

Research Publications for 2004

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Chapters in Books

B1. Cîrstea FC and Niculescu CP
C Cîrstea and C P Niculescu: Existence and non-existence results for some degenerate quasilinear problems with indefinite non-linearities, Differential equations and applications. Differential Equations and Applications, Nova Sci. Publ., Hauppauge, NY, 2004, ISBN 1-59033-859-6, 63–80.

B1. Kruskal MD, Joshi N and Halburd RG
M D Kruskal, N Joshi and R Halburd: Analytic and Asymptotic Methods for Nonlinear Singularity Analysis: A Review and Extensions of Tests for the Painlevé Property, Integrability of Nonlinear Systems. Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer/Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004, ISBN 3-540-20630-2, 175–208.

B1. Seneta E
Eugene Seneta: Buniakovsky's probability book. Reviews. Quality control. Regularity varying sequences, Viktor Yakovych Bunyakovsky (on the 200th anniversary of his birth). Mathematics and its Applications, Institute of Mathematics, Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine, 2004, ISBN 966-02-3380-9, 149–164.

Journal Articles

C1. Abel RJR, Combe D and Palmer WD
R.J.R. Abel, D. Combe and W.D. Palmer: Bhaskar Rao designs and the groups of order 12. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 29 (2004), 301–308. MR2037354

C1. Abel RJR, Combe D and Palmer WD
R.J.R. Abel, D. Combe and W.D. Palmer: Generalized Bhaskar Rao designs and dihedral groups. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 106 (2004), 145–157. MR2037354

C1. Alexander DM, Bourke PD, Konstandatos O and Wright JJ
D M Alexander, P D Bourke, O Konstandatos, J J Wright: Intrinsic connections in tree shrew V1 imply a global to local mapping. Vision Research, 44 (2004), 857–876.

C1. Antony N
Noelle Antony: On the injectivity of the Vassiliev homomorphism of singular Artin monoids. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 70 (2004), 401–422. MR2103972

C1. Ariki S and Mathas A
Susumu Ariki and Andrew Mathas: The representation type of Hecke algebras of type B. Advances in Mathematics, 181 (2004), 134–159. MR2020657

C1. Armstrong NJ and Wiel MA
N.J. Armstrong, M.A. van de Wiel: Microarray data analysis: from hypothesis to conclusions using gene expression data. Cellular Oncology, 26 (2004), no.5-6, 279–290.

C1. Bahturin Y and Molev AI
Yu. Bahturin and A. Molev: Casimir elements for some graded Lie algebras and superalgebras. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 (2004), 1159 – 1164. MR2123586

C1. Balasuriya S
Balasuriya, S: An analytical study of general hyper-diffusivity and barotropic eddies. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 98 (2004), 39–62. MR2045869

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L and Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: The facilitated probability of quantal secretion within an array of calcium channels of an active zone at the amphibian neuromuscular junction. Biophysical Journal, 86 (2004), 2674–2690.

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG and Blair DH
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, D. Blair: A quantitative description of the diffusion of noradrenaline in the media of blood vessels following its release from sympathetic varicosities. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 226 (2004), 359–372. MR2068827

C1. Bertram WK
William K. Bertram: An empirical investigation of Australian Stock Exchange Data. Physica A, 341 (2004), 533–546.

C1. Brown G, Dai F and Móricz F
Gavin Brown, Feng Dai and Ferenc Móricz: Strong approximation by Fourier-Laplace series on the unit sphere \(\mathbb{S}^{n-1}\). Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 102 (2004), 91–115. MR2038172

C1. Brown G, Dai F and Móricz F
Gavin Brown, Feng Dai and Ferenc Móricz: The maximal Riesz, Fejer, and Cesaro operators on real hardy spaces. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 10 (2004), 27–50. MR2045523

C1. Brown G and Yin Q
Gavin Brown, Qinghe Yin: Lebesque measure of sum sets - the basic result for coin-tossing. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 46 (2004), 345–353. MR2062616

C1. Buchen PW
Peter W Buchen: The pricing of dual-expiry exotics. Quantitative Finance, 4 (2004), 101–108. MR2055964

C1. Cîrstea FC
F.C. Cîrstea: An extreme variation phenomenon for some nonlinear elliptic problems with boundary blow-up. Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, 339 (2004), no.10, 689–694. MR2110937

C1. Cîrstea FC and Rădulescu VD
F.C. Cîrstea, V. Rădulescu: Extremal singular solutions for degenerate logistic-type equations in anisotropic media. Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, 339 (2004), no.2, 119–124. MR2078301

