

Research Publications for 1999

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A1. Dancer EN and Poláčik P
E.N. Dancer and P. Polacik: Realization of vector fields and dynamics of spatially homogeneous parabolic equations. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 140 1999, 82 pages. MR99m:35125

A1. Mathas A
Andrew Mathas: Iwahori-Hecke algebras and Schur algebras of the symmetric group. University Lecture Series, 15 American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A., 1999, ISBN 0-8218-1926-7, 211 pages. MR2001g:20006

A2. Britton S, Coleman CE and Henderson J
S C Britton, C E Coleman, J Henderson: The little blue book. Definitions, formulas and techniques from first year mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, Sydney, 1999, ISBN 1 86487 028 1, 101 pages.

Chapters in Books

B1. Cresswell C and Joshi N
Clio Cresswell and Nalini Joshi: The discrete Painlevé I hierarchy, Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations (Canterbury, 1996). P. A. Clarkson and F. W. Nijhoff (ed.), London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 255, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999, 197–205. MR1705229

B1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Remarks on jumping nonlinearities, Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations. Topics in Nonlinear Analysis, Birkhauser, Basel, Switzerland, 1999, ISBN 3-7643-6016-X, 101–115. MR2000j:35061

B1. Daners D
Daniel Daners: Local singular variation of domain for semilinear elliptic equations, Topics in Nonlinear Analysis. Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications 35, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1999, ISBN 3-7643-6016-X, 117–141. MR2000j:35094

B1. Joshi N
N Joshi: Asymptotic studies of the Painlevé equations, The Painlevé property, one century late. Lecture notes in mathematical physics, Springer-Verlag, 1999, 181–227. MR1713578

B1. Kemper G and Steel A
Gregor Kemper, Allan Steel: Some algorithms in invariant theory of finite groups, Computational Methods for Representations of Groups and Algebras. Progress in Mathematics, 173, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, 1999, ISBN 3-7643-6063-1, 267–285. MR2000j:13009

Journal Articles

C1. Balasuriya S
Balasuriya S: Lifetime and illness in almost deterministic maps. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 235 (1999), 274–294. MR1758683

C1. Ball R and Gray BF
R Ball, B F Gray: Thermal stabilisation of chemical reactors II. The general 4-dimensional case. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 455 (1999), 4223–4243. MR2000c:92047

C1. Bates PW, Dancer EN and Shi J
Peter W. Bates, E. Norman Dancer, Junping Shi: Multi-spike stationary solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard equation in higher-dimension and instability. Advances in Differential Equations, 4 (1999), no.1, 1–69. MR99k:35097

C1. Ben Hador R and Buchen PW
Ben-Hador R, Buchen P W: A new approach to Cagniard's problem. Applied Mathematics Letters, 12 (1999), 65–72. MR2000k:35267

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L and Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: Cable analysis of a motor-nerve terminal branch in a volume conductor. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 61 (1999), 1–17.

C1. Borovskikh YV and Weber NC
Yuri V Borovskikh, Neville C Weber: On Wald's equation for \(U\)-statistical sums. Statistics and Probability Letters, 44 (1999), 375–382. MR2000h:60047

C1. Brink B and Howlett RB
Brigitte Brink and Robert B. Howlett: Normalizers of parabolic subgroups in Coxeter groups. Inventiones Mathematicae, 136 (1999), 323–351. MR2000b:20048

C1. Buchen PW and Hador RB
P W Buchen and R Ben Hador: Reply to comment by S Ivansson on "Free-mode surface wave computations". Geophysical Journal International, 132 (1999), 728–728.

