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A2. Balasuriya S
Balasuriya S: Planar Coordinate Geometry. Sampath printing industries, Kadugannawa, Sri Lanka, 1998, ISBN 955-96996-0-X, 143 pages.

A4. Phipps MC and Quine MP
M C Phipps and M P Quine: A Primer of Statistics: Data Analysis, Probability, Inference. Prentice Hall, Sydney, Australia, 1998, ISBN 0 7248 0961 9, 147 pages.

Chapters in Books

B1. Ma C and Robinson J
Chungsheng Ma, John Robinson: Approximations to distributions of sample quantiles, Order Statistics: Theory and Methods. Handbook of Statistics 16, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1998, ISBN 0-444-82091-4, 463–484. MR1668756

B1. Mora F
Ferdinando Mora: De Nugis Groebnerialium 1: Eagon, Northcott, Gröbner, Gröbner Bases and Applications. B. Buchberger and F. Winkler (ed.), London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 251, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998, ISBN 0 521 63298 6, 434–447. MR2001e:13034

B1. Ram A
Arun Ram: Quantum Groups, Geometric Analysis and Lie Theory in Mathematics and Physics. Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series, 11, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1998, ISBN 0 521 62490 8, 26–103. MR2000f:17022

Journal Articles

C1. Balasuriya S, Jones CKRT and Sandstede B
Balasuriya S, Jones C K R T and Sandstede B: Viscous perturbations of vorticity-conserving flows and separatrix splitting. Nonlinearity, 11 (1998), 47–77. MR1492950

C1. Ball L and Galloway DJ
Lewis Ball and David Galloway: Electron heating by the cross-shock electric potential. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 103 (1998), 17,455–17,466.

C1. Benkart G, Shader CL and Ram A
Georgia Benkart, Chanyoung Lee Shader, Arun Ram: Tensor product representations for orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 130 (1998), 1–48. MR99k:17013

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L and Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, and W.G. Gibson: On the origin of skewed distributions of spontaneous synaptic potentials in autonomic ganglia. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series B, 265 (1998), 271–277.

C1. Bernad J, Gonzalez S, Martinez C and Iltyakov AV
J Bernad, S Gonzalez, C Martinez and A V Iltyakov: Polynomial identities of Bernstein algebras of small dimension. Journal of Algebra, 207 (1998), no.2, 664–681. MR99g:17056

C1. Buffoni B, Dancer EN and Toland JF
Boris Buffoni, Edward Norman Dancer, John Francis Toland: Sur les ondes de Stokes et une conjecture de Levi-Civita. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série I. Mathématique, 326 (1998), 1265–1268. MR99g:76014

C1. Cameron R and Hopkins A
R Cameron and A Hopkins: A new estimate of the solar meridional flow. Solar Physics, 183 (1998), 263–276.

C1. Carboni A, Kelly GM, Verity D and Wood RJ
A Carboni A, G M Kelly, D Verity and R J Wood: Categorical approach to change of base and geometric morphisms II. Theory and Applications of Categories, 4 (1998), no.5, 82–136. MR99e:18007

C1. Cartwright DI and Steger TM
Donald I Cartwright and Tim Steger: Application of the Bruhat-Tits tree of \(\mathrm{SU}_3(h)\) to some \(\tilde A_2\) groups. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series A), 64 (1998), no.3, 329–344. MR99i:11026

C1. Cartwright DI and Steger TM
Donald I Cartwright and Tim Steger: A family of \(A_n\)-groups. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 103 (1998), 125–140. MR99e:20040

C1. Chabrowski J and Yan S
J Chabrowski, S Yan: The effect of the graph topology on a semilinear elliptic equation with critical exponent. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 12 (1998), 1–26. MR2000h:35050

C1. Chan JSK, Kuk AYC, Bell J and McGilchrist C
Jennifer SK Chan, Anthony YC Kuk, James Bell and Charles McGilchrist: The analysis of methadone clinic data using marginal and conditional logistic models with mixture or random effects. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 40 (1998), no.1, 1–10. MR1628216

C1. Chan JSK, Kuk AYC, Bell J and McGilchrist C
Jennifer S.K. Chan, Anthony Y.C. Kuk, James Bell and Charles McGilchrist: The analysis of methadone clinic data using marginal and conditional logistic models with mixture or random effects. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 40 (1998), 1–10.