C1. Cannon JJ, Eick B and Leedham-Green CR
J Cannon, B Eick and C R Leedham-Green: Special polycyclic generating sequences for finite soluble groups. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 38 (2004), no.5, 1445–1460. MR2168723

C1. Cannon JJ and Holt DF
John Cannon, Derek F Holt: Computing maximal subgroups of finite groups. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 37 (2004), 589–609. MR2094616

C1. Cao D, Noussair ES and Yan S
Daomin Cao, Ezzat S Noussair and Shusen Yan: On the profile of solutions for an elliptic problem arising in nonlinear optics. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 11 (2004), 649–666. MR2083437

C1. Carberry E and McIntosh I
Emma Carberry and Ian McIntosh: Minimal Lagrangian 2-tori in CP_2 come in real families of every dimension.. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 69 (2004), no.2, 531–544. MR2040620

C1. Caro D
Daniel Caro: Coherence differentielle des F-isocristaux unites. Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, 338 (2004), 145–150. MR2038284

C1. Cartwright DI and Woess W
Donald I Cartwright, Wolfgang Woess: Isotropic random walks in a building of type \(\tilde A_d\). Mathematische Zeitschrift, 247 (2004), 101–135. MR2054522

C1. Champneys AR and Fraser WB
A R Champneys and W B Fraser: Resonance tongue interaction in the parametrically excited column. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 65 (2004), 267–298. MR2112398

C1. Chan JSK, Lam Y and Leung DYP
Jennifer SK Chan, Yeh Lam, and Doris YP Leung,: Statistical inference for geometric processes with gamma distributions. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 47 (2004), no.3, 565–581. MR2086485

C1. Cheng SJ, Lam N and Zhang RB
Shun-Jen Cheng, Ngau Lam and R. B. Zhang: Character formula for infinite-dimensional unitarizable modules of the general linear superalgebra. Journal of Algebra, 273 (2004), no.2, 780–805. MR2037723

C1. Cheng SJ and Zhang RB
Shun-Jen Cheng and R. B. Zhang: Howe duality and combinatorial character formula for orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras. Advances in Mathematics, 182 (2004), 124–172. MR2028498

C1. Cheng SJ and Zhang RB
Shun-Jen Cheng and R.B. Zhang: An Analogue of Kostant's u-Cohomology Formula for the General Linear superalgebra. International Mathematics Research Notices, 1 (2004), 31–53. MR2036954

C1. Chi WC, Lai KF and Tan KS
W C Chi, K F Lai, K S Tan: Integral points on elliptic curves over function fields. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 77 (2004), 197–208. MR2083745

C1. Cohen AM, Murray SH and Taylor DE
Arjeh Cohen, Scott Murray and D. E. Taylor: Computing in groups of Lie type. Mathematics of Computation, 73 (2004), 1477–1498. MR2047097

C1. Combe D, Nelson AM and Palmer WD
D Combe, A M Nelson and W D Palmer: Magic labellings of graphs over finite abelian groups. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 29 (2004), 259–271. MR2037352

C1. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: A mosaic of triangular cells formed with sequential splitting rules. Journal of Applied Probability, 41A (2004), 3–15. MR2057561

C1. Crooks ECM, Dancer EN, Hillhorst D, Mimura M and Ninomiya H
E C M Crooks, E N Dancer, D Hillhorst, M Mimura and H Ninomiya: Spatial segregation limit of a competition-diffusion system with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Nonlinear Analysis Real World Applications, 5 (2004), 645–665. MR2079274

C1. Cucker F, Smale S and Zhou DX
Felipe Cucker, Steve Smale, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Modeling language evolution.. Found. Comput. Math., 4 (2004), no.3, #8211;343. MR2078666

C1. Cushman R, Dullin HR, Giacobbe A, Holm DD, Joyeux M, Lynch P, Sadovskii DA and Zhilinskii BI
R. H. Cushman, H. R. Dullin, A. Giacobbe, D. D. Holm, M. Joyeux, P. Lynch, D. A. Sadovskii, and B. I. Zhilinskii: The CO2 molecule as a quantum realization of the 1:1:2 resonant swing-spring with monodromy. Phys. Rev. Lett., 93 (2004), 24302.