C1. Cîrstea FC and Rădulescu VD
F.C. Cîrstea, V. Rădulescu: Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a semilinear elliptic problem in \(R^N\). Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 229 (1999), no.2, 417–425. MR1666416

C1. Cîrstea FC and Rădulescu VD
Florica C. Cîrstea and Vicentiu D. Rădulescu: Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a semilinear elliptic problem in R^N. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 229 (1999), no.2, 417–425. MR99j:35056

C1. Chabrowski J and Yan S
Jan Chabrowski, Shusen Yan: Concentration of solutions for a nonlinear elliptic problem with nearly critical exponent. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 13 (1999), 199–233. MR2001h:35049

C1. Chen FKC and Cowan R
Francis K C Chen, Richard Cowan: Invariant distributions for shapes in sequences of randomly-divided rectangles. Advances in Applied Probability, 31 (1999), 1–14. MR2000d:60020

C1. Clarkson PA, Joshi N and Pickering A
P A Clarkson, N Joshi and A Pickering: Bäcklund transformations for the second Painlevé hierarchy: a modified truncation approach. Inverse Problems, 15 (1999), 175–187. MR1675343

C1. Cottin C, Gavrea I, Gonska HH, Kacsó DP and Zhou DX
Claudia Cottin, Ioan Gavrea, Heinz H. Gonska, Daniela P. Kacsó, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Global smoothness preservation and the variation-diminishing property.. J. Inequal. Appl., 4 (1999), no.2, 8211;114. MR1733478

C1. Cottin C, Gavrea I, Gonska HH, Kacso D and Zhou DX
C Cottin, I Gavrea, H H Gonska, D Kacso and D X Zhou: Global smoothness preservation and the variation-diminishing property. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 4 (1999), 91–114. MR1733478

C1. Cowan R and Chen FKC
Richard Cowan, Francis K C Chen: Four interesting problems concerning Markovian shape sequences. Advances in Applied Probability, 31 (1999), 954–968. MR2000m:60009

C1. Cresswell C and Joshi N
C Cresswell and N Joshi: The discrete first, second and thirty-fourth Painlevé hierarchies. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 32 (1999), 655–669. MR1671841

C1. Dancer EN, Hilhorst D, Mimura M and Peletier LA
E.N.Dancer, D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura and L.A. Peletier: Spatial segregation limit of a competition-diffusion system. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 10 (1999), 97–115. MR2001a:92030

C1. Dancer EN and Rybicki SM
E. Norman Dancer and Slawomir Rybicki: A note on periodic solutions of autonomous Hamiltonian systems emanating from degenerate stationary solutions. Differential and Integral Equations, 12 (1999), no.2, 147–160. MR2000b:37065

C1. Dancer EN and Wei J
E.N. Dancer and Juncheng Wei: On the location of spikes of solutions with two sharp layers for a singularly perturbed semilinear Dirichlet problem. Journal of Differential Equations, 157 (1999), 82–101. MR2000j:35017

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E.N. Dancer and Shusen Yan: Multipeak solutions for a singularly perturbed Neumann problem. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 189 (1999), no.2, 241–261. MR2000d:35010

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E.N. Dancer and Shusen Yan: A singularly perturbed elliptic problem in bounded domains with nontrivial topology. Advances in Differential Equations, 4 (1999), no.3, 347–368. MR2000d:35009

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E Norman Dancer, Shusen Yan: Effect of the domain geometry on the existence of multipeak solutions for an elliptic problem. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 14 (1999), 1–38. MR2001b:35106

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E N Dancer, Shusen Yan: Interior and boundary peak solutions for a mixed boundary value problem. Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 48 (1999), 1177–1212. MR2001f:35146

C1. Dullin HR and Easton RW
H. R. Dullin and R. W. Easton: Stability of Levitrons. Physica D,, 126 (1999), 1–17.

C1. Dullin HR, Matveev V and Topalov P
H. R. Dullin, V. Matveev, and P. Topalov: On integrals of third degree in momenta. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 4 (1999), no.3, 35–44.

C1. Elduque A and Iltyakov AV
A Elduque, A Iltyakov: On polynomial invariants of exceptional simple algebraic groups. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 51 (1999), 506–522. MR2000g:13002

C1. Feuerverger A, Robinson J and Wong A
A. Feuerverger, J. Robinson and A. Wong: On the relative accuracy of certain bootstrap procedures. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 27 (1999), 225–236. MR2000f:62073

C1. Gérardin P and Lai KF
P. Gérardin, K.F. Lai: Opérateurs invariants sur les immeubles affines de type \(A\). Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 329 (1999), 1–4. MR2000i:20048