C1. Chen TH
Tuhao Chen: Optimal lower bounds for bivariate probabilities. Advances in Applied Probability, 30 (1998), 476–492. MR99g:60038

C1. Chen TH and Seneta E
Tuhao Chen, E Seneta: Lower bounds for the probability of intersection of several unions of events. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 7 (1998), 353–364. MR2000b:60046

C1. Clark JD, Fraser WB, Sharma R and Rahn CD
J.D. Clark, W.B. Fraser, R. Sharma and C.D. Rahn: The dynamic response of a ballooning yarn: theory and experiment. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A 454 (1998), 2767–2789. MR99f:73053

C1. Coop AD, Gibson WG and Bennett MR
A.D. Coop, W.G. Gibson and M.R. Bennett.: Spontaneous calcium transients in autonomic boutons and varicosities. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 195 (1998), 395–411.

C1. Crisp JS and Hillman JA
J.S.Crisp, J.A.Hillman: Embedding Seifert fibred 3-manifolds and Sol\({}^3\)-manifolds in 4-space. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 76 (1998), 685–710. MR99g:57027

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Some remarks on a boundedness assumption for monotone dynamical systems. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 126 (1998), no.3, 801–807. MR98e:47085

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Superlinear problems on domains with holes of asymptotic shape and exterior problems. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 229 (1998), 475–492. MR2000c:35058

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Remarks on the pure critical exponent problem. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 58 (1998), 338–344.

C1. Dancer EN and Wei J
E Norman Dancer and Juncheng Wei: On the effect of domain topology in a singular perturbation problem. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 11 (1998), 227–248. MR2000a:35012

C1. Daners D and Merino S
Daniel Daners and Sandro Merino: Gradient-like parabolic semiflows on \(\mathrm{BUC}(\mathbb{R}^N)\). Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A. Mathematics, 128 (1998), 1281–1291. MR2000a:35120

C1. Davis S
Simon Davis: Summability of superstring theory. Physics Letters. B, 432 (1998), 317–325. MR2000c:81242

C1. Dipper R, James GD and Mathas A
Richard Dipper, Gordon James and Andrew Mathas: The (\(Q,q\))-Schur algebra. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Third Series, 77 (1998), 327–361. MR99e:20019

C1. Dipper R, James GD and Mathas A
Richard Dipper, Gordon James and Andrew Mathas: Cyclotomic \(q\)-Schur algebras. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 229 (1998), 385–416. MR2000a:20033

C1. Dragović V and Radnović M
Vladimir Dragović and Milena Radnović: On periodical trajectories of the billiard systems within an ellipsoid in \(R^d\) and generalized Cayley's condition. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 39 (1998), no.11, 5866–5869. MR1653096

C1. Dragović V and Radnović M
Vladimir Dragović and Milena Radnović: Conditions of Cayley's type for ellipsoidal billiard. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 39 (1998), no.1, 355–362. MR1653096

C1. Dullin HR
H. R. Dullin: Symbolic dynamics and the discrete variational principle. J. Phys. A, 31 (1998), 9065–9072.

C1. Dullin HR
H. R. Dullin: Linear stability in billiards with potential. Nonlinearity, 11 (1998), 151–173.

C1. Dullin HR and Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin and J. D. Meiss: Stability of minimal periodic orbits. Phys. Lett. A, 247 (1998), 227–234.

C1. Dullin HR, Richter PH and Veselov AP
H. R. Dullin, P. H. Richter, and A. P. Veselov: Action variables of the Kovalevskaya top. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 3 (1998), no.3, 18–26.

C1. Eie M and Lai KF
Minking Eie and King F Lai: On Bernoulli identities and applications. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 14 (1998), no.1, 167–213. MR99h:11017

C1. Fox PA, McIntosh PS and Wilson PR
P.A. Fox, P.S. McIntosh and P.R. Wilson: Coronal holes and the polar field reversals. Solar Physics, 177 (1998), 375–393.

C1. Fraser WB and Stump DM
Fraser, W.B. and Stump, D.M.: The equilibrium of the convergence point in two-strand yarn plying. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 35 (1998), 285–298.

C1. Fraser WB and Stump DM
W.B. Fraser and D.M. Stump: Yarn twist in the ring-spinning balloon. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 454 (1998), 707–723. MR99e:73078

C1. Fraser WB and Stump DM
W.B. Fraser and D.M. Stump: Twist in balanced-ply structures. Journal of the Textile Institute, 89 (1998), 485–497.

