P Bentley and M Large (2005). Photonic device design using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Third International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, Third International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, Carlos A Coello Coello, Arturo Hernández Aguirre and Eckart Zitzler (ed.) , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 3410, ISBN 3-540-24983-4, 636–650.

E1. Peiris MS, Allen DE and Peiris U
Shelton Peiris, David Allen, Udara Peiris (2005). Generalised autoregressive models with conditional heteroscedasticity: An application to financial time series modelling. The 2004 Workshop on Research Methods: Statistics and Finance, Proceedings of the 2004 Workshop on Research Methods: Statistics and Finance, Eric J Beh, Robert G Clark, J C W Rayner (ed.) , University of Wollongong, ISBN 1 74128 107 5, 75–83.

E1. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps (2005). Lancaster, Liebermeister and quasi-exact measures. The 2004 Workshop on Research Methods: Statistics and Finance, Proceedings of the 2004 Workshop on Research Methods: Statistics and Finance, Eric J Beh, Robert G Clark, J C W Rayner (ed.) , University of Wollongong, ISBN 1 74128 107 5, 21–30.

E1. Poladian L
Leon Poladian (2005). A GA for Maximum Likelihood Phylogenetic Inference using Neighbour Joining as a Genotype to Phenotype Mapping. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Hans-Georg Beyer (ed.) , ACM Press, ISBN 1-59593-010-8, 415–422.

E1. Poladian L
L. Poladian (2005). A rigorous approach to normalization, perturbation and orthogonality of leaky modes in microstructured fibre algorithms. International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, Duncan Steel and Alain Aspect (ed.) , OSA and IEEE, 592–593.

E1. Poladian L, Manos S and Ashton B
Leon Poladian, Steven Manos and Brian Ashton (2005). Multi-objective and constrained design of gratings using genetic algorithms. International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, Duncan Steel and Alain Aspect (ed.) , OSA and IEEE, 950–952.

E1. Roberts AL, Sharma MD, Britton S and New PB
A.L.Roberts, M.D.Sharma, S.Britton, P.B.New (2005). Mathematics Transfer of First Year Science Students. Australian Institute of Physics 16th Biennial Congress 2005, Proceedings of the 16th Australian Institute of Physics Congress 2005, Max Colla (ed.) , Australian Institute of Physics, ISBN 0-9598064-8-2, 140–144.

E1. Thompson RS, Macaskill C and Farnell L
RS Thompson, C Macaskill and L Farnell (2005). Exact and weak scattering models for the complex acoustic field near to cylindrical walls and boundaries in tissue. 2005 IEEE International Ultrasonics Conference, Proceedings 2005 IEEE International Ultrasonics Conference, Susan Yuhas (ed.) , IEEE, ISBN 0-7803-9382-1/1051-0117, 528–531.

E1. Voight J
John Voight (2005). Curves over finite fields with many points: an introduction. Computational aspects of algebraic curves, Computational aspects of algebraic curves, Tanush Shaska (ed.) , Lecture Notes Ser. Comput., 13, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., ISBN 981-256-459-4, 124–144. MR2182038

E1. Wechselberger M
Wechselberger M (2005). Poincaré maps for relaxation oscillations in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) - invariant manifolds, canards and turning points. EQUADIFF 2003, EQUADIFF 2003 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations, Freddy Dumortier, Henk Broer, Jean Mawhin, Andre Vanderbauwhede, Sjoerd Verduyn Lunel (ed.) , World Sci. Publ., ISBN 981-256-169-2, 925–930. MR2185152

E3. Gottwald GA and Kramer L
Georg A. Gottwald and Lorenz Kramer (2005). On a normal form for one-dimensional excitable media. Dynamical System Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Oberwolfach Reports, Gert-Martin Greuel (ed.) , European Mathematical Society, 2, 1941–1942.

E3. Lwin R, Barton GW, Keawfanapadol T, Large M, Poladian L and Tanner RI
Richard Lwin, Geoff Barton, Trungta Keawfanapadol, Maryanne Large, Leon Poladian, Roger Tanner (2005). Suspended Core Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibre: Connecting to Reality. Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, Simon Fleming (ed.) , ISBN 1-877040-33-9, 167–169.

E3. O'Byrne JW, Britton S, Franklin S, Frey A and George A
John O'Byrne, Sandra Britton, Sue Franklin, Alistair Frey, Adrian George (2005). Identifying first year science students at risk. Herdsa conference 2005: higher education in a changing world, Herdsa conference 2005: higher education in a changing world, Institue for teaching and learning, University of Sydney (ed.) , Institue for teaching and learning, University of Sydney, ISBN 0 908557 64 7, 280.

E3. Roberts AL, New PB, Sharma MD and Britton S
Andrew Roberts, Peter New, Manjula Sharma, Sandra Britton (2005). New teaching for new students in a new context: pushing the boundaries in first year science. Herdsa conference 2005: higher education in a changing world, Herdsa conference 2005: higher education in a changing world, Institue for teaching and learning, University of Sydney (ed.) , Institue for Teaching and Learning, University of Sydney, ISBN 0 908557 64 7, 279.

E3. Wickham S, Large M and Poladian L
S. Wickham, M. Large and L. Poladian (2005). High resolution single-scale investigation of a 3-dimensional Butterfly Photonic Crystal. 7th Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy 2005, 7th Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy 2005, TuE4.

E3. Xue SC, Large M, Barton GW, Tanner RI, Lwin R and Poladian L
Shicheng Xue, Maryanne Large, Geoff Barton, Roger Tanner, Richard Lwin, Leon Poladian (2005). Hole Deformation Behaviour in Drawing Microstructured Optical Fibres. Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, Simon Fleming (ed.) , ISBN 1-877040-33-9, 484–486.

E4. Gottwald GA and Kramer L
G.A. Gottwald and L. Kramer (2005). On a normalform for excitable media. Dynamical system methods in fluid dynamics, Oberwolfach Reports, Gert-Martin Greuel (ed.) , EMS publishing house, 1941–1942.

E4. Ormerod JT, Wand MP and Koch I
Ormerod, J.T., Wand, M.P. and Koch, I. (2005). Penalised spline support vector classifiers: computational issues. 20th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling., Statistical Solutions to Modern Problems, A.R. Francis, K.M. Matawie, A. Oshlack, G.K. Smyth (ed.) , University of Western Sydney, ISBN 1 74108 101 7, 33–48.