C1. Glass EN and Kress JM
E. N. Glass and Jonathan Kress: Solutions of Penrose's equation. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40 (1999), 309–317. MR2000g:83018

C1. Gottwald GA and Grimshaw RHJ
G.A. Gottwald and R.H.J. Grimshaw: The Formation of Coherent Structures in the Context of Blocking. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 56 (1999), 3640–3662. MR1718288

C1. Gottwald GA and Grimshaw RHJ
G.A. Gottwald and R.H.J. Grimshaw: The Effect of Topography on the Dynamics of Interacting Solitary Waves as an Example for Atmospheric Blocking. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 56 (1999), 3663–3678. MR1718289

C1. Gover AR and Zhang RB
A. R. Gover and R. B. Zhang: Geometry of quantum homogeneous vector bundles and representation theory of quantum groups. I.. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 11 (1999), no.9, 533–552. MR2000j:81108

C1. Gray BF and Ball R
B F Gray, R Ball: Thermal stabilization of chemical reactors. I. The mathematical description of the Endex reactor. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 455 (1999), 163–182. MR2000c:92047

C1. Hador RB and Buchen PW
R Ben Hador and P W Buchen: Love and Rayleigh waves in non-uniform media. Geophysical Journal International, 137 (1999), 521–534.

C1. Howlett RB and Lehrer GI
R. B. Howlett and G. I. Lehrer: On reflection length in reflection groups. Archiv der Mathematik (Basel), 73 (1999), 321–326. MR2000g:20097

C1. Jackson A, Winch DE and Lesur V
Andrew Jackson, Denis Winch and Vincent Lesur: Geomagnetic effects on the Earth's ellipticity. Geophysical Journal International, 138 (1999), 285–289.

C1. James GD and Mathas A
Gordon James, Andrew Mathas: The irreducible Specht modules in characteristic 2. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 31 (1999), 457–462. MR2000f:20018

C1. Jia RQ, Riemenschneider SD and Zhou DX
Rong-Qing Jia, Sherman D. Riemenschneider, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Smoothness of multiple refinable functions and multiple wavelets.. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 21 (1999), no.1, 211;28. MR1709723

C1. Jia RQ and Zhou DX
Rong-Qing Jia, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Convergence of subdivision schemes associated with nonnegative masks.. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 21 (1999), no.2, #8211;430. MR1718338

C1. Jin R and Robinson J
R. Jin and J. Robinson: Saddlepoint approximation near the endpoints of the support. Statistics and Probability Letters, 45 (1999), 295–303. MR2000i:62017

C1. Johnston S and Galloway DJ
Simon Johnston, David Galloway: Pulsar braking indices revisited. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 306 (1999), 50–54.

C1. Joshi N
N Joshi: The second Painlevé equation in the large parameter limit I: local asymptotic analysis. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 102 (1999), 345–373. MR1684987

C1. Kress JM and Wilson PR
J M Kress and P R Wilson: The evolution of isolated active regions. Solar Physics, 189 (1999), 147–161.

C1. Kuchel PW and Durrant CJ
Philip W. Kuchel and Christopher J. Durrant: Permeability coefficients from NMR \(q\)-space data models with unevenly spaced semi-permeable parallel membranes. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 139 (1999), 258–272.

C1. Kuchel PW and Fackerell ED
Philip W Kuchel and Edward D Fackerell: Parametric-equation representation of biconcave erythrocytes. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 61 (1999), 209–220.

C1. Kuo TC
Tzee-Char Kuo: Inspiring exercises for undergraduates. International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 30 (1999), 811–821.