C1. Gottwald GA, Grimshaw RHJ and Malomed B
G.A. Gottwald, R.H.J. Grimshaw and B. Malomed: Stable Two-Dimensional Parametric Solitons in Hydrodynamic Models. Physics Letters. A, 248 (1998), 208–218.

C1. Graham JJ and Lehrer GI
J J Graham, G I Lehrer: The representation theory of affine Temperley-Lieb algebras. L'Enseignement Mathématique. Revue Internationale, IIe Série, 44 (1998), 173–218. MR99i:20019

C1. Halverson T and Ram A
Tom Halverson, Arun Ram: Murnaghan-Nakayama rules for characters of Iwahori-Hecke algebras of the complex reflexion groups \(G(r,p,n)\). Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 50 (1998), no.1, 167–192. MR99e:20007

C1. Henery R, Robinson J and Bennett MR
R.J. Henery, J. Robinson, M.R. Bennett: Methods for grouping shapes of synaptic currents recorded from sets of synapses. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 86 (1998), 79–90.

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Optimal presentations for solvable 2-knot groups. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 57 (1998), 129–133. MR99d:57017

C1. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: On 4-manifolds which admit geometric decompositions. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 50 (1998), 415–431. MR99c:57050

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: On 4-dimensional mapping tori and product geometries. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 58 (1998), 229–238. MR2000a:57049

C1. Hillman JA and Kearton C
J.A. Hillman and C. Kearton: Simple 4-knots. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 7 (1998), 907–923. MR99k:57053

C1. Hollerbach R, Galloway DJ and Proctor MRE
R Hollerbach, D J Galloway and M R E Proctor: On the adjustment to the Bondi-Gold theorem in a spherical-shell fast dynamo. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 87 (1998), no.1–2, 111–132. MR99c:76116

C1. Howard JE and Dullin HR
J. E. Howard and H. R. Dullin: Linear stability of natural symplectic maps. Phys. Lett. A, 246 (1998), 273–283.

C1. Iltyakov AV
A V Iltyakov: Laplace operator and polynomial invariants. Journal of Algebra, 207 (1998), no.1, 256–271. MR99j:13003

C1. Iltyakov AV
A V Iltyakov: On algebras of generic elements of simple Lie algebras. Communications in Algebra, 26 (1998), no.5, 1465–1473. MR99b:17037

C1. Ivanoff BG and Weber NC
B. Gail Ivanoff, N.C. Weber: Tail probabilities for weighted sums of products of normal random variables. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 58 (1998), 239–244. MR99i:60099

C1. Jia RQ, Riemenschneider SD and Zhou DX
Rong-Qing Jia, S. D. Riemenschneider, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Vector subdivision schemes and multiple wavelets.. Math. Comp., 67 (1998), no.224, –1563. MR1484900

C1. Joshi N, Ramani A and Grammaticos B
N Joshi, A Ramani and B Grammaticos: A bilinear approach to discrete Miura transformations. Physics Letters. A, 249 (1998), 59–62. MR1662106

C1. Keener RW, Robinson J and Weber NC
R.W. Keener, J. Robinson, N.C. Weber: Tail probability approximations for \(U\)-statistics. Statistics and Probability Letters, 37 (1998), 59–65. MR99b:60040

C1. Kemper G and Steel A
Gregor Kemper, Allan Steel: Some algorithms in invariant theory of finite groups. Progress in Mathematics, 173 (1998), 267–285. MR2000j:13009

C1. Ku S and Seneta E
S. Ku and E. Seneta: Practical estimation from the sum of AR(1) processes. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 27 (1998), no.4, 981–998. MR1666740

C1. Lam Y and Chan JSK
Yeh Lam and Jennifer So Kuen Chan: Statistical inference for geometric processes with lognormal distribution. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 27 (1998), 99–112.

C1. Lehrer GI
G. I. Lehrer: The cohomology of the regular semisimple variety. Journal of Algebra, 199 (1998), no.2, 666–689. MR98k:20080

C1. Li Y and Wilson PR
Y. Li and P.R. Wilson: The internal solar rotation rate inferred from combined GONG and LOWL data. Astrophysical Journal, 499 (1998), 504–512.