C1. Dai W
Wen Dai: Asymptotics of the sample mean and sample covariance of long-range-dependent series. Journal of Applied Probability, 41A (2004), 383–392. MR2057588

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Stable and finite Morse index solutions on \(\mathbb{R}^n\) or on bounded domains with small diffusion II. Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 53 (2004), 97–108. MR2048185

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Stable solutions on \(\mathbb{R}^n\) and the primary branch of some non-self-adjoint convex problems. Differential and Integral Equations, 17 (2004), 961–970. MR2082455

C1. Dancer EN
E Norman Dancer: On connecting orbits for competing species equations with large interactions. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 24 (2004), 1–19. MR2111979

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E N Dancer, Shusen Yan: Construction of various types of solutions for an elliptic problem. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 20 (2004), 93–118. MR2047147

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E N Dancer and Shusen Yan: A minimization problem associated with elliptic systems of FitzHugh-Nagumo type. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Analyse Non Linéaire, 21 (2004), 237–253. MR2047356

C1. Dobrev VK, Miteva AM, Zhang RB and Zlatev BS
V K Dobrev, A M Miteva, R B Zhang, B S Zlatev: On the unitarity of \(D=9,\, 10,\, 11\) conformal supersymmetry. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 (2004), 1249–1255. MR2123679

C1. Donoho D and Raimondo M
David Donoho and Marc Raimondo: Translation Invariant Deconvolution in a Periodic Setting. The International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2 (2004), no.4, 415–431. MR2104873

C1. Dragović V and Radnović M
Vladimir Dragović and Milena Radnović: Cayley-type conditions for billiards within k quadrics in \(R^d\). Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 37 (2004), no.4, 1269–1276. MR2043219

C1. Du Y and Yan S
Yihong Du, Shusen Yan: Boundary blow-up solutions with a spike layer. Journal of Differential Equations, 205 (2004), 156–184. MR2094382

C1. Duan Y and Liu X
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu: Knotlike strings in the early universe. Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP), 02 (2004), 028. MR2046786

C1. Duan Y, Liu X and Yang J
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Jie Yang: Knotlike Vortex Lines in Spinor BEC. Annals of Physics, 312 (2004), 84. MR2499171

C1. Dullin HR
H. R. Dullin: Poisson Integrator for Symmetric Tops. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 9 (2004), 255–264.

C1. Dullin HR and Fasso F
H. R. Dullin, and F. Fasso: An algorithm for detecting Directional Quasi-Convexity. BIT Numerical Analysis, 44 (2004), 571–584.

C1. Dullin HR, Giacobbe A and Cushman R
H. R. Dullin, A. Giacobbe, and R. Cushman: Monodromy in the resonant swing spring. Physica D, 190 (2004), 15–37.

C1. Dullin HR, Gottwald GA and Holm DD
H.R. Dullin, G.A. Gottwald and D.D. Holm: On asymptotically equivalent shallow water wave equations. Physica D, 190 (2004), 1–14. MR2043789

C1. Dullin HR, Gottwald GA and Holm DD
H. R. Dullin, G. Gottwald, and D. D. Holm: On asymptotically equivalent shallow water wave equations. Physica D, 190 (2004), 1–14.

C1. Dullin HR and Matveev V
H. R. Dullin and V. Matveev: A new integrable system on the sphere. Math Research Letters, 11 (2004), 715–722.

C1. Dullin HR and Vu Ngoc S
H. R. Dullin, and Vu Ngoc San: Vanishing Twist near Focus-Focus points. Nonlinearity, 17 (2004), 1777–1786.

C1. Durrant CJ and McCloughan J
C J Durrant and J McCloughan: A method of evolving synoptic maps of the solar magneticf field, II. Comparison with observations of the polar fields. Solar Physics, 219 (2004), 55–78.

C1. Durrant CJ, Turner JPR and Wilson PR
C J Durrant, J P R Turner and P R Wilson: The mechanism involved in the reversals of the sun's polar magnetic fields. Solar Physics, 222 (2004), 345–362.

C1. Easdown D and Lavers TG
D. Easdown and T.G. Lavers: The inverse braid monoid. Advances in Mathematics, 186 (2004), 438–455. MR2073914

C1. Edelman D and O'Brian NR
David Edelman, Nigel O'Brian: Tote arbitrage and lock opportunities in racetrack betting. European Journal of Finance, 10 (2004), no.5, 370–378.

C1. Erdmann K and Parker AE
Karin Erdmann and Alison E. Parker: On the global and \(\nabla\)-filtration dimensions of quasi-hereditary algebras. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 194 (2004), 95–111. MR2086075

C1. Farnell L and Gibson WG
L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion in a spatially nonhomogeneous medium: correction to the Gaussian steplength. Journal of Computational Physics, 198 (2004), 65–79. MR2071389

C1. Fieker C
Claus Fieker: Minimizing representations over number fields. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 38 (2004), 833–842. MR2094558

C1. Ghoussoub N and Tzou L
N. Ghoussoub, L. Tzou: A variational principle for gradient flows. Mathematische Annalen, 330 (2004), 519–549.