C1. Lack S
Stephen Lack: A note on the exact completion of a regular category, and its infinitary generalizations. Theory and Applications of Categories, 5 (1999), 70–80. MR99j:18004

C1. Lack S
Stephen Lack: On the monadicity of finitary monads. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 140 (1999), 65–73. MR2000g:18004

C1. Lai KF, Bondarko M and Vostokov SV
K.F. Lai, M. Bondarko and S.V. Vostokov: Galois structure for abelian \(p\)-extensions of Dedekind domains. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 517 (1999), 51–59. MR2000j:11180

C1. Lai KF, Chan WK and Castillo R
K.F. Lai, W.K. Chan, R. Castillo: Foliations in supergravity. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series B), 41 (1999), 161–166. MR2000i:83073

C1. Lee HC and Zhang RB
H. C. Lee and R. B. Zhang: Geometry and representations of the quantum supergroup \(\mathop{\rm OSP}q(1|2n)\). Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40 (1999), no.6, 3175–3190. MR2000h:17013

C1. Leemans D
D Leemans: An atlas of regular thin geometries for small groups. Mathematics of Computation, 68 (1999), 1631–1647. MR99m:51018

C1. Lehrer GI and Springer TA
G I Lehrer and T A Springer: A note concerning fixed points of parabolic subgroups of unitary reflection groups. Indagationes Mathematicae, 10 (1999), 549–553. MR2001m:14071

C1. Lehrer GI and Springer TA
G I Lehrer and T A Springer: Reflection subquotients of unitary reflection groups. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 51 (1999), 1175–1193. MR2001f:20082

C1. Littlewood RC
Rupert C Littlewood: Hyperelliptic asymptotics of Painlevé-type equations. Nonlinearity, 12 (1999), 1629–1641. MR2000k:34139

C1. Loewenthal D, Buchen PW, Kagansky A and Koren I
Loewenthal D, Buchen P W, Kagansky A, Koren I: Zero moveout (ZMO) stacking. Geophysics, 64 (1999), 567–571.

C1. Ma C and Robinson J
C. Ma and J. Robinson: Saddlepoint approximations for the difference of order statisics and Studentized sample quantiles. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. Methodological, 61 (1999), 563–577. MR2000f:62121

C1. Macleod GT, Farnell L, Gibson WG and Bennett MR
G.T. Macleod, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson and M.R. Bennett: Quantal secretion and nerve-terminal cable properties at neuromuscular junctions in an amphibian (bufo marinus). Journal of Neurophysiology, 81 (1999), 1135–1146.

C1. Malin SRC, Winch DE and Isikara AM
S R C Malin, D E Winch and A M Isikara: Semi-annual variation of the geomagnetic field. Earth, Planets and Space, 51 (1999), 321–328.

C1. Martin BMS
Benjamin M S Martin: Etales slices for representation varieties in characteristic \(p\). Indagationes Mathematicae, 10 (1999), 455–564.

C1. Mathas A
Andrew Mathas: Murphy operators and the centre of Iwahori-Hecke algebras of type \(A\). Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 9 (1999), 295–313. MR2000g:20023

C1. Molev AI
A I Molev: A basis for representations of symplectic Lie algebras. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 201 (1999), 591–618. MR2000c:17008

C1. Molev AI and Nazarov M
Alexander Molev, Maxim Nazarov: Capelli identities for classical Lie algebras. Mathematische Annalen, 313 (1999), 315–357. MR2000c:17013

C1. Molev AI and Sagan BE
Alexander I Molev, Bruce E Sagan: A Littlewood-Richardson rule for factorial Schur functions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 351 (1999), 4429–4443. MR2000a:05212

C1. O'Toole DV, Robinson PA and Myerscough MR
D V O'Toole, P A Robinson, M R Myerscough: Self-organized criticality in termite architecture: a role for crowding in ensuring ordered nest expansion. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 198 (1999), 305–327.

C1. Quine MP
M P Quine: A central limit theorem for self-normalized products of random variables. Statistics and Probability Letters, 43 (1999), 137–143. MR2000j:60033

C1. Quine MP and Law JS
M P Quine, J S Law: Modelling random linear nucleation and growth by a Markov chain. Journal of Applied Probability, 36 (1999), 273–278. MR2000d:60119

C1. Quine MP and Seneta E
M P Quine, E Seneta: The generalization of the Kac-Bernstein theorem. Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 19 (1999), 441–452. MR2001e:62011

C1. Quine MP and Szczotka W
M P Quine, W Szczotka: Existence and positivity of the limit in processes with a branching structure. Journal of Applied Probability, 36 (1999), 132–138. MR2000k:60172