C1. Ma C
Ma, Chunsheng: Likelihood ratio ordering of order statistics. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 70 (1998), 255–261. MR99i:62116

C1. Ma C
Ma, Chunsheng: Characteristic properties of multivariate survival functions in terms of residual life distributions. Metrika, 47 (1998), 227–240. MR99k:62028

C1. Ma C and Robinson J
Chunsheng Ma, John Robinson: Saddlepoint approximations for sample and bootstrap quantiles. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 40 (1998), 479–486. MR99m:62068

C1. Macleod GT, Khurana V, Gibson WG and Bennett MR
G.T. Macleod, V. Khurana, W.G. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Probability of quantal secretion and the mobilization of vesicles at the active zones of endplates. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 191 (1998), 323–334.

C1. Malle G and Mathas A
Gunter Malle and Andrew Mathas: Symmetric cyclotomic Hecke algebras. Journal of Algebra, 205 (1998), 275–293. MR99g:20026

C1. Mathas A
Andrew Mathas: Simple modules of Ariki-Koike algebras. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 63 (1998), 383–396. MR99d:20018

C1. Molev AI
A I Molev: Finite-dimensional irreducible representations of twisted Yangians. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 39 (1998), no.10, 5559–5600. MR99i:81106

C1. Molev AI
Alexander I Molev: Stirling partitions of the symmetric group and Laplace operators for the orthogonal Lie algebra. Discrete Mathematics, 180 (1998), 281–300. MR99k:17011

C1. Monro GP and Pressing J
Gordon Monro and Jeff Pressing: Sound visualization using embedding: the art and science of auditory autocorrelation. Computer Music Journal, 22 (1998), 20–30.

C1. Myerscough MR, Maini PK and Painter KJ
M.R. Myerscough, P.K. Maini and K.J. Painter: Pattern formation in a generalised chemotactic model. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 60 (1998), 1–26.

C1. Plesken W and Souvignier B
W. Plesken and B. Souvignier: Constructing representations of finite groups and applications to finitely presented groups. Journal of Algebra, 202 (1998), 690–703. MR99d:20013

C1. Quine MP
M P Quine: A simple proof of a Slutsky-type result. International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 29 (1998), no.3, 471–473. MR99c:60050

C1. Quine MP and Szczotka W
Malcolm P Quine and W Szczotka: Asymptotic normality of processes with a branching structure. Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models, 14 (1998), no.4, 833–848. MR99k:60216

C1. Ramagge J, Robertson G and Steger TM
Jacqui Ramagge, Guyan Robertson and Tim Steger: A Haagerup Inequality for \(A_1 \times A_1\) and \(A_2\) Buildings. Geometric and Functional Analysis, 8 (1998), 702–731.

C1. Ramagge J and Wheeler WW
Jacqui Ramagge and Wayne W Wheeler: Posets and differential graded algebras. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series A, 64 (1998), 1–19.

C1. Robinson J and Skovgaard IbM
J Robinson, Ib M Skovgaard: Bounds for probabilities of small relative errors for empirical saddlepoint and bootstrap tail approximations. The Annals of Statistics, 26 (1998), 2369–2394. MR2000h:62017

C1. Rosebrugh R, Sabadini N and Walters RFC
Robert Rosebrugh, N Sabadini and R F C Walters: Minimal Realization in bicategories of automata. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 8 (1998), no.2, 93–116. MR2000b:68134

C1. Rylands LJ and Taylor DE
L.J. Rylands and D.E. Taylor: Matrix generators for the orthogonal groups. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 25 (1998), 351–360. MR99d:20078

C1. Scheunert S and Zhang RB
Scheunert, M. and Zhang, R. B.: Cohomology of Lie superalgebras and their generalizations.. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 39 (1998), no.9, 5024–5061. MR99f:17025

C1. Sekhon LHS, Spence I, Morgan MK and Weber NC
Sekhon, L.H.S., Spence, I., Morgan, M.K., Weber, N.C.: Long-term potentiation saturation in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 5 (1998), 323–328.

C1. Sekhon LHS, Spence I, Morgan MK and Weber NC
Sekhon L.H., Spence I., Morgan M.K. and Weber N.C.: Role of inhibition in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion.. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 5 (1998), no.4, 423–428.

C1. Seneta E
E Seneta: Complementation in stochastic matrices and the GTH algorithm. SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 19 (1998), no.2, 556–563. MR1614015

C1. Seneta E
E. Seneta: I J Bienayme [1796-1878]: Criticality, Inequality, and Internationalization. International Statistical Review, 66 (1998), no.3, 291–301.