C1. Gottwald GA and Kramer L
G.A. Gottwald and L. Kramer: Propagation failure in one- and two-dimensional excitable media. Chaos, 14 (2004), 855–863. MR2091184

C1. Gottwald GA and Melbourne I
G.A. Gottwald and I. Melbourne: A new test for chaos in deterministic systems. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A, 460 (2004), 603–611. MR2034658

C1. Graham JJ and Lehrer GI
J J Graham, G I Lehrer: Cellular algebras and diagram algebras in representation theory. Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 40 (2004), 141–173. MR2074593

C1. Hall P and Wang Q
Peter Hall and Qiying Wang: Exact convergence rate and leading term in central limit theorem for Student's t statistic. The Annals of Probability, 32 (2004), 1419–1437. MR2060303

C1. Hempel JA
Joachim A Hempel: A pseudo-trigonometry related to Ptolemy's theorem and the hyperbolic geometry of punctured spheres. Annales Polonici Mathematici, 84 (2004), 147–167. MR2112255

C1. Henderson A
Anthony Henderson: Representations of wreath products on cohomology of De Concini-Procesi compactifications. International Mathematics Research Notices, 20 (2004), 983–1021. MR2036424

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: \(PD_4\)-complexes with fundamental group a \(PD_2\)-group. Topology and its Applications, 142 (2004), 49–60. MR2071292

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: An indecomposable \(PD_3\)-complex: II. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 4 (2004), 1103–1109. MR2113897

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A Hillman: Homomorphisms of nonzero degree between \(PD_n\)-groups. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 77 (2004), 335–348. MR2099805

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: \(PD_4\)-complexes with free fundamental group. Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 34 (2004), 295–306. MR2120518

C1. Hobert JP, Marchev D and Schweinsberg J
James P. Hobert, Dobrin Marchev, Jason Schweinsberg: Stability of the tail Markov chain and the evaluation of improper priors for an exponential rate parameter. Bernoulli, 10 (2004), no.3, 549–564.

C1. Hong SH, Eades P and Hillman JA
Seok-Hee Hong, Peter Eades, Jonathan Hillman: Linkless symmetric drawings of series parallel digraphs. Computational Geometry, 29 (2004), 191–221. MR2095374

C1. Howlett RB and Yin Y
Robert B. Howlett and Yunchuan Yin: Inducing W-graphs II. Manuscripta Mathematica, 115 (2004), 495–511. MR2103664

C1. Ivanoff BG and Weber NC
B Gail Ivanoff and N C Weber: Predictable sampling for partially exchangeable arrays. Statistics and Probability Letters, 70 (2004), 95–108. MR2100077

C1. James GD and Mathas A
Gordon James and Andrew Mathas: Symmetric group blocks of small defect. Journal of Algebra, 279 (2004), 566–612. MR2078931

C1. James ME, Rastogi RG and Winch DE
James ME, Rastogi RG, Winch DE: Magnetic disturbance effect on geomagnetic field at low latitudes. Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 33 (2004), 88–94.

C1. Jermiin LS, Ho SYW, Ababneh F, Robinson J and Larkum AWD
Lars S Jermiin, Simon Y W Ho, Faisal Ababneh, John Robinson, Anthony W D Larkum: The Biasing effect of Compositional Heterogeneity on Phylogenetic Estimates May be Underestimated. Systematic Biology, 53 (2004), 6.

C1. Johnstone IM, Kerkyacharian G, Picard D and Raimondo M
Johnstone, I.M. and Kerkyacharian, G. and Picard, D. and Raimondo, M.: Wavelet deconvolution in a periodic setting. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. Methodological, 66 (2004), 547 – 573. MR2088290

C1. Johnstone IM and Raimondo M
Iain Johnstone and Marc Raimondo: Periodic boxcar deconvolution and diophantine approximation. The Annals of Statistics, 32 (2004), 1781–1804. MR2102493

C1. Jones JC, Myerscough MR, Graham S and Oldroyd BP
JC Jones, MR Myerscough, S Graham and BP Oldroyd: Honey bee nest thermoregulation: diversity promotes stability. Science, 305 (2004), 402–404.

C1. Joshi N
Nalini Joshi: The second Painlevé hierarchy and the stationary KdV hierarchy. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 40 (2004), 1039–1061. MR2074710

C1. Joshi N, Kajiwara K and Mazzocco M
Nalini Joshi, Kenji Kajiwara & Marta Mazzocco: Generating function associated with the determinant formula for the solutions of the Painlevé II equation. Astérisque, 297 (2004), 67–78. MR2135675

C1. Joshi N, Nijhoff FW and Ormerod CM
N. Joshi, F. W. Nijhoff, C. Ormerod: Lax pairs for ultra-discrete Painlevé cellular automata. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 37 (2004), L559–L565. MR2098040

C1. Karoussis IK, Muller S, Salvi GE, Heitz-Mayfield LJA, Brägger U and Lang NP
Karoussis IK, Müller S, Salvi GE, Heitz-Mayfield LJ, Brägger U, Lang NP: Association between periodontal and peri-implant conditions: a 10-year prospective study. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 15 (2004), 1–7.