C1. Ram A and Taylor DE
Arun Ram and D. E. Taylor: Explicit irreducible representations of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type \(F_4\). Manuscripta Mathematica, 99 (1999), 13–37. MR2000i:20010

C1. Scheunert M and Zhang RB
Scheunert, M. and Zhang, R. B.: The second cohomology of \(\mathop{\rm sl}(m\vert 1)\) with coefficients in its enveloping algebra is trivial.. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 47 (1999), no.1, 33–48. MR99k:17039

C1. Schmid J, Ambühl M, Decrouez D, Muller S and Ramseyer K
J Schmid, M Ambühl, D Decrouez, S Müller, K Ramseyer: A quantitative fabric analysis approach to the discrimination of white marbles. Archaeometry, 41 (1999), no.2, 239–252.

C1. Sendra JR and Winkler F
J Rafael Sendra, Franz Winkler: Algorithms for rational real algebraic curves. Fundamenta Informaticae, 34 (1999), 1–18. MR2000j:14097

C1. Seneta E, Berry G and Macaskill P
Eugene Seneta, Geoffrey Berry, Petra Macaskill: Adjustment to Lancaster's Mid-\(P\). Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 1 (1999), 229–240. MR2000i:62021

C1. Shannon AG, Horadam AG and Loh RP
A G Shannon, A F Horadam and R P Loh: Another functional equation related to the trigonometric functions. International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 30 (1999), 468–472. MR2000c:39020

C1. Shi JY
Shi, Jian-Yi: On two presentations of affine Weyl groups of classical types. Journal of Algebra, 221 (1999), 360–383. MR2001g:20051

C1. Sterling DG, Dullin HR and Meiss JD
D. G. Sterling, H. R. Dullin, and J. D. Meiss: Homoclinic bifurcations for the Hénon map. Physica D,, 134 (1999), 153–184.

C1. Thavaneswaran A and Peiris MS
A Thavaneswaran, S Peiris: Estimation for regression with infinite variance errors. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 29 (1999), 177–180. MR1704773

C1. Tortoli P, Thompson RS, Berti P and Guidi F
Piero Tortoli, Rosemary S Thompson, Paolo Berti and Francesco Guidi: Flow imaging with pulsed Doppler ultrasound and flow phantoms. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 46 (1999), 1591–1596.

C1. Van der Jeugt J and Zhang RB
Van der Jeugt, J. and Zhang, R. B.: Characters and composition factor multiplicities for the Lie superalgebra \(\mathfrak{gl}(m/n)\).. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 47 (1999), no.1, 49–61. MR2000a:17008

C1. Varsik JR, Wilson PR and Li Y
J. R. Varsik, P. R. Wilson, Y. Li: High-resolution studies of the solar polar magnetic fields. Solar Physics, 184 (1999), 223–237.

C1. Waalkens H, Wiersig J and Dullin HR
H. Waalkens, J. Wiersig, and H. R. Dullin: Triaxial ellipsoidal quantum billiards. Ann. Physics, 276 (1999), 64–110.

C1. Wall GE
G.E. Wall: Counting cyclic and separable matrices over a finite field. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 60 (1999), 253–284. MR2000k:11137

C1. Wang Q and Jing BY
Wang, Qiying; Jing, Bing-Yi: An exponential nonuniform Berry-Esseen bound for self-normalized sums. The Annals of Probability, 27 (1999), 2068–2088. MR2001c:60045

C1. Yan S
Shusen Yan: High-energy solutions for a nonlinear elliptic problem with slightly supercritical exponent. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 38 (1999), 527–546. MR2000k:35092

C1. Zhang RB
R. B. Zhang: Vector coherent states for affine superalgebras and representations of \(\mathop{\rm osp}(1|2)\). Modern Physics Letters A, 14 (1999), no.35, 2419–2425. MR2001a:81102

C1. Zhou DX
Ding-Xuan Zhou: Solvability of linear systems of PDE's with constant coefficients.. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 127 (1999), no.7, –2017. MR1476403

C4. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Report on the 1999 ANAT Summer School. Chroma (Newsletter of the Australian Computer Music Association), 24 (1999), 2–3.