C1. Seneta E
E Seneta: Early influences on probability and statistics in the Russian empire. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 3/4 (1998), 201–213. MR99k:01027

C1. Seneta E
Eugene Seneta: Jan Sleszy'nski jako probabilista. Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego, Seria II: Wiadomo'sci Matematyczne, 34 (1998), 94–104.

C1. Shi JY
Jian-Yi Shi: Left cells in the affine Weyl group of type \(\tilde C_4\). Journal of Algebra, 202 (1998), 745–776. MR99d:20065

C1. Strang G and Zhou DX
Gilbert Strang, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Inhomogeneous refinement equations.. J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 4 (1998), no.6, #8211;747. MR1666013

C1. Stump DM and Fraser WB
D.M. Stump and W.B. Fraser: On the dynamical theory of twist in yarn plying. Mathematical Engineering in Industry, 7 (1998), 41–56. MR1647474

C1. Stump DM, Fraser WB and Gates KE
D. M. Stump, W. B. Fraser and K. E. Gates: The writhing of circular cross-section rods: undersea cables to DNA supercoils. Proceedings of the Royal Society. London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A 454 (1998), 2123–2156.

C1. Thavaneswaran A and Peiris MS
A Thavaneswaran, Shelton Peiris: Hypothesis testing for some time-series models: a power comparison. Statistics and Probability Letters, 38 (1998), 151–156. MR99e:62166

C1. Wüthrich M, Muller S, Kunz S, Potterat J and Kern O
Marcel Wüthrich, Samuel Müller, Stefan Kunz, Jan Potterat, Olivier Kern: Analyse der Struktur und der Entwicklung der Bruttoloehne in Vorsorgeeinrichtungen. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Aktuarvereinigung-SAV, Bulletin 01/1998 (1998), 55–82.

C1. Yan S
Shusen Yan: On the number of interior multipeak solutions for singularly perturbed Neumann problems. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 12 (1998), 61–78. MR2001c:35024

C1. Yeh L and Chan JSK
L Yeh and SK Chan: Statistical inference for geometric processes with lognormal distribution. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 27 (1998), 99–112. MR1615424

C1. Zhang RB
Zhang, R. B.: Structure and representations of the quantum general linear supergroup. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 195 (1998), no.3, 525–547. MR99g:17037

C1. Zheligovsky VA and Galloway DJ
V.A. Zheligovsky and D.J. Galloway: Dynamo action in Christopherson hexagonal flow. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 88 (1998), 277–293. MR2000a:85001

C1. Zhou DX
Ding-Xuan Zhou: Some characterizations for box spline wavelets and linear Diophantine equations.. Rocky Mountain J. Math., 28 (1998), no.4, –1560. MR1681681

C1. Zhou DX
Ding-Xuan Zhou: The \(p\)-norm joint spectral radius for even integers.. Methods Appl. Anal., 5 (1998), no.1, 8211;54. MR1631335

C1. Zhou DX
Ding-Xuan Zhou: The \(p\)-norm joint spectral radius for even integers. Methods and applications of analysis, 5 (1998), 39–54. MR1887522

C1. Zirin H, Wilson PR and Li Y
H. Zirin, P.R. Wilson and Y. Li: Curious magnetic changes in a quiet region. Solar Physics, 179 (1998), 269–277.

C3. Lehrer GI
G. I. Lehrer: Roger Richardson (1930–1993). Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 25 (1998), no.2, 98–110. MR99m:01078

C4. Gibson WG
W G Gibson: Matter matters. Australian and New Zealand Physicist, 35 (1998), 266.

Encyclopaedia Entries

D. Lancaster HO and Seneta E
H.O. Lancaster and E. Seneta: Chi-Square Distribution, Encyclopedia of Biostatistics. Peter Armitage and Theodore Colton (ed.), 1 A-COX, 1998, ISBN 0 471 97576 1, 608.

Conference Proceedings

E1. Gibson WG, Bennett MR and Robinson J
William G. Gibson, Max R. Bennett and John Robinson (1998). Modelling the evoked release of quanta at active zones: theoretical investigation of the secretosome hypothesis. Sixth Annual Computational Neuroscience Conference, Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research, 1998, James M. Bower (ed.) , Plenum Press, ISBN 0-306-45919-1, 173–178.