C1. Keich U, Li M, Ma B and Tromp J
U Keich, M Li, B Ma, J Tromp: On spaced seeds for similarity search. Discrete applied mathematics, 138 (2004), no.3, 253–263. MR2049648

C1. Kelly GM and Lack S
G M Kelly, Stephen Lack: Monoidal functors generated by adjunctions, with applications to transport of structure. Fields Institute Communications, 43 (2004), 319–340. MR2075592

C1. Kitaev AV
A V Kitaev: Quadratic transformations for the third and fifth Painlevé equations. Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI, 317 (2004), 105–121. MR2120830

C1. Kitaev AV and Vartanian AH
A V Kitaev, A H Vartanian: Connection formulae for asymptotics of solutions of the degenerate third Painlevé equation: I. Inverse Problems, 39 (2004), 1165–1206. MR2087985

C1. Kuo TC and Parusiński A
Tzee-Char Kuo, Adam Parusinski: Newton-Puiseux roots of Jacobian determinants. Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 13 (2004), 579–601. MR2047682

C1. Kurdyka K and Paunescu L
Krzysztof Kurdyka, Laurentiu Paunescu: Arc-analytic roots of analytic functions are Lipschitz. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 132 (2004), 1693–1702. MR2051130

C1. Lai KF
K. F . Lai: \(C_2\) building and projective space. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 76 (2004), 383–402. MR2053511

C1. Lam Y, Zhu L, Chan JSK and Liu Q
Yeh Lam, Li-xing Zhu, Jennifer SK Chan and Qun Liu: Analysis of data from a series of events by a geometric process model. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series, 20 (2004), no.2, 263–282. MR2064005

C1. Lehrer GI
G I Lehrer: A new proof of Steinberg's fixed-point theorem. International Mathematics Research Notices, 28 (2004), 1407–1411. MR2052515

C1. Lehrer GI
G I Lehrer: Rational points and cohomology of discriminant varieties. Advances in Mathematics, 186 (2004), 229–250. MR2065513

C1. Lemon G
Greg Lemon: Fire-Diffuse-Fire Calcium Waves in Confined Intracellular Spaces. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 66 (2004), 65–90. MR2246028

C1. Li G, Yan S and Yang J
Gongbao Li, Shusen Yan, Jianfu Yang: An elliptic problem with critical growth in domains with shrinking holes. Journal of Differential Equations, 198 (2004), 275–300. MR2038582

C1. Li G, Yang J and Yan S
Gongbao Li, Jianfu Yang, Shusen Yan: Solutions with boundary layer and positive peak for an elliptic Dirichlet problem. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A. Mathematics, 134 (2004), no.3, 515–536. MR2068114

C1. Lin DM, Yang YH, Scolnick J, Brunet L, Marsh M, Peng V and Okazaki Y
Lin D, Yang Y. H., Scolnick J., Brunet L., Marsh M., Peng V., Okazaki Y.,: Spatial patterns of gene expression in the olfactory bulb. PNAS,, 101 (2004), no.34, 12718–12723.

C1. Manos S and Poladian L
Steven Manos and Leon Poladian: Optical fibre design using evolutionary strategies. Engineering Computations, 21 (2004), 564–576.

C1. Marchev D and Hobert JP
Dobrin Marchev, James P. Hobert: Geometric ergodicity of van Dyk and Meng's algorithm for the multivariate Student's t model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99 (2004), no.465, 228–238.

C1. Mathas A
Andrew Mathas: Matrix units and generic degrees for the Ariki-Koike algebras. Journal of Algebra, 281 (2004), 695–730. MR2098790

C1. Mazorchuk V and Parker AE
Volodymyr Mazorchuk and Alison E. Parker: On the Relation Between Finitistic and Good Filtration Dimensions. Communications in Algebra, 32 (2004), 1903 – 1916. MR2099711

C1. Merrifield A, Savage MK and Vere-Jones D
Merrifield, A., Savage, M.K. and Vere-Jones, D.: Geographical distributions of prospective foreshock probabilities in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 47 (2004), 327–339.