Encyclopaedia Entries

D. Weber NC
N C Weber: Statistical Society of Australia, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. Samuel Kotz (ed.), 3, John Wiley and Sons, New York etc, 1999, 698–700.


D. Seneta E
Eugene Seneta: Condorcet. Arithmétique politique. Textes rares ou inédits (1767–1789). Historia Mathematica, 26 (1999), 383–385.

Conference Proceedings

E1. Britton S and Henderson J
Sandra Britton and Jenny Henderson (1999). The Little Blue Book. 99' Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics, The Challenge of Diversity, Walter Spundle, Patricia Cretchley, Ruth Hubbard (ed.) , Proceedings of the 99' Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics, 99' Committee, ISBN 0 646 38371 X, 43–46.

E1. Cartwright DI
Donald I Cartwright (1999). Harmonic functions on buildings of type \(A_n\). Random Walks and Discrete Potential Theory, Random walks and discrete potential theory, Massimo Picardello, Wolfgang Woess (ed.) , Symposia Mathematica Volume, Cambridge University Press, 39, ISBN 0 521 77312 1, 104–138. MR2002b:31010

E1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer (1999). Some slightly subcritical of slightly supercritical problems. Joint Australian-Taiwanese Workshop on Analysis and Applications, Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, CMA Proceedings, ISBN 0 7315 5201 6, 1–5.

E1. Lai KF, Chan WK and Simpson K
K. F. Lai, W. K. Chan, K. Simpson (1999). Analysis of software regression test. Software Engineering and Applications, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual IASTED International Conference, N.C. Debnath (ed.) , IASTED/ACTA PRESS, ISBN 0-88986-273-7, 295–301.

E1. Lehrer GI and Springer TA
G I Lehrer and T A Springer (1999). Intersection multiplicities and reflection subquotients of unitary reflection groups I. The International Conference on Geometric Group Theory, Proceedings of a special year in Geometric Group Theory, John Cossey, Charles F Miller III, Walter D Neumann, Michael Shapiro (ed.) , Geometric Group Theory Down Under, Walter de Gruyter, ISBN 3-11-016366-7, 181–193. MR2000i:20064

E1. Molev AI
A I Molev (1999). A quantum Sylvester theorem and representations of Yangians. XI International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, FPSAC'99, C Martinez, M Noy and O Serra (ed.) , Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, FPSAC'99, CPET (Centre de publicacions del Campus Nord0, 379–393.

E1. Ramagge J
Jacqui Ramagge (1999). Groups, representations and Haagerup’s inequality for buildings. National Symposium on Functional Analysis, Optimization and Applications, Volume 36 of the Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, John Giles and Brett Ninness (ed.) , Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, CMA, 121–126.

E2. Chen JT and Seneta E
John T Chen, Eugene Seneta (1999). A stepwise rejective test procedure with strong control of familywise error rate. ISI 99, ISI 99, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Edita Ltd, ISBN 90-73592-16-X, 241–242.

E2. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps (1999). Power surfaces. ISI 99, ISI99, 52nd Session, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Edita Ltd, ISBN 90-73592-16-X, 123–124.

E2. van de Ven RJ and Weber NC
Remy van de Ven, Neville Weber (1999). On the asymptotic behaviour of estimators of the shape parameter of the negative binomial distribution. ISI99, ISI 99, 52nd Session, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Edita Ltd, ISBN 90-73592-16-X, 419–420.

E3. Gibson WG, Farnell L and Bennett MR
W.G. Gibson, L. Farnell and M.R. Bennett (1999). Quantal secretion at calcium domains of active zones: a Monte Carlo analysis. Australian Neuroscience Society, Nineteenth Annual Meeting, Proceeding of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Volume 10, P. Pilowsky (ed.) , Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, 138.

E4. Zhang RB
R. B. Zhang (1999). Noncommutative differential geometry of quantum homogeneous vector bundles. The XXII International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Group22: Proceedings of the XXII International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Hobart, 1998), Corney, S.P.; Delbourgo, R.; Jarvis, P.D. (ed.) , International Press, ISBN 1-57146-054-4, 443–447. MR2000c:58014