E1. Ivanoff BG and Weber NC
B. Gail Ivanoff, N.C. Weber (1998). A maximal inequality and tightness for multiparameter stochastic processes. International Conference on Asymptotic Methods in Probability and Statistics 97, Asymptotic Methods in Probability and Statistics, B. Szyszkowicz (ed.) , Elsevier, ISBN 0 444 50083 9, 359–369. MR99i:60078

E1. Kobayashi M and Kuo TC
Masanori Kobayashi and Tzee-Char Kuo (1998). On blow-analytic equivalence of embedded curve singularities. Symposium and Seminar on Singularities, Real analytic and algebraic singularities, H Brezis, R G Douglas, A Jeffrey (ed.) , Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, Addison Wesley Longman Inc, ISBN 0 582 32874 8, 30–37. MR99d:58028

E1. Kuo TC and Milman PD
Tzee-Char Kuo and Pierre D Milman (1998). On arc-analytic trivialization of singularities. Real analytic and algebraic singularities (Nagoya/Sapporo/Hachioji, 1996), Real analytic and algebraic singularities, Pitman Research Notes on Mathematics, 381, 38–42. MR1607670

E1. Meffin H and Gibson WG
Meffin H, Gibson WG (1998). Multistable behaviour in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. 1997 International Conference on Neural Information Processing and Intelligent Information Systems, 1997 International Conference on Neural Information Processing and Intelligent, N Kasabov, R Kozma, K Ko, R O'Shea, G Coghill, T Gedeon (ed.) , Progress in Connectionist-Based Information Series, Springer, 198–201.

E1. Molev AI
Alexander Molev (1998). Factorial supersymmetric Schur functions and super Capelli identities. Kirilov's seminar on representation theory, American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2, American Mathematical Society, 181, 109–137. MR99j:05190

E1. Paunescu L
Laurentiu Paunescu (1998). An example of blow analytic homeomorphism. Symposium and Seminar on Singularities, Real analytic and algebraic singularities, H Brezis, R G Douglas, A Jeffrey (ed.) , Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, Addison Wesley Longman Inc, 138, ISBN 0 582 32874 8, 62–63. MR1607678

E1. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps (1998). Randomised \(P\)-values for discrete distributions. Seventh International Scientific Kravchuk Conference, Seventh International Scientific Kravchuk Conference, N/A (ed.) , N/A, "Vipol", ISBN 5 8238 05 78 0, 501–502.

E1. Ram A
Arun Ram (1998). An elementary proof of Roichman's rule for irreducible characters of Iwahori-Hecke algebras of type \(A\). Rotafest, Mathematical Essays in Honor of Gian-Carlo Rota, Bruce E Sagan, Richard P Stanley (ed.) , Progress in Mathematics, Birkhauser Boston, ISBN 0-8176-3872-5, 335–342. MR99h:05124

E1. Seneta E
Eugene Seneta (1998). Characterization of Markov chains by orthogonal polynomial systems. Seventh International Scientific Kravchuk Conference, Seventh International Scientific Kravchuk Conference – Conference Materials, unknown (ed.) , Vipol, Kyiv, ISBN 5 8238 05 78 0, 454–457.

E1. Toshizumi F, Satoshi K and Kuo TC
Toshizumi Fukui, Satoshi Koike and Tzee-Char Kuo (1998). Blow-analytic equisingularities, properties, problems and progress. Real analytic and algebraic singularities (Nagoya/Sapporo/Hachioji, 1996), Real analytic and algebraic singularities, Pitman Research Notes on Mathematics, 381, 8–29. MR1607662

E1. Wilson PR and Li Y
P. R. Wilson and Y. Li (1998). Is the solar rotation uniform below the tachocline? SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, proceedings of the SOHO 6/GONG 98 workshop, `structure and dynamics of the interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, S. Korzennik and A. Wilson (ed.) , ESA Publications Division ESTEC, Noordwijk, ISBN 92-9092-672-4, 857–859.

E3. Gibson WG, Macleod GT, Farnell L and Bennett MR
W.G. Gibson, G.T. Macleod, L. Farnell, M.R. Bennett (1998). Quantal secretion and nerve-terminal cable properties at neuromuscular junctions in an amphibian (Bufo marinus). Australian Neuroscience Society, Eighteenth Annual Meeting, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Volume 9, P. Pilowsky (ed.) , Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, 123.

E4. Zhang RB
Zhang, R. B. (1998). Geometry of quantum homogeneous supervector bundles and representation theory of quantum general linear supergroup. Proceedings of the 5th Wigner Symposium (Vienna, 1997), Peter Kasperkovitz and Dietrich Grau (ed.) , Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., River Edge, NJ, ISBN 981-02-3464-3, 37–39. MR1881514