C1. Molev AI
A. Molev: Littlewood-Richardson problem for Schubert polynomials. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 31 (2004), 295 – 297. MR2105758

C1. Molev AI and Retakh V
Alexander Molev and Vladimir Retakh: Quasideterminants and Casimir elements for the general linear Lie superalgebra. International Mathematics Research Notices, 13 (2004), 611–619. MR2039788

C1. Molev AI, Tolstoy VN and Zhang RB
A. I. Molev, V. N. Tolstoy and R. B. Zhang: On irreducibility of tensor products of evaluation modules for the quantum affine algebra. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 37 (2004), 2385 – 2399. MR2045932

C1. Myerscough MR and Oldroyd BP
MR Myerscough BP Oldroyd: Simulation models of the role of genetic variability in social insect task allocation. Insectes Sociaux, 51 (2004), 146–152.

C1. O'Brian S, Packman A, Onslow M and O'Brian NR
Sue O'Brian, Ann Packman, Mark Onslow and Nigel O'Brian: Measurement of stuttering in adults: Comparison of stuttering rate and severity scaling methods. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 47 (2004), 1081–1087.

C1. Peiris MS, Allen DE and Thavaneswaran A
Shelton Peiris, David Allen and A. Thavaneswaran: An introduction to generalized moving average model and applications. Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 13 (2004), no.3, 251–267. MR2162151

C1. Peiris MS and Rao CR
M. S. Peiris and C. R. Rao: A note on testing for serial correlation in large number of small samples using tail probability approximations. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 33 (2004), no.8, 1767–1777. MR2065173

C1. Peiris MS and Thavaneswaran A
S. Peiris and A. Thavaneswaran: A note on the filtering for some time series models. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 25 (2004), no.3, 397–407. MR2063642

C1. Quine MP
M P Quine: On the escape probability for a left or right continuous random walk. Annals of Combinatorics, 8 (2004), 221–223. MR2079932

C1. Rabbee N, Speca D, Armstrong NJ and Speed TP
N. Rabbee, D. Speca, N.J. Armstrong, T.P. Speed: Power calculations for selective genotyping in QTL mapping in backcross mice. Genetic Research, 84 (2004), no.2, 103–108.

C1. Raimondo M and Tajvidi N
Marc Raimondo and Nader Tajvidi: A peaks over threshold model for change-point detection by wavelets. Statistica Sinica, 14 (2004), 395–412. MR2059288

C1. Robinson J
John Robinson: Multivariate tests based on empirical saddlepoint approximations. Metron, 62 (2004), 1–14. MR2089164

C1. Rodriguez MW, Paquet AC, Yang YH and Erle DJ
Rodriguez, M.W., Paquet, A.C., Yang, Y. H. and Erle, D.J.: Differential gene expression by integrin beta7+and beta7-memory T helper cells. BMC Immunology, NA (2004), 5–13.

C1. Scalas E, Gorenflo R, Luckock HC, Mainardi F, Mantelli M and Raberto M
Enrico Scalas, Rudolf Gorenflo, Hugh Luckock, Francesco Mainardi, Maurizio Mantelli, Marco Raberto: Anomalous waiting times in high-frequency financial data. Quantitative finance, 4 (2004), 695–702. MR2238629

C1. Seneta E
Eugene Seneta: Fitting the variance-gamma model to financial data. Journal of Applied Probability, 41A (2004), 177–187. MR2057573

C1. Seneta E
Eugene Seneta: Mathematics, religion and Marxism in the Soviet Union in the 1930's. Historia Mathematica, 31 (2004), 337–367. MR2079595

C1. Seneta E and Eagleson GK
E Seneta and G K Eagleson: Henry Oliver Lancaster 1913 - 2001. Historical Records of Australian Science, 15 (2004), 223–250.

C1. Seneta E, Seif FJ, Liebermeister H and Dietz K
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R S Thompson, C Macaskill, W B Fraser and L Farnell: Acoustic intensity for a long vessel with non-circular cross-section. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 51 (2004), 566–575.

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C1. van Eijkelenborg MA, Argyros A, Bachmann A, Barton GW, Large MCJ, Henry G, Issa NA, Klein KF, Poisel H, Pok W, Poladian L, Manos S and Zagari J
M. A. van Eijkelenborg, A. Argyros, A. Bachmann, G. Barton, M.C.J. Large, G. Henry, N.A. Issa, K.F. Klein, H. Poisel, W. Pok, L. Poladian, S. Manos and J. Zagari: Bandwidth and loss measurements of graded-index microstructured polymer optical fibre. Electronics Letters, 40 (2004), 592–593.

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Conference Proceedings

E1. Abel RJR, Combe D and Palmer WD
R.J.R. Abel, D. Combe and W.D. Palmer (2004). GBRDs with \(k=3\) over Dicyclic Groups and with \(k=4\) over the Elementary Abelian Groups \(\mathrm{EA}(g)\). AWOCA 2004 Fifteenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, AWOCA 2004 Fifteenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms Proceedings, Seok-Hee Hong (ed.) , AWOCA, ISBN 1 86487 628 X, 109–120.

E1. Ariki S and Mathas A
Susumu Ariki and Andrew Mathas (2004). Hecke algebras with a finite number of indecomposable modules. Mathematical Society of Japan's 10th International Conference, Representation theory of algebraic groups and quantum groups, Toshiaki Shoji et al. (ed.) , Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Math. Soc. Japan, ISBN 4-931469-25-6, 261–320. MR2074587

E1. Csörgő M, Szyszkowicz B and Wang Q
M. Csörgő, B. Szyszkowicz and Qiying Wang (2004). On weighted approximations and strong limit theorems for self-normalized partial sums processes. International Conference on Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics, Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics: Festschrift for Miklos Csörgő, Lajos Horvath and Barbara Szyszkowicz (ed.) , Fields Institute Communications, American Mathematical Society, ISBN 0-8218-3561-0, 491–523.

E1. Easdown D, East J and FitzGerald DG
David Easdown, James East and D.G. FitzGerald (2004). Braids and factorizable inverse monoids. Workshop on Semigroups and Languages, Semigroups and Languages, I.M. Araujo, M.J.J. Branco, V.H. Fernandes and G.M.S. Gomes (ed.) , World Scientific, ISBN ISBN 981-238-917-2, 86–105. MR2170755

E1. Fukui T, Kurdyka K and Paunescu L
Toshizumi Fukui, Krzysztof Kurdyka, Laurentiu Paunescu (2004). An inverse mapping theorem for ARC-analytic homeomorphisms. Geometry and Topology of Caustics - Caustics '02, Geometric singularity theory, Heisuke Hironaka, Stanislaw Janeczko and Stanislaw Lojasiewicz (ed.) , Banach Center Publications, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, 49–56. MR2104336

E1. Gray BF and Macaskill C
B.F. Gray & C. Macaskill (2004). The role of self-heating in the estimation of Arrhenius kinetic constants for thermally unstable materials using differential scanning calorimeters (DSCs). 10th International Fire Science and Engineering Conference: Interflam 2004, Proceedings of the 10th International Fire Science and Engineering Conference: Interflam 2004, V.Babrauskas, G. Cox et al (ed.) , Interscience Communications, ISBN ISBN 0 9532312 7 5, 961–972.

E1. Jomaa Z and Macaskill C
Z. Jomaa and C. Macaskill (2004). A finite difference Poisson solver for irregular geometries. CTAC-2003, Proceedings of the 11th Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Electronic supplement, Jagoda Crawford and A. J. Roberts (ed.) , ANZIAM Journal (Australian Mathematical Society), 45(E), C713–C728. MR2180332

E1. Keich U and Nagarajan N
Keich, U. and Nagarajan, N. (2004). A faster reliable algorithm to estimate the p-value of the multinomial llr statistic. WABI 2004, Proceeding of the 4th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, NA (ed.) , NA, NA, NA.

E1. Macaskill C
C. Macaskill (2004). A blob insertion technique for the vortex blob method. Fifteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, M. Behnia, W. Lin & G.D. McBain (ed.) , University of Sydney, ISBN 1 864 87695 6, Paper no AFMC00181. MR2145390

E1. Manos S, Poladian L and Ashton B
Steven Manos, Leon Poladian and Brian Ashton (2004). Novel fibre Bragg grating design using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO-IQEC-Phast Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, ISBN 1-55752-770-9, CWA81.

E1. Mathas A
Andrew Mathas (2004). The representation theory of the Ariki-Koike algebras and the cyclotomic \(q\)-Schur algebras. Mathematical Society of Japan's 10th International Conference, Representation theory of algebraic groups and quantum groups, Toshiaki Shoji et al. (ed.) , Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Math. Soc. Japan, ISBN # 4-931469-25-6, 261–320. MR2074597

E1. Peiris MS and Rao CR
M. S. Peiris and C. R. Rao (2004). An application of Edgeworth expansion on testing for serial correlation in large number of small samples. Visions of Futuristic Methodologies, Sri Lankan Statistical Conference, B. M. de Silva and N. Mukhopadhyay (ed.) , PGIS, University of Peradeniya, ISBN 0 86459 339 2, 341–354.

E1. Perera DI and Peiris MS
D. I. Perera and M. S. Peiris (2004). Significance testing for Lag One serial correlation in repeated measurements using saddlepoint approximation. Visions of Futuristic Methodologies, Sri Lankan Statistical Conference, B. M. de Silva and N. Mukhopadhyay (ed.) , PGIS, University of Peradeniya, ISBN 0 86459 339 2, 363–370.

E1. Poladian L
Leon Poladian (2004). Modelling surface imperfection induced mode mixing in multimode microstructured fibres. Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO-IQEC-Phast Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, ISBN 1-55752-770-9, CWA73.

E1. Poladian L, Barton GW, Large M, Lwin R, Pok W, Tanner RI, van Eijkelenborg MA, Xue SC and Yu H
Leon Poladian, Geoff Barton, Maryanne Large, Richard Lwin, Wilson Pok, Roger Tanner, Martijn van Eijkelenborg, Shicheng Xue, Helmut Yu (2004). Microstructured polymer optical fibres: Impact of imperfections in Design and Manufacture. Ninth Optoelectronics and Communications Conference & Third International Conference on Optical Internet, OECC/COIN 2004 Technical Digest, Naoki Chinone, Kazuro Kikuchi, Tomonori Aoyama, Junliang Chen (ed.) , Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, ISBN 4-89114-044-5, 496–497.

E1. Poladian L, Large M, Padden WEP, Lee KH, Wickham S and Beeton N
Leon Poladian, Maryanne Large, Whayne Padden, Kwan Hee Lee, Shelley Wickham and Nick Beeton (2004). Is the photonic crystal in the butterflies T. imperialis and P. sesostris optimal? Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO-IQEC-Phast Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, ISBN 1-55752-770-9, IThL6.

E1. Schaerf TM and Macaskill C
T. M. Schaerf, C. Macaskill (2004). Detecting contour crossings in contour dynamical and contour-advective semi-Lagrangian simulations. CTAC 2003, The 11th Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Proceedings of the 11th Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Electronic supplement, Jagoda Crawford and A. J. Roberts (ed.) , ANZIAM Journal (Australian Mathematical Society), 45(Part E), C693–C712. MR2180331

E1. Steel R, Poepping TL, Thompson RS and Macaskill C
R Steel, T L Poepping, R S Thompson and C Macaskill (2004). Edge shadows around rigid, absorbing, and non-absorbing liquid cylinders. 2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 50th Anniversary Conference, 2004 IEEE 50th Anniversary Conference, M P Yuhas (ed.) , IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE, 2117–2120.

E1. van Eijkelenborg MA, Argyros A, Bachmann A, Barton GW, Henry G, Issa NA, Klein KF, Large MCJ, Manos S, Padden WEP, Poladian L, Poisel H and Zhao Y
M.A. van Eijkelenborg, A. Argyros, A. Bachmann, G. Barton, G. Henry, N.A. Issa, K.F. Klein, M.C.J. Large, S. Manos, W. Padden, L. Poladian, H. Poisel, Y. Zhao (2004). Applications of microstructured polymer optical fibres. Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO-IQEC-Phast Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, ISBN 1-55752-770-9, CThX1. MR2165652

E1. Wang Q
Qiying Wang (2004). On Darling Erdos type theorems for self-normalized sums. International Conference on Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics, Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics: Festschrift for Miklos Csorgo, Lajos Horvath and Barbara Szyszkowicz (ed.) , Fields Institute Communications, American Mathematical Society, ISBN 0-8218-3561-0, 523–530. MR2108954

E3. Poladian L, Wickham S, Large MCJ and Jermiin LS
L. Poladian, S. Wickham, M.C.J. Large, L.S. Jermiin (2004). Biological strategies to suppress iridescence in low-contrast 3D photonic crystals. 8th International Conference on Optics within Life Sciences, OWLS 8 Book of Abstracts, Min Gu (ed.) , 133–134.

E3. Wickham S, Poladian L, Large MCJ and Jermiin LS
S. Wickham, L. Poladian, M.C.J. Large, L.S. Jermiin (2004). Evolution of two-dimensional optical microstructures in butterfly scales. 8th International Conference on Optics within Life Sciences, OWLS 8 Book of Abstracts, Min Gu (ed.) , 185–186.

E4. Dobrev VK, Zhang RB and Zlatev BS
Dobrev V. K., Zhang R. B., Zlatev B. S. (2004). On the unitarity of \(D=9,10,11\) conformal supersymmetry. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Quantum theory and symmetries, dedicated to the memory of Professor Freydoon Mansouri, Cincinnati, OH., P. C. Argyres, T. J. Hodges, J. J. Scanio, P. Suranyi and L. C. R. Wijewardhana (ed.) , World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, ISBN 981-256-068-8, 71–76. MR